Aya Regression Tests ==================== The aya regression test suite is a set of tests to ensure that common usage behaviours work on real Linux distros ## Prerequisites This assumes you have a working Rust and Go toolchain on the host machine 1. `rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` 1. Install [`rtf`](https://github.com/linuxkit/rtf): `go install github.com/linuxkit/rtf@latest` 1. Install rust-script: `cargo install rust-script` 1. Install `qemu` and `cloud-init-utils` package - or any package that provides `cloud-localds` It is not required, but the tests run significantly faster if you use `sccache` You may also use the docker image to run the tests: ``` docker run -it --rm --device /dev/kvm -v/home/dave/dev/aya-rs/aya:/src -w /src/test ghcr.io/aya-rs/aya-test-rtf:main ``` ## Usage To read more about how to use `rtf`, see the [documentation](https://github.com/linuxkit/rtf/blob/master/docs/USER_GUIDE.md) ### Run the tests with verbose output ``` rtf -vvv run ``` ### Run the tests using an older kernel ``` AYA_TEST_IMAGE=centos8 rtf -vvv run ``` ### Writing a test Tests should follow this pattern: - The eBPF code should be in a file named `${NAME}.ebpf.rs` - The userspace code should be in a file named `${NAME}.rs` - The userspace program should make assertions and exit with a non-zero return code to signal failure - VM start and stop is handled by the framework - Any files copied to the VM should be cleaned up afterwards See `./cases` for examples