Aya Integration Tests ===================== The aya integration test suite is a set of tests to ensure that common usage behaviours work on real Linux distros ## Prerequisites ### Linux To run locally all you need is: 1. Rust nightly 1. `cargo install bpf-linker` ### Other OSs 1. A POSIX shell 1. `rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` 1. `cargo install bpf-linker` 1. Install `qemu` and `cloud-init-utils` package - or any package that provides `cloud-localds` ## Usage From the root of this repository: ### Native ``` cargo xtask integration-test ``` ### Virtualized ``` mkdir -p integration-test-binaries cargo xtask build-integration-test | xargs -I % cp % integration-test-binaries ./test/run.sh integration-test-binaries ``` ### Writing an integration test Tests should follow these guidelines: - Rust eBPF code should live in `integration-ebpf/${NAME}.rs` and included in `integration-ebpf/Cargo.toml` and `integration-test/src/lib.rs` using `include_bytes_aligned!`. - C eBPF code should live in `integration-test/bpf/${NAME}.bpf.c`. It should be added to the list of files in `integration-test/build.rs` and the list of constants in `integration-test/src/lib.rs` using `include_bytes_aligned!`. - Tests should be added to `integration-test/tests`. - You may add a new module, or use an existing one. - Test functions should not return `anyhow::Result<()>` since this produces errors without stack traces. Prefer to `panic!` instead.