use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, net::UdpSocket, num::NonZeroU32, time::Duration}; use aya::{ maps::{Array, CpuMap, XskMap}, programs::{Xdp, XdpFlags}, Ebpf, }; use object::{Object, ObjectSection, ObjectSymbol, SymbolSection}; use test_log::test; use xdpilone::{BufIdx, IfInfo, Socket, SocketConfig, Umem, UmemConfig}; use crate::utils::NetNsGuard; #[test] fn af_xdp() { let _netns = NetNsGuard::new(); let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(crate::REDIRECT).unwrap(); let mut socks: XskMap<_> = bpf.take_map("SOCKS").unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let xdp: &mut Xdp = bpf .program_mut("redirect_sock") .unwrap() .try_into() .unwrap(); xdp.load().unwrap(); xdp.attach("lo", XdpFlags::default()).unwrap(); // So this needs to be page aligned. Pages are 4k on all mainstream architectures except for // Apple Silicon which uses 16k pages. So let's align on that for tests to run natively there. #[repr(C, align(16384))] struct PacketMap(MaybeUninit<[u8; 4096]>); // Safety: don't access alloc down the line. let mut alloc = Box::new(PacketMap(MaybeUninit::uninit())); let umem = { // Safety: this is a shared buffer between the kernel and us, uninitialized memory is valid. let mem = unsafe { alloc.0.assume_init_mut() }.as_mut().into(); // Safety: we cannot access `mem` further down the line because it falls out of scope. unsafe { Umem::new(UmemConfig::default(), mem).unwrap() } }; let mut iface = IfInfo::invalid(); iface.from_name(c"lo").unwrap(); let sock = Socket::with_shared(&iface, &umem).unwrap(); let mut fq_cq = umem.fq_cq(&sock).unwrap(); // Fill Queue / Completion Queue let cfg = SocketConfig { rx_size: NonZeroU32::new(32), ..Default::default() }; let rxtx = umem.rx_tx(&sock, &cfg).unwrap(); // RX + TX Queues let mut rx = rxtx.map_rx().unwrap(); umem.bind(&rxtx).unwrap(); socks.set(0, rx.as_raw_fd(), 0).unwrap(); let frame = umem.frame(BufIdx(0)).unwrap(); // Produce a frame to be filled by the kernel let mut writer = fq_cq.fill(1); writer.insert_once(frame.offset); writer.commit(); let sock = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let port = sock.local_addr().unwrap().port(); sock.send_to(b"hello AF_XDP", "").unwrap(); assert_eq!(rx.available(), 1); let desc = rx.receive(1).read().unwrap(); let buf = unsafe { &frame.addr.as_ref()[desc.addr as usize..(desc.addr as usize + desc.len as usize)] }; let (eth, buf) = buf.split_at(14); assert_eq!(eth[12..14], [0x08, 0x00]); // IP let (ip, buf) = buf.split_at(20); assert_eq!(ip[9], 17); // UDP let (udp, payload) = buf.split_at(8); assert_eq!(&udp[0..2], port.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); // Source assert_eq!(&udp[2..4], 1777u16.to_be_bytes().as_slice()); // Dest assert_eq!(payload, b"hello AF_XDP"); } #[test] fn prog_sections() { let obj_file = object::File::parse(crate::XDP_SEC).unwrap(); ensure_symbol(&obj_file, "xdp", "xdp_plain"); ensure_symbol(&obj_file, "xdp.frags", "xdp_frags"); ensure_symbol(&obj_file, "xdp/cpumap", "xdp_cpumap"); ensure_symbol(&obj_file, "xdp/devmap", "xdp_devmap"); ensure_symbol(&obj_file, "xdp.frags/cpumap", "xdp_frags_cpumap"); ensure_symbol(&obj_file, "xdp.frags/devmap", "xdp_frags_devmap"); } #[track_caller] fn ensure_symbol(obj_file: &object::File, sec_name: &str, sym_name: &str) { let sec = obj_file.section_by_name(sec_name).unwrap_or_else(|| { let secs = obj_file .sections() .flat_map(|sec||name| name.to_owned())) .collect::>(); panic!("section {sec_name} not found. available sections: {secs:?}"); }); let sec = SymbolSection::Section(sec.index()); let syms = obj_file .symbols() .filter(|sym| sym.section() == sec) .filter_map(|sym| .collect::>(); assert!( syms.contains(&sym_name), "symbol not found. available symbols in section: {syms:?}" ); } #[test] fn map_load() { let bpf = Ebpf::load(crate::XDP_SEC).unwrap(); bpf.program("xdp_plain").unwrap(); bpf.program("xdp_frags").unwrap(); bpf.program("xdp_cpumap").unwrap(); bpf.program("xdp_devmap").unwrap(); bpf.program("xdp_frags_cpumap").unwrap(); bpf.program("xdp_frags_devmap").unwrap(); } #[test] fn cpumap_chain() { let _netns = NetNsGuard::new(); let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(crate::REDIRECT).unwrap(); // Load our cpumap and our canary map let mut cpus: CpuMap<_> = bpf.take_map("CPUS").unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let hits: Array<_, u32> = bpf.take_map("HITS").unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); let xdp_chain_fd = { // Load the chained program to run on the target CPU let xdp: &mut Xdp = bpf .program_mut("redirect_cpu_chain") .unwrap() .try_into() .unwrap(); xdp.load().unwrap(); xdp.fd().unwrap() }; cpus.set(0, 2048, Some(xdp_chain_fd), 0).unwrap(); // Load the main program let xdp: &mut Xdp = bpf.program_mut("redirect_cpu").unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); xdp.load().unwrap(); xdp.attach("lo", XdpFlags::default()).unwrap(); const PAYLOAD: &str = "hello cpumap"; let sock = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let addr = sock.local_addr().unwrap(); sock.set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(60))) .unwrap(); sock.send_to(PAYLOAD.as_bytes(), addr).unwrap(); // Read back the packet to ensure it went through the entire network stack, including our two // probes. let mut buf = [0u8; PAYLOAD.len() + 1]; let n = sock.recv(&mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&buf[..n], PAYLOAD.as_bytes()); assert_eq!(hits.get(&0, 0).unwrap(), 1); assert_eq!(hits.get(&1, 0).unwrap(), 1); }