pull_request_rules: - name: automatic merge for Dependabot pull request that pass CI conditions: - author=dependabot[bot] actions: comment: message: "@dependabot merge" # REVIEW MANAGEMENT - name: ask alessandrod to review public API changes conditions: - files=xtask/public-api/aya.txt - -closed actions: comment: message: "Hey @alessandrod, this pull request changes the Aya Public API and requires your review." request_reviews: users: - alessandrod label: add: - api/needs-review # LABEL MANAGEMENT - name: warn on conflicts conditions: - conflict actions: comment: message: "@{{author}}, this pull request is now in conflict and requires a rebase." label: add: - needs-rebase - name: remove conflict label if not needed conditions: - -conflict actions: label: remove: - needs-rebase - name: add labels for aya PRs conditions: - files~=^aya/ actions: label: add: - aya - name: add labels for aya-bpf PRs conditions: - files~=^(aya-ebpf-macros|ebpf/aya-ebpf(-(cty|bindings))?)/ actions: label: add: - aya-bpf - name: add labels for aya-log PRs conditions: - files~=^aya-log(-common)?/ actions: label: add: - aya-log - name: add labels for aya-log-ebpf PRs conditions: - files~=^(aya-log-common|ebpf/aya-log-ebpf)/ actions: label: add: - aya-log - name: add labels for aya-obj PRs conditions: - files~=^aya-obj/ actions: label: add: - aya-obj - name: add labels for aya-tool PRs conditions: - files~=^aya-tool/ actions: label: add: - aya-tool - name: add labels for CI/Test and Automation PRs conditions: - files~=^(.github|test|xtask)/ actions: label: add: - test