use std::{ ffi::OsString, fs::{File, create_dir_all}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, }; use anyhow::{Context as _, Result}; use aya_tool::bindgen; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::ToTokens; use syn::{Item, parse_str}; use crate::{ codegen::{ Architecture, SysrootOptions, helpers::{expand_helpers, extract_helpers}, }, exec, }; pub fn codegen(opts: &SysrootOptions, libbpf_dir: &Path) -> Result<()> { let SysrootOptions { aarch64_sysroot, armv7_sysroot, loongarch64_sysroot, mips_sysroot, powerpc64_sysroot, riscv64_sysroot, s390x_sysroot, x86_64_sysroot, } = opts; let tmp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().context("tempdir failed")?; let libbpf_headers_dir = tmp_dir.path().join("libbpf_headers"); let mut includedir = OsString::new(); includedir.push("INCLUDEDIR="); includedir.push(&libbpf_headers_dir); exec( Command::new("make") .arg("-C") .arg(libbpf_dir.join("src")) .arg(includedir) .arg("install_headers"), )?; let dir = PathBuf::from("ebpf/aya-ebpf-bindings"); let builder = || { let mut bindgen = bindgen::bpf_builder() .header(dir.join("include/bindings.h").to_str().unwrap()) .clang_args(["-I", libbpf_dir.join("include/uapi").to_str().unwrap()]) .clang_args(["-I", libbpf_dir.join("include").to_str().unwrap()]) .clang_args(["-I", libbpf_headers_dir.to_str().unwrap()]) // aya-tool uses aya_ebpf::cty. We can't use that here since aya-bpf // depends on aya-ebpf-bindings so it would create a circular dep. .ctypes_prefix("::aya_ebpf_cty") // we define our own version which is compatible with both libbpf // and iproute2. .blocklist_type("bpf_map_def") // BPF_F_LINK is defined twice. Once in an anonymous enum // which bindgen will constify, and once via #define macro // which generates a duplicate const. .blocklist_var("BPF_F_LINK") // open aya-ebpf-bindings/.../ and look for mod // _bindgen, those are anonymous enums .constified_enum("BPF_F_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_REG_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_CSUM_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_ADJ_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_SK_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_RB_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_RINGBUF_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_SOCK_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_TCP_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_DEVCG_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_FIB_.*") .constified_enum("BPF_FLOW_.*"); let types = [ "bpf_.*", "sk_action", "pt_regs", "user_pt_regs", "user_regs_struct", "xdp_action", "tcx_action_base", ]; let vars = ["BPF_.*", "bpf_.*", "TC_ACT_.*", "SOL_SOCKET", "SO_.*"]; for x in &types { bindgen = bindgen.allowlist_type(x); } for x in &vars { bindgen = bindgen.allowlist_var(x); } bindgen }; for arch in Architecture::supported() { let mut bindgen = builder(); // Set target triple. This will set the right flags (which you can see // running clang -target=X -E - -dM "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::ARMv7 => "armv7-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::LoongArch64 => "loongarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::Mips => "mips-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::PowerPC64 => "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::RISCV64 => "riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::S390X => "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", Architecture::X86_64 => "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", }; bindgen = bindgen.clang_args(["-target", target]); // Set the sysroot. This is needed to ensure that the correct arch // specific headers are imported. let sysroot = match arch { Architecture::AArch64 => aarch64_sysroot, Architecture::ARMv7 => armv7_sysroot, Architecture::LoongArch64 => loongarch64_sysroot, Architecture::Mips => mips_sysroot, Architecture::PowerPC64 => powerpc64_sysroot, Architecture::RISCV64 => riscv64_sysroot, Architecture::S390X => s390x_sysroot, Architecture::X86_64 => x86_64_sysroot, }; bindgen = bindgen.clang_args(["-I", sysroot.to_str().unwrap()]); let bindings = bindgen.generate().context("bindgen failed")?; let bindings = bindings.to_string(); let mut tree = parse_str::(&bindings).unwrap(); let (indexes, helpers) = extract_helpers(&tree.items); let helpers = expand_helpers(&helpers); for index in indexes { tree.items[index] = Item::Verbatim(TokenStream::new()) } let generated = dir.join("src").join(arch.to_string()); create_dir_all(&generated)?; // write the bindings, with the original helpers removed // // write the new helpers as expanded by expand_helpers() for (path, code) in [ ( generated.join(""), &tree.to_token_stream().to_string(), ), ( generated.join(""), &format!("use super::bindings::*; {helpers}"), ), ] { use std::io::Write as _; let mut file = File::create(path)?; file.write_all(code.as_bytes())?; } } Ok(()) }