//! Network traffic control programs.
use thiserror::Error;
use std::{
ffi::{CStr, CString},
use crate::{
programs::{define_link_wrapper, load_program, Link, OwnedLink, ProgramData, ProgramError},
netlink_find_filter_with_name, netlink_qdisc_add_clsact, netlink_qdisc_attach,
util::{ifindex_from_ifname, tc_handler_make},
/// Traffic control attach type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum TcAttachType {
/// Attach to ingress.
/// Attach to egress.
/// Attach to custom parent.
/// A network traffic control classifier.
/// [`SchedClassifier`] programs can be used to inspect, filter or redirect
/// network packets in both ingress and egress. They are executed as part of the
/// linux network traffic control system. See
/// [https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-bpf.8.html](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-bpf.8.html).
/// # Examples
/// # Minimum kernel version
/// The minimum kernel version required to use this feature is 4.1.
/// ```no_run
/// # #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
/// # enum Error {
/// # #[error(transparent)]
/// # IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// # #[error(transparent)]
/// # Map(#[from] aya::maps::MapError),
/// # #[error(transparent)]
/// # Program(#[from] aya::programs::ProgramError),
/// # #[error(transparent)]
/// # Bpf(#[from] aya::BpfError)
/// # }
/// # let mut bpf = aya::Bpf::load(&[])?;
/// use std::convert::TryInto;
/// use aya::programs::{tc, SchedClassifier, TcAttachType};
/// // the clsact qdisc needs to be added before SchedClassifier programs can be
/// // attached
/// tc::qdisc_add_clsact("eth0")?;
/// let prog: &mut SchedClassifier = bpf.program_mut("redirect_ingress").unwrap().try_into()?;
/// prog.load()?;
/// prog.attach("eth0", TcAttachType::Ingress, 0)?;
/// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
/// ```
#[doc(alias = "BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_CLS")]
pub struct SchedClassifier {
pub(crate) data: ProgramData<SchedClassifierLink>,
pub(crate) name: Box<CStr>,
/// Errors from TC programs
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum TcError {
/// netlink error while attaching ebpf program
#[error("netlink error while attaching ebpf program to tc")]
NetlinkError {
/// the [`io::Error`] from the netlink call
io_error: io::Error,
/// the clsact qdisc is already attached
#[error("the clsact qdisc is already attached")]
impl TcAttachType {
pub(crate) fn parent(&self) -> u32 {
match self {
TcAttachType::Custom(parent) => *parent,
TcAttachType::Ingress => tc_handler_make(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_INGRESS),
TcAttachType::Egress => tc_handler_make(TC_H_CLSACT, TC_H_MIN_EGRESS),
impl SchedClassifier {
/// Loads the program inside the kernel.
pub fn load(&mut self) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
load_program(BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_CLS, &mut self.data)
/// Attaches the program to the given `interface`.
/// Valid priority values range from 0 - 65535 with lower number = higher priority.
/// 0 means let the system choose the next highest priority, or 49152 if no filters exist yet.
/// All other values in the range are taken as an explicit priority setting (aka "preference").
/// The returned value can be used to detach, see [SchedClassifier::detach].
/// # Errors
/// [`TcError::NetlinkError`] is returned if attaching fails. A common cause
/// of failure is not having added the `clsact` qdisc to the given
/// interface, see [`qdisc_add_clsact`]
pub fn attach(
&mut self,
interface: &str,
attach_type: TcAttachType,
priority: u16,
) -> Result<SchedClassifierLinkId, ProgramError> {
let prog_fd = self.data.fd_or_err()?;
let if_index = ifindex_from_ifname(interface)
.map_err(|io_error| TcError::NetlinkError { io_error })?;
let priority = unsafe {
netlink_qdisc_attach(if_index as i32, &attach_type, prog_fd, &self.name, priority)
.map_err(|io_error| TcError::NetlinkError { io_error })?;
self.data.links.insert(SchedClassifierLink(TcLink {
if_index: if_index as i32,
/// Detaches the program.
/// See [SchedClassifier::attach].
pub fn detach(&mut self, link_id: SchedClassifierLinkId) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
/// Takes ownership of the link referenced by the provided link_id.
/// The link will be detached on `Drop` and the caller is now responsible
/// for managing its lifetime.
pub fn take_link(
&mut self,
link_id: SchedClassifierLinkId,
) -> Result<OwnedLink<SchedClassifierLink>, ProgramError> {
#[derive(Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct TcLinkId(i32, TcAttachType, u16);
struct TcLink {
if_index: i32,
attach_type: TcAttachType,
priority: u16,
impl Link for TcLink {
type Id = TcLinkId;
fn id(&self) -> Self::Id {
TcLinkId(self.if_index, self.attach_type, self.priority)
fn detach(self) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
unsafe { netlink_qdisc_detach(self.if_index, &self.attach_type, self.priority) }
.map_err(|io_error| TcError::NetlinkError { io_error })?;
/// The link used by [SchedClassifier] programs.
/// The type returned by [SchedClassifier::attach]. Can be passed to [SchedClassifier::detach].
/// Add the `clasct` qdisc to the given interface.
/// The `clsact` qdisc must be added to an interface before [`SchedClassifier`]
/// programs can be attached.
pub fn qdisc_add_clsact(if_name: &str) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let if_index = ifindex_from_ifname(if_name)?;
unsafe { netlink_qdisc_add_clsact(if_index as i32) }
/// Detaches the programs with the given name.
/// # Errors
/// Returns [`io::ErrorKind::NotFound`] to indicate that no programs with the
/// given name were found, so nothing was detached. Other error kinds indicate
/// an actual failure while detaching a program.
pub fn qdisc_detach_program(
if_name: &str,
attach_type: TcAttachType,
name: &str,
) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let cstr = CString::new(name)?;
qdisc_detach_program_fast(if_name, attach_type, &cstr)
/// Detaches the programs with the given name as a C string.
/// Unlike qdisc_detach_program, this function does not allocate an additional
/// CString to.
/// # Errors
/// Returns [`io::ErrorKind::NotFound`] to indicate that no programs with the
/// given name were found, so nothing was detached. Other error kinds indicate
/// an actual failure while detaching a program.
fn qdisc_detach_program_fast(
if_name: &str,
attach_type: TcAttachType,
name: &CStr,
) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let if_index = ifindex_from_ifname(if_name)? as i32;
let prios = unsafe { netlink_find_filter_with_name(if_index, attach_type, name)? };
if prios.is_empty() {
return Err(io::Error::new(
for prio in prios {
unsafe { netlink_qdisc_detach(if_index, &attach_type, prio)? };