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5 years ago
#include "prediction.h"
extern Memory apex_mem;
5 years ago
extern bool firing_range;
float smooth = 12.0f;
bool aim_no_recoil = true;
4 years ago
int bone = 2;
5 years ago
bool Entity::Observing(uint64_t entitylist)
5 years ago
4 years ago
/*uint64_t index = *(uint64_t*)(buffer + OFFSET_OBSERVING_TARGET);
5 years ago
index &= ENT_ENTRY_MASK;
if (index > 0)
uint64_t centity2 = apex_mem.Read<uint64_t>(entitylist + ((uint64_t)index << 5));
5 years ago
return centity2;
4 years ago
return 0;*/
return *(bool*)(buffer + OFFSET_OBSERVER_MODE);
5 years ago
void get_class_name(uint64_t entity_ptr, char* out_str)
uint64_t client_networkable_vtable;
apex_mem.Read<uint64_t>(entity_ptr + 8 * 3, client_networkable_vtable);
uint64_t get_client_class;
apex_mem.Read<uint64_t>(client_networkable_vtable + 8 * 3, get_client_class);
uint32_t disp;
apex_mem.Read<uint32_t>(get_client_class + 3, disp);
const uint64_t client_class_ptr = get_client_class + disp + 7;
ClientClass client_class;
apex_mem.Read<ClientClass>(client_class_ptr, client_class);
apex_mem.ReadArray<char>(client_class.pNetworkName, out_str, 32);
5 years ago
int Entity::getTeamId()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_TEAM);
int Entity::getHealth()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_HEALTH);
int Entity::getShield()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_SHIELD);
Vector Entity::getAbsVelocity()
return *(Vector*)(buffer + OFFSET_ABS_VELOCITY);
Vector Entity::getPosition()
return *(Vector*)(buffer + OFFSET_ORIGIN);
bool Entity::isPlayer()
return *(uint64_t*)(buffer + OFFSET_NAME) == 125780153691248;
bool Entity::isDummy()
char class_name[33] = {};
get_class_name(ptr, class_name);
return strncmp(class_name, "CAI_BaseNPC", 11) == 0;
5 years ago
bool Entity::isKnocked()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_BLEED_OUT_STATE) > 0;
bool Entity::isAlive()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_LIFE_STATE) == 0;
float Entity::lastVisTime()
return *(float*)(buffer + OFFSET_VISIBLE_TIME);
Vector Entity::getBonePosition(int id)
5 years ago
Vector position = getPosition();
uintptr_t boneArray = *(uintptr_t*)(buffer + OFFSET_BONES);
Vector bone = Vector();
uint32_t boneloc = (id * 0x30);
Bone bo = {};
apex_mem.Read<Bone>(boneArray + boneloc, bo);
5 years ago
bone.x = bo.x + position.x;
bone.y = bo.y + position.y;
bone.z = bo.z + position.z;
return bone;
QAngle Entity::GetSwayAngles()
return *(QAngle*)(buffer + OFFSET_BREATH_ANGLES);
QAngle Entity::GetViewAngles()
return *(QAngle*)(buffer + OFFSET_VIEWANGLES);
Vector Entity::GetViewAnglesV()
return *(Vector*)(buffer + OFFSET_VIEWANGLES);
bool Entity::isGlowing()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_GLOW_ENABLE) == 7;
4 years ago
bool Entity::isZooming()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_ZOOMING) == 1;
void Entity::enableGlow()
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_T1, 16256);
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_T2, 1193322764);
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_ENABLE, 7);
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_THROUGH_WALLS, 2);
void Entity::disableGlow()
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_T1, 0);
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_T2, 0);
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_ENABLE, 2);
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_GLOW_THROUGH_WALLS, 5);
void Entity::SetViewAngles(SVector angles)
5 years ago
apex_mem.Write<SVector>(ptr + OFFSET_VIEWANGLES, angles);
5 years ago
void Entity::SetViewAngles(QAngle& angles)
5 years ago
5 years ago
Vector Entity::GetCamPos()
return *(Vector*)(buffer + OFFSET_CAMERAPOS);
QAngle Entity::GetRecoil()
return *(QAngle*)(buffer + OFFSET_AIMPUNCH);
void Entity::get_name(uint64_t g_Base, uint64_t index, char* name)
4 years ago
index *= 0x10;
uint64_t name_ptr = 0;
apex_mem.Read<uint64_t>(g_Base + OFFSET_NAME_LIST + index, name_ptr);
apex_mem.ReadArray<char>(name_ptr, name, 32);
4 years ago
5 years ago
bool Item::isItem()
char class_name[33] = {};
get_class_name(ptr, class_name);
return strncmp(class_name, "CPropSurvival", 13) == 0;
5 years ago
bool Item::isGlowing()
return *(int*)(buffer + OFFSET_ITEM_GLOW) == 1363184265;
void Item::enableGlow()
5 years ago
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_ITEM_GLOW, 1363184265);
5 years ago
void Item::disableGlow()
5 years ago
apex_mem.Write<int>(ptr + OFFSET_ITEM_GLOW, 1411417991);
5 years ago
Vector Item::getPosition()
return *(Vector*)(buffer + OFFSET_ORIGIN);
float CalculateFov(Entity& from, Entity& target)
QAngle ViewAngles = from.GetViewAngles();
Vector LocalCamera = from.GetCamPos();
Vector EntityPosition = target.getPosition();
QAngle Angle = Math::CalcAngle(LocalCamera, EntityPosition);
return Math::GetFov(ViewAngles, Angle);
QAngle CalculateBestBoneAim(Entity& from, uintptr_t t, float max_fov)
5 years ago
Entity target = getEntity(t);
5 years ago
if (!target.isAlive())
return QAngle(0, 0, 0);
if (!target.isAlive() || target.isKnocked())
return QAngle(0, 0, 0);
Vector LocalCamera = from.GetCamPos();
Vector TargetBonePosition = target.getBonePosition(bone);
5 years ago
QAngle CalculatedAngles = QAngle(0, 0, 0);
WeaponXEntity curweap = WeaponXEntity();
5 years ago
float BulletSpeed = curweap.get_projectile_speed();
float BulletGrav = curweap.get_projectile_gravity();
4 years ago
float zoom_fov = curweap.get_zoom_fov();
if (zoom_fov != 0.0f && zoom_fov != 1.0f)
max_fov *= zoom_fov/90.0f;
5 years ago
//simple aim prediction
if (BulletSpeed > 1.f)
Vector LocalBonePosition = from.getBonePosition(bone);
5 years ago
float VerticalTime = TargetBonePosition.DistTo(LocalBonePosition) / BulletSpeed;
TargetBonePosition.z += (BulletGrav * 0.5f) * (VerticalTime * VerticalTime);
float HorizontalTime = TargetBonePosition.DistTo(LocalBonePosition) / BulletSpeed;
TargetBonePosition += (target.getAbsVelocity() * HorizontalTime);
//more accurate prediction
if (BulletSpeed > 1.f)
PredictCtx Ctx;
Ctx.StartPos = LocalCamera;
Ctx.TargetPos = TargetBonePosition;
Ctx.BulletSpeed = BulletSpeed - (BulletSpeed*0.08);
Ctx.BulletGravity = BulletGrav + (BulletGrav*0.05);
Ctx.TargetVel = target.getAbsVelocity();
if (BulletPredict(Ctx))
CalculatedAngles = QAngle{Ctx.AimAngles.x, Ctx.AimAngles.y, 0.f};
if (CalculatedAngles == QAngle(0, 0, 0))
CalculatedAngles = Math::CalcAngle(LocalCamera, TargetBonePosition);
QAngle ViewAngles = from.GetViewAngles();
QAngle SwayAngles = from.GetSwayAngles();
//remove sway and recoil
5 years ago
QAngle Delta = CalculatedAngles - ViewAngles;
double fov = Math::GetFov(SwayAngles, CalculatedAngles);
if (fov > max_fov)
return QAngle(0, 0, 0);
QAngle SmoothedAngles = ViewAngles + Delta/smooth;
return SmoothedAngles;
Entity getEntity(uintptr_t ptr)
5 years ago
Entity entity = Entity();
entity.ptr = ptr;
apex_mem.ReadArray<uint8_t>(ptr, entity.buffer, sizeof(entity.buffer));
5 years ago
return entity;
Item getItem(uintptr_t ptr)
5 years ago
Item entity = Item();
entity.ptr = ptr;
apex_mem.ReadArray<uint8_t>(ptr, entity.buffer, sizeof(entity.buffer));
5 years ago
return entity;
bool WorldToScreen(Vector from, float* m_vMatrix, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Vector& to)
float w = m_vMatrix[12] * from.x + m_vMatrix[13] * from.y + m_vMatrix[14] * from.z + m_vMatrix[15];
if (w < 0.01f) return false;
to.x = m_vMatrix[0] * from.x + m_vMatrix[1] * from.y + m_vMatrix[2] * from.z + m_vMatrix[3];
to.y = m_vMatrix[4] * from.x + m_vMatrix[5] * from.y + m_vMatrix[6] * from.z + m_vMatrix[7];
float invw = 1.0f / w;
to.x *= invw;
to.y *= invw;
float x = targetWidth / 2;
float y = targetHeight / 2;
x += 0.5 * to.x * targetWidth + 0.5;
y -= 0.5 * to.y * targetHeight + 0.5;
to.x = x;
to.y = y;
to.z = 0;
return true;
void WeaponXEntity::update(uint64_t LocalPlayer)
5 years ago
extern uint64_t g_Base;
uint64_t entitylist = g_Base + OFFSET_ENTITYLIST;
uint64_t wephandle = 0;
apex_mem.Read<uint64_t>(LocalPlayer + OFFSET_WEAPON, wephandle);
5 years ago
wephandle &= 0xffff;
uint64_t wep_entity = 0;
apex_mem.Read<uint64_t>(entitylist + (wephandle << 5), wep_entity);
5 years ago
projectile_speed = 0;
apex_mem.Read<float>(wep_entity + OFFSET_BULLET_SPEED, projectile_speed);
projectile_scale = 0;
apex_mem.Read<float>(wep_entity + OFFSET_BULLET_SCALE, projectile_scale);
zoom_fov = 0;
apex_mem.Read<float>(wep_entity + OFFSET_ZOOM_FOV, zoom_fov);
5 years ago
float WeaponXEntity::get_projectile_speed()
return projectile_speed;
float WeaponXEntity::get_projectile_gravity()
return 750.0f * projectile_scale;
4 years ago
float WeaponXEntity::get_zoom_fov()
return zoom_fov;
4 years ago