You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

155 lines
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//! This driver is a thin wrapper around the production-ready [Mongo C driver](
//! It aims to provide a safe and ergonomic Rust interface which handles all the gnarly usage details of
//! the C driver for you. We use Rust's type system to make sure that we can only use the
//! underlying C driver in the recommended way specified in it's [documentation](
//! To get started create a client pool wrapped in an `Arc` so we can share it between threads. Then pop a client from it
9 years ago
//! you can use to perform operations.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! use mongo_driver::uri::Uri;
//! use mongo_driver::client::ClientPool;
//! let uri = Uri::new("mongodb://localhost:27017/").unwrap();
//! let pool = Arc::new(ClientPool::new(uri.clone(), None));
//! let client = pool.pop();
//! client.get_server_status(None).unwrap();
//! ```
9 years ago
//! See the documentation for the available modules to find out how you can use the driver beyond
//! this.
9 years ago
extern crate libc;
extern crate mongoc_sys as mongoc;
9 years ago
extern crate bson;
9 years ago
extern crate log;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ptr;
9 years ago
use std::result;
use std::sync::{Once,ONCE_INIT};
9 years ago
use mongoc::bindings;
9 years ago
pub mod client;
pub mod collection;
pub mod cursor;
pub mod database;
9 years ago
pub mod flags;
pub mod read_prefs;
pub mod uri;
pub mod write_concern;
mod bsonc;
mod error;
9 years ago
pub use error::{MongoError,BsoncError,InvalidParamsError};
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, MongoError>;
9 years ago
/// Init mongo driver, needs to be called once before doing
/// anything else.
fn init() {
MONGOC_INIT.call_once(|| {
9 years ago
unsafe {
// Init mongoc subsystem
// Set mongoc log handler
9 years ago
unsafe extern "C" fn mongoc_log_handler(
9 years ago
log_level: bindings::mongoc_log_level_t,
log_domain: *const ::libc::c_char,
message: *const ::libc::c_char,
_: *mut ::libc::c_void
) {
let log_domain_str = CStr::from_ptr(log_domain).to_string_lossy();
let message_str = CStr::from_ptr(message).to_string_lossy();
9 years ago
let log_line = format!("mongoc: {} - {}", log_domain_str, message_str);
match log_level {
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR => error!("{}", log_line),
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL => error!("{}", log_line),
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING => warn!("{}", log_line),
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE => info!("{}", log_line),
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO => info!("{}", log_line),
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG => debug!("{}", log_line),
bindings::MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE => trace!("{}", log_line),
_ => panic!("Unknown mongoc log level")
/// Options to configure both command and find operations.
pub struct CommandAndFindOptions {
/// Flags to use
pub query_flags: flags::Flags<flags::QueryFlag>,
/// Number of documents to skip, zero to ignore
pub skip: u32,
/// Max number of documents to return, zero to ignore
pub limit: u32,
/// Number of documents in each batch, zero to ignore (default is 100)
pub batch_size: u32,
/// Fields to return, not all commands support this option
pub fields: Option<bson::Document>,
/// Read prefs to use
pub read_prefs: Option<read_prefs::ReadPrefs>
impl CommandAndFindOptions {
/// Default options used if none are provided.
pub fn default() -> CommandAndFindOptions {
CommandAndFindOptions {
query_flags: flags::Flags::new(),
skip: 0,
limit: 0,
batch_size: 0,
fields: None,
read_prefs: None
pub fn with_fields(fields: bson::Document) -> CommandAndFindOptions {
CommandAndFindOptions {
query_flags: flags::Flags::new(),
skip: 0,
limit: 0,
batch_size: 0,
fields: Some(fields),
read_prefs: None
fn fields_bsonc(&self) -> Option<bsonc::Bsonc> {
match self.fields {
Some(ref f) => Some(bsonc::Bsonc::from_document(f).unwrap()),
None => None
9 years ago
mod tests {
fn test_init() {
9 years ago