#![no_std] #![no_main] use aya_ebpf::{ bindings::xdp_action, macros::{map, xdp}, maps::{Array, CpuMap, DevMap, DevMapHash, XskMap}, programs::XdpContext, }; #[map] static SOCKS: XskMap = XskMap::with_max_entries(1, 0); #[map] static DEVS: DevMap = DevMap::with_max_entries(1, 0); #[map] static DEVS_HASH: DevMapHash = DevMapHash::with_max_entries(1, 0); #[map] static CPUS: CpuMap = CpuMap::with_max_entries(1, 0); /// Hits of a probe, used to test program chaining through CpuMap/DevMap. /// The first slot counts how many times the "raw" xdp program got executed, while the second slot /// counts how many times the map programs got executed. /// This allows the test harness to assert that a specific step got executed. #[map] static HITS: Array = Array::with_max_entries(2, 0); #[xdp] pub fn redirect_sock(_ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 { SOCKS.redirect(0, 0).unwrap_or(xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED) } #[xdp] pub fn redirect_dev(_ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 { inc_hit(0); DEVS.redirect(0, 0).unwrap_or(xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED) } #[xdp] pub fn redirect_dev_hash(_ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 { inc_hit(0); DEVS_HASH.redirect(10, 0).unwrap_or(xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED) } #[xdp] pub fn redirect_cpu(_ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 { inc_hit(0); CPUS.redirect(0, 0).unwrap_or(xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED) } #[xdp(map = "cpumap")] pub fn redirect_cpu_chain(_ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 { inc_hit(1); xdp_action::XDP_PASS } #[xdp(map = "devmap")] pub fn redirect_dev_chain(_ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 { inc_hit(1); xdp_action::XDP_PASS } #[inline(always)] fn inc_hit(index: u32) { if let Some(hit) = HITS.get_ptr_mut(index) { unsafe { *hit += 1 }; } } #[cfg(not(test))] #[panic_handler] fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { loop {} }