use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use syn::{ parse::{Parse, ParseStream}, punctuated::{Pair, Punctuated}, token::Eq, Error, Ident, ItemFn, ItemStatic, LitStr, Result, Token, }; pub struct NameValue { name: Ident, _eq: Eq, value: LitStr, } pub struct Args { args: Vec, } impl Parse for Args { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result { let args = Punctuated::::parse_terminated_with(input, |input| { Ok(NameValue { name: input.parse()?, _eq: input.parse()?, value: input.parse()?, }) })? .into_pairs() .map(|pair| match pair { Pair::Punctuated(name_val, _) => name_val, Pair::End(name_val) => name_val, }) .collect(); Ok(Args { args }) } } pub struct SockAddrArgs { pub(crate) attach_type: Ident, pub(crate) args: Args, } impl Parse for SockAddrArgs { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result { let attach_type: Ident = input.parse()?; match attach_type.to_string().as_str() { "connect4" | "connect6" | "bind4" | "bind6" | "getpeername4" | "getpeername6" | "getsockname4" | "getsockname6" | "sendmsg4" | "sendmsg6" | "recvmsg4" | "recvmsg6" => (), _ => return Err(input.error("invalid attach type")), } let args = if input.parse::().is_ok() { Args::parse(input)? } else { Args { args: vec![] } }; Ok(SockAddrArgs { attach_type, args }) } } pub struct SockoptArgs { pub(crate) attach_type: Ident, pub(crate) args: Args, } impl Parse for SockoptArgs { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result { let attach_type: Ident = input.parse()?; match attach_type.to_string().as_str() { "getsockopt" | "setsockopt" => (), _ => return Err(input.error("invalid attach type")), } let args = if input.parse::().is_ok() { Args::parse(input)? } else { Args { args: vec![] } }; Ok(SockoptArgs { attach_type, args }) } } pub struct Map { item: ItemStatic, name: String, } impl Map { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemStatic) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.ident.to_string()); Ok(Map { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = "maps"; let name = &; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[link_section = #section_name] #[export_name = #name] #item }) } } pub struct Probe { kind: ProbeKind, item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl Probe { pub fn from_syn(kind: ProbeKind, mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(Probe { kind, item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("{}/{}", self.kind,; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> u32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::ProbeContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } pub struct SockOps { item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl SockOps { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?; Ok(SockOps { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name: std::borrow::Cow<'_, _> = if let Some(name) = & { format!("sockops/{name}").into() } else { "sockops".into() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_sock_ops) -> u32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SockOpsContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct SkMsg { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl SkMsg { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(SkMsg { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("sk_msg/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::sk_msg_md) -> u32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SkMsgContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct Xdp { item: ItemFn, name: Option, frags: bool, } impl Xdp { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); let mut frags = false; if let Some(s) = pop_arg(&mut args, "frags") { if let Ok(m) = s.parse() { frags = m } else { return Err(Error::new_spanned( s, "invalid value. should be 'true' or 'false'", )); } } err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(Xdp { item, name, frags }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_prefix = if self.frags { "xdp.frags" } else { "xdp" }; let section_name = if let Some(name) = & { format!("{section_prefix}/{name}") } else { section_prefix.to_string() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::xdp_md) -> u32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::XdpContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct SchedClassifier { item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl SchedClassifier { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?; Ok(SchedClassifier { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name: std::borrow::Cow<'_, _> = if let Some(name) = & { format!("classifier/{name}").into() } else { "classifier".into() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::__sk_buff) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::TcContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct CgroupSysctl { item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl CgroupSysctl { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?; Ok(CgroupSysctl { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = if let Some(name) = & { format!("cgroup/sysctl/{name}") } else { ("cgroup/sysctl").to_owned() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_sysctl) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SysctlContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct CgroupSockopt { item: ItemFn, attach_type: String, name: Option, } impl CgroupSockopt { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn, attach_type: String) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(CgroupSockopt { item, attach_type, name, }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = if let Some(name) = & { format!("cgroup/{}/{}", self.attach_type, name) } else { format!("cgroup/{}", self.attach_type) }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_sockopt) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SockoptContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct CgroupSkb { item: ItemFn, expected_attach_type: Option, name: Option, } impl CgroupSkb { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); let expected_attach_type = pop_arg(&mut args, "attach"); err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(CgroupSkb { item, expected_attach_type, name, }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = if let Some(attach) = &self.expected_attach_type { if let Some(name) = & { format!("cgroup_skb/{attach}/{name}") } else { format!("cgroup_skb/{attach}") } } else if let Some(name) = & { format!("cgroup/skb/{name}") } else { ("cgroup/skb").to_owned() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::__sk_buff) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SkBuffContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct CgroupSockAddr { item: ItemFn, attach_type: String, name: Option, } impl CgroupSockAddr { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn, attach_type: String) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(CgroupSockAddr { item, attach_type, name, }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = if let Some(name) = & { format!("cgroup/{}/{}", self.attach_type, name) } else { format!("cgroup/{}", self.attach_type) }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_sock_addr) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SockAddrContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct CgroupSock { item: ItemFn, attach_type: Option, name: Option, } impl CgroupSock { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); let attach_type = pop_arg(&mut args, "attach"); err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(CgroupSock { item, attach_type, name, }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name: std::borrow::Cow<'_, _> = if let Some(name) = & { if let Some(attach_type) = &self.attach_type { format!("cgroup/{attach_type}/{name}").into() } else { format!("cgroup/sock/{name}").into() } } else if let Some(attach_type) = &self.attach_type { format!("cgroup/{attach_type}").into() } else { "cgroup/sock".into() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_sock) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SockContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } fn pop_arg(args: &mut Args, name: &str) -> Option { match args.args.iter().position(|arg| == name) { Some(index) => Some(args.args.remove(index).value.value()), None => None, } } fn err_on_unknown_args(args: &Args) -> Result<()> { if let Some(arg) = args.args.get(0) { return Err(Error::new_spanned(&, "invalid argument")); } Ok(()) } fn name_arg(args: &mut Args) -> Result> { let name = pop_arg(args, "name"); err_on_unknown_args(args)?; Ok(name) } #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum ProbeKind { KProbe, KRetProbe, UProbe, URetProbe, } impl std::fmt::Display for ProbeKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { use ProbeKind::*; match self { KProbe => write!(f, "kprobe"), KRetProbe => write!(f, "kretprobe"), UProbe => write!(f, "uprobe"), URetProbe => write!(f, "uretprobe"), } } } pub struct TracePoint { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl TracePoint { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(TracePoint { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("tp/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> u32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::TracePointContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } pub struct PerfEvent { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl PerfEvent { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(PerfEvent { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("perf_event/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> u32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::PerfEventContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } pub struct RawTracePoint { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl RawTracePoint { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(RawTracePoint { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("raw_tp/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> u32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::RawTracePointContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } pub struct Lsm { item: ItemFn, name: Option, sleepable: bool, } impl Lsm { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); let mut sleepable = false; if let Some(s) = pop_arg(&mut args, "sleepable") { if let Ok(m) = s.parse() { sleepable = m } else { return Err(Error::new_spanned( s, "invalid value. should be 'true' or 'false'", )); } } err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(Lsm { item, name, sleepable, }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_prefix = if self.sleepable { "lsm.s" } else { "lsm" }; let section_name = if let Some(name) = & { format!("{section_prefix}/{name}") } else { section_prefix.to_string() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; // LSM probes need to return an integer corresponding to the correct // policy decision. Therefore we do not simply default to a return value // of 0 as in other program types. Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::LsmContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct BtfTracePoint { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl BtfTracePoint { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(BtfTracePoint { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("tp_btf/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> i32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::BtfTracePointContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SkSkbKind { StreamVerdict, StreamParser, } impl std::fmt::Display for SkSkbKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { use SkSkbKind::*; match self { StreamVerdict => write!(f, "stream_verdict"), StreamParser => write!(f, "stream_parser"), } } } pub struct SkSkb { kind: SkSkbKind, item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl SkSkb { pub fn from_syn(kind: SkSkbKind, mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = pop_arg(&mut args, "name"); err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(SkSkb { item, kind, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let kind = &self.kind; let section_name = if let Some(name) = & { format!("sk_skb/{kind}/{name}") } else { format!("sk_skb/{kind}") }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::__sk_buff) -> u32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SkBuffContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct SocketFilter { item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl SocketFilter { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?; err_on_unknown_args(&args)?; Ok(SocketFilter { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name: std::borrow::Cow<'_, _> = if let Some(name) = & { format!("socket/{name}").into() } else { "socket".into() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::__sk_buff) -> i64 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SkBuffContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct FEntry { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl FEntry { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(FEntry { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("fentry/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> i32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::FEntryContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } pub struct FExit { item: ItemFn, name: String, } impl FExit { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?.unwrap_or_else(|| item.sig.ident.to_string()); Ok(FExit { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name = format!("fexit/{}",; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void) -> i32 { let _ = #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::FExitContext::new(ctx)); return 0; #item } }) } } pub struct SkLookup { item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl SkLookup { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?; Ok(SkLookup { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name: std::borrow::Cow<'_, _> = if let Some(name) = & { format!("sk_lookup/{name}").into() } else { "sk_lookup".into() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_sk_lookup) -> u32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::SkLookupContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } pub struct CgroupDevice { item: ItemFn, name: Option, } impl CgroupDevice { pub fn from_syn(mut args: Args, item: ItemFn) -> Result { let name = name_arg(&mut args)?; Ok(CgroupDevice { item, name }) } pub fn expand(&self) -> Result { let section_name: std::borrow::Cow<'_, _> = if let Some(name) = & { format!("cgroup/dev/{name}").into() } else { "cgroup/dev".into() }; let fn_vis = &self.item.vis; let fn_name = &self.item.sig.ident; let item = &self.item; Ok(quote! { #[no_mangle] #[link_section = #section_name] #fn_vis fn #fn_name(ctx: *mut ::aya_bpf::bindings::bpf_cgroup_dev_ctx) -> i32 { return #fn_name(::aya_bpf::programs::DeviceContext::new(ctx)); #item } }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use syn::parse_quote; use super::*; #[test] fn cgroup_skb_with_attach_and_name() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(name = "foo", attach = "ingress"), parse_quote!( fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream .to_string() .contains("[link_section = \"cgroup_skb/ingress/foo\"]")); } #[test] fn cgroup_skb_with_name() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(name = "foo"), parse_quote!( fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream .to_string() .contains("[link_section = \"cgroup/skb/foo\"]")); } #[test] fn cgroup_skb_no_name() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(), parse_quote!( fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream .to_string() .contains("[link_section = \"cgroup/skb\"]")); } #[test] fn cgroup_skb_with_attach_no_name() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(attach = "egress"), parse_quote!( fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream .to_string() .contains("[link_section = \"cgroup_skb/egress\"]")); } #[test] fn cgroup_device_no_name() { let prog = CgroupDevice::from_syn( parse_quote!(), parse_quote!( fn foo(ctx: DeviceContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream .to_string() .contains("[link_section = \"cgroup/dev\"]")); } #[test] fn priv_function() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(attach = "egress"), parse_quote!( fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream.to_string().contains("] fn foo (")); } #[test] fn pub_function() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(attach = "egress"), parse_quote!( pub fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream.to_string().contains("] pub fn foo (")); } #[test] fn pub_crate_function() { let prog = CgroupSkb::from_syn( parse_quote!(attach = "egress"), parse_quote!( pub(crate) fn foo(ctx: SkBuffContext) -> i32 { 0 } ), ) .unwrap(); let stream = prog.expand().unwrap(); assert!(stream.to_string().contains("] pub (crate) fn foo (")); } }