use aya_log_common::DisplayHint; use aya_log_parser::{Fragment, parse}; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream}; use quote::quote; use syn::{ Error, Expr, LitStr, Result, Token, parse::{Parse, ParseStream}, punctuated::Punctuated, }; pub(crate) struct LogArgs { pub(crate) ctx: Expr, pub(crate) target: Option, pub(crate) level: Option, pub(crate) format_string: LitStr, pub(crate) formatting_args: Option>, } mod kw { syn::custom_keyword!(target); } impl Parse for LogArgs { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result { let ctx: Expr = input.parse()?; input.parse::()?; // Parse `target: &str`, which is an optional argument. let target: Option = if input.peek(kw::target) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let t: Expr = input.parse()?; input.parse::()?; Some(t) } else { None }; // Check whether the next token is `format_string: &str` (which i // always provided) or `level` (which is an optional expression). // If `level` is provided, it comes before `format_string`. let (level, format_string): (Option, LitStr) = if input.peek(LitStr) { // Only `format_string` is provided. (None, input.parse()?) } else { // Both `level` and `format_string` are provided. let level: Expr = input.parse()?; input.parse::()?; let format_string: LitStr = input.parse()?; (Some(level), format_string) }; // Parse variadic arguments. let formatting_args: Option> = if input.is_empty() { None } else { input.parse::()?; Some(Punctuated::parse_terminated(input)?) }; Ok(Self { ctx, target, level, format_string, formatting_args, }) } } pub(crate) fn log(args: LogArgs, level: Option) -> Result { let ctx = args.ctx; let target = match { Some(t) => quote! { #t }, None => quote! { module_path!() }, }; let lvl: TokenStream = if let Some(l) = level { l } else if let Some(l) = args.level { quote! { #l } } else { return Err(Error::new( args.format_string.span(), "missing `level` argument: try passing an `aya_log_ebpf::Level` value", )); }; let format_string = args.format_string; let format_string_val = format_string.value(); let fragments = parse(&format_string_val).map_err(|e| { Error::new( format_string.span(), format!("could not parse the format string: {e}"), ) })?; let mut arg_i = 0; let mut values = Vec::new(); for fragment in fragments { match fragment { Fragment::Literal(s) => values.push(quote!(#s)), Fragment::Parameter(p) => { let arg = match args.formatting_args { Some(ref args) => args[arg_i].clone(), None => return Err(Error::new(format_string.span(), "no arguments provided")), }; let (hint, formatter) = match p.hint { DisplayHint::Default => { (quote!(DisplayHint::Default), quote!(DefaultFormatter)) } DisplayHint::LowerHex => { (quote!(DisplayHint::LowerHex), quote!(LowerHexFormatter)) } DisplayHint::UpperHex => { (quote!(DisplayHint::UpperHex), quote!(UpperHexFormatter)) } DisplayHint::Ip => (quote!(DisplayHint::Ip), quote!(IpFormatter)), DisplayHint::LowerMac => { (quote!(DisplayHint::LowerMac), quote!(LowerMacFormatter)) } DisplayHint::UpperMac => { (quote!(DisplayHint::UpperMac), quote!(UpperMacFormatter)) } }; let hint = quote!(::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::#hint); let arg = quote!( { let tmp = #arg; let _: &dyn ::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::#formatter = &tmp; tmp } ); values.push(hint); values.push(arg); arg_i += 1; } } } let num_args = values.len(); let values_iter = values.iter(); let size = Ident::new("size", Span::mixed_site()); let len = Ident::new("len", Span::mixed_site()); let slice = Ident::new("slice", Span::mixed_site()); let record = Ident::new("record", Span::mixed_site()); Ok(quote! { match ::aya_log_ebpf::AYA_LOG_BUF.get_ptr_mut(0).and_then(|ptr| unsafe { ptr.as_mut() }) { None => {}, Some(::aya_log_ebpf::LogBuf { buf }) => { let _: Option<()> = (|| { let #size = ::aya_log_ebpf::write_record_header( buf, #target, #lvl, module_path!(), file!(), line!(), #num_args, )?; let mut #size = #size.get(); #( let #slice = buf.get_mut(#size..)?; let #len = ::aya_log_ebpf::WriteToBuf::write(#values_iter, #slice)?; #size += #len.get(); )* let #record = buf.get(..#size)?; ::aya_log_ebpf::AYA_LOGS.output(#ctx, #record, 0); Some(()) })(); } } }) } pub(crate) fn error(args: LogArgs) -> Result { log( args, Some(quote! { ::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::Level::Error }), ) } pub(crate) fn warn(args: LogArgs) -> Result { log( args, Some(quote! { ::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::Level::Warn }), ) } pub(crate) fn info(args: LogArgs) -> Result { log( args, Some(quote! { ::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::Level::Info }), ) } pub(crate) fn debug(args: LogArgs) -> Result { log( args, Some(quote! { ::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::Level::Debug }), ) } pub(crate) fn trace(args: LogArgs) -> Result { log( args, Some(quote! { ::aya_log_ebpf::macro_support::Level::Trace }), ) }