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#include "Math.h"
#include "offsets.h"
#include "../vmread/hlapi/hlapi.h"
#define NUM_ENT_ENTRIES (1 << 12)
typedef struct Bone
uint8_t pad1[0xCC];
float x;
uint8_t pad2[0xC];
float y;
uint8_t pad3[0xC];
float z;
class Entity
uint64_t ptr;
uint8_t buffer[0x3FF0];
Vector getPosition();
bool isDummy();
bool isPlayer();
bool isKnocked();
bool isAlive();
float lastVisTime();
int getTeamId();
int getHealth();
int getShield();
bool isGlowing();
Vector getAbsVelocity();
QAngle GetSwayAngles();
QAngle GetViewAngles();
Vector GetCamPos();
QAngle GetRecoil();
Vector GetViewAnglesV();
void enableGlow(WinProcess& mem);
void disableGlow(WinProcess& mem);
void SetViewAngles(WinProcess& mem, SVector angles);
void SetViewAngles(WinProcess& mem, QAngle& angles);
Vector getBonePosition(WinProcess& mem, int id);
uint64_t Observing(WinProcess& mem, uint64_t entitylist);
class Item
uint64_t ptr;
uint8_t buffer[0x3FF0];
Vector getPosition();
bool isItem();
bool isGlowing();
void enableGlow(WinProcess& mem);
void disableGlow(WinProcess& mem);
class WeaponXEntity
void update(WinProcess& mem, uint64_t LocalPlayer);
float get_projectile_speed();
float get_projectile_gravity();
float projectile_scale;
float projectile_speed;
Entity getEntity(WinProcess& mem, uintptr_t ptr);
Item getItem(WinProcess& mem, uintptr_t ptr);
bool WorldToScreen(Vector from, float* m_vMatrix, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Vector& to);
float CalculateFov(Entity& from, Entity& target);
QAngle CalculateBestBoneAim(WinProcess& mem, Entity& from, uintptr_t target, float max_fov);