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173 lines
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173 lines
6.7 KiB
5 months ago
use std::{
env, fs,
io::{BufRead as _, BufReader},
process::{Child, Command, Stdio},
use cargo_metadata::{
Artifact, CompilerMessage, Message, Metadata, MetadataCommand, Package, Target,
use xtask::AYA_BUILD_EBPF;
/// This crate has a runtime dependency on artifacts produced by the `{{project-name}}-ebpf` crate.
/// This would be better expressed as one or more [artifact-dependencies][bindeps] but issues such
/// as:
/// *
/// *
/// *
/// prevent their use for the time being.
/// This file, along with the xtask crate, allows analysis tools such as `cargo check`, `cargo
/// clippy`, and even `cargo build` to work as users expect. Prior to this file's existence, this
/// crate's undeclared dependency on artifacts from `{{project-name}}-ebpf` would cause build (and
/// `cargo check`, and `cargo clippy`) failures until the user ran certain other commands in the
/// workspace. Conversely, those same tools (e.g. cargo test --no-run) would produce stale results
/// if run naively because they'd make use of artifacts from a previous build of
/// `{{project-name}}-ebpf`.
/// Note that this solution is imperfect: in particular it has to balance correctness with
/// performance; an environment variable is used to replace true builds of `{{project-name}}-ebpf`
/// with stubs to preserve the property that code generation and linking (in
/// `{{project-name}}-ebpf`) do not occur on metadata-only actions such as `cargo check` or `cargo
/// clippy` of this crate. This means that naively attempting to `cargo test --no-run` this crate
/// will produce binaries that fail at runtime because the stubs are inadequate for actually running
/// the tests.
/// [bindeps]:
fn main() {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", AYA_BUILD_EBPF);
let build_ebpf = env::var(AYA_BUILD_EBPF)
let Metadata { packages, .. } = MetadataCommand::new().no_deps().exec().unwrap();
let ebpf_package = packages
.find(|Package { name, .. }| name == "{{project-name}}-ebpf")
let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(out_dir);
let endian = env::var_os("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENDIAN").unwrap();
let target = if endian == "big" {
} else if endian == "little" {
} else {
panic!("unsupported endian={:?}", endian)
if build_ebpf {
let arch = env::var_os("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap();
let target = format!("{target}-unknown-none");
let Package { manifest_path, .. } = ebpf_package;
let ebpf_dir = manifest_path.parent().unwrap();
// We have a build-dependency on `{{project-name}}-ebpf`, so cargo will automatically rebuild us
// if `{{project-name}}-ebpf`'s *library* target or any of its dependencies change. Since we
// depend on `{{project-name}}-ebpf`'s *binary* targets, that only gets us half of the way. This
// stanza ensures cargo will rebuild us on changes to the binaries too, which gets us the
// rest of the way.
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", ebpf_dir.as_str());
let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo");
cmd.env("CARGO_CFG_BPF_TARGET_ARCH", arch);
// Workaround to make sure that the rust-toolchain.toml is respected.
for key in ["RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "RUSTC"] {
// Workaround for where cargo flocks itself.
let ebpf_target_dir = out_dir.join("{{project-name}}-ebpf");
let mut child = cmd
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to spawn {cmd:?}: {err}"));
let Child { stdout, stderr, .. } = &mut child;
// Trampoline stdout to cargo warnings.
let stderr = stderr.take().unwrap();
let stderr = BufReader::new(stderr);
let stderr = std::thread::spawn(move || {
for line in stderr.lines() {
let line = line.unwrap();
let stdout = stdout.take().unwrap();
let stdout = BufReader::new(stdout);
let mut executables = Vec::new();
for message in Message::parse_stream(stdout) {
match message.expect("valid JSON") {
Message::CompilerArtifact(Artifact {
target: Target { name, .. },
}) => {
if let Some(executable) = executable {
executables.push((name, executable.into_std_path_buf()));
Message::CompilerMessage(CompilerMessage { message, .. }) => {
for line in message.rendered.unwrap_or_default().split('\n') {
Message::TextLine(line) => {
_ => {}
let status = child
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to wait for {cmd:?}: {err}"));
assert_eq!(status.code(), Some(0), "{cmd:?} failed: {status:?}");
for (name, binary) in executables {
let dst = out_dir.join(name);
let _: u64 = fs::copy(&binary, &dst)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to copy {binary:?} to {dst:?}: {err}"));
} else {
let Package { targets, .. } = ebpf_package;
for Target { name, kind, .. } in targets {
if *kind != ["bin"] {
let dst = out_dir.join(name);
fs::write(&dst, []).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to create {dst:?}: {err}"));