use std::env; use xtask::AYA_BUILD_INTEGRATION_BPF; /// Building this crate has an undeclared dependency on the `bpf-linker` binary. This would be /// better expressed by [artifact-dependencies][bindeps] but issues such as /// make their use impractical for the time being. /// /// This file implements an imperfect solution: it causes cargo to rebuild the crate whenever the /// mtime of `which bpf-linker` changes. Note that possibility that a new bpf-linker is added to /// $PATH ahead of the one used as the cache key still exists. Solving this in the general case /// would require rebuild-if-changed-env=PATH *and* rebuild-if-changed={every-directory-in-PATH} /// which would likely mean far too much cache invalidation. /// /// [bindeps]: fn main() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", AYA_BUILD_INTEGRATION_BPF); let build_integration_bpf = env::var(AYA_BUILD_INTEGRATION_BPF) .as_deref() .map(str::parse) .map(Result::unwrap) .unwrap_or_default(); if build_integration_bpf { let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = std::path::PathBuf::from(out_dir); let bpf_linker = env::var("CARGO_BIN_FILE_BPF_LINKER").unwrap(); // There seems to be no way to pass `-Clinker={}` to rustc from here. // // We assume rustc is going to look for `bpf-linker` on the PATH, so we can create a symlink // and put it on the PATH. let bin_dir = out_dir.join("bin"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&bin_dir).unwrap(); let bpf_linker_symlink = bin_dir.join("bpf-linker"); match std::fs::remove_file(&bpf_linker_symlink) { Ok(()) => {} Err(err) => { if err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { panic!("failed to remove symlink: {err}") } } } std::os::unix::fs::symlink(bpf_linker, bpf_linker_symlink).unwrap(); let path = env::var_os("PATH"); let path = path.as_ref(); let paths = std::iter::once(bin_dir).chain(path.into_iter().flat_map(env::split_paths)); let path = env::join_paths(paths).unwrap(); println!("cargo:rustc-env=PATH={}", path.to_str().unwrap()); } }