use std::fmt; use std::ffi::CString; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::mem; use std::ptr; use mongo_c_driver_wrapper::bindings; use bson::Document; use super::Result; use super::BsoncError; use super::bsonc::Bsonc; use super::collection::{Collection,CreatedBy}; use super::database::Database; use super::uri::Uri; use super::read_prefs::ReadPrefs; // TODO: We're using a sort of poor man's Arc here // with this root bool, there must be a better way. pub struct ClientPool { root_instance: bool, uri: Uri, inner: *mut bindings::mongoc_client_pool_t } impl ClientPool { /// Create a new ClientPool with optionally SSL options /// /// See: /// And: pub fn new(uri: Uri, ssl_options: Option) -> ClientPool { super::init(); let pool = unsafe { let pool_ptr = bindings::mongoc_client_pool_new(uri.inner()); assert!(!pool_ptr.is_null()); pool_ptr }; match ssl_options { Some(options) => { unsafe { bindings::mongoc_client_pool_set_ssl_opts( pool, options.inner() ); } }, None => () }; ClientPool { root_instance: true, uri: uri, // Become owner of uri so it doesn't go out of scope inner: pool } } /// Retrieve a client from the client pool, possibly blocking until one is available. /// See: pub fn pop(&self) -> Client { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); let client = unsafe { bindings::mongoc_client_pool_pop(self.inner) }; Client{ client_pool: self, inner: client } } /// Return a client back to the client pool, called from drop of client. /// See: unsafe fn push(&self, mongo_client: *mut bindings::mongoc_client_t) { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); bindings::mongoc_client_pool_push( self.inner, mongo_client ); } } unsafe impl Send for ClientPool { } unsafe impl Sync for ClientPool { } impl fmt::Debug for ClientPool { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "ClientPool for {}", self.uri.as_str()) } } impl Clone for ClientPool { fn clone(&self) -> ClientPool { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); ClientPool { root_instance: false, uri: self.uri.clone(), inner: self.inner.clone() } } } impl Drop for ClientPool { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.root_instance { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); unsafe { bindings::mongoc_client_pool_destroy(self.inner); } } } } pub struct SslOptions { inner: bindings::mongoc_ssl_opt_t, pem_file: Option, pem_password: Option, ca_file: Option, ca_dir: Option, crl_file: Option, weak_cert_validation: bool } impl SslOptions { pub fn new( pem_file: Option, pem_password: Option, ca_file: Option, ca_dir: Option, crl_file: Option, weak_cert_validation: bool ) -> SslOptions { let ssl_options = bindings::mongoc_ssl_opt_t { pem_file: match pem_file { Some(ref f) => Self::path_ptr(f), None => ptr::null() }, pem_pwd: match pem_password { Some(ref password) => CString::new(password.clone()).unwrap().as_ptr(), None => ptr::null() }, ca_file: match ca_file { Some(ref f) => Self::path_ptr(f), None => ptr::null() }, ca_dir: match ca_dir { Some(ref f) => Self::path_ptr(f), None => ptr::null() }, crl_file: match crl_file { Some(ref f) => Self::path_ptr(f), None => ptr::null() }, weak_cert_validation: weak_cert_validation as u8, padding: unsafe { mem::uninitialized() } }; SslOptions { inner: ssl_options, pem_file: pem_file, pem_password: pem_password, ca_file: ca_file, ca_dir: ca_dir, crl_file: crl_file, weak_cert_validation: weak_cert_validation } } fn path_ptr(path: &PathBuf) -> *const i8 { path.as_os_str().to_cstring().unwrap().as_ptr() } fn inner(&self) -> *const bindings::mongoc_ssl_opt_t { &self.inner } } impl Clone for SslOptions { fn clone(&self) -> SslOptions { SslOptions::new( self.pem_file.clone(), self.pem_password.clone(), self.ca_file.clone(), self.ca_dir.clone(), self.crl_file.clone(), self.weak_cert_validation ) } } pub struct Client<'a> { client_pool: &'a ClientPool, inner: *mut bindings::mongoc_client_t } impl<'a> Client<'a> { pub fn get_collection>>(&'a self, db: S, collection: S) -> Collection<'a> { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); let coll = unsafe { let db_cstring = CString::new(db).unwrap(); let collection_cstring = CString::new(collection).unwrap(); bindings::mongoc_client_get_collection( self.inner, db_cstring.as_ptr(), collection_cstring.as_ptr() ) }; Collection::new(CreatedBy::Client(self), coll) } pub fn get_database>>(&'a self, db: S) -> Database<'a> { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); let coll = unsafe { let db_cstring = CString::new(db).unwrap(); bindings::mongoc_client_get_database( self.inner, db_cstring.as_ptr() ) }; Database::new(self, coll) } /// Queries the server for the current server status. /// /// See: pub fn get_server_status(&self, read_prefs: Option) -> Result { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); // Bsonc to store the reply let mut reply = Bsonc::new(); // Empty error that might be filled let mut error = BsoncError::empty(); let success = unsafe { bindings::mongoc_client_get_server_status( self.inner, match read_prefs { Some(ref prefs) => prefs.mut_inner(), None => ptr::null_mut() }, reply.mut_inner(), error.mut_inner() ) }; if success == 1 { match reply.as_document() { Ok(document) => return Ok(document), Err(error) => return Err(error.into()) } } else { Err(error.into()) } } } impl<'a> Drop for Client<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { assert!(!self.inner.is_null()); unsafe { self.client_pool.push(self.inner); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::path::PathBuf; use std::thread; use super::super::uri::Uri; use super::{ClientPool,SslOptions}; #[test] fn test_new_pool_and_pop_client() { let uri = Uri::new("mongodb://localhost:27017/"); let pool = ClientPool::new(uri, None); // Pop a client and get a database and collection let client = pool.pop(); pool.pop(); let database = client.get_database("rust_test"); assert_eq!("rust_test", database.get_name().to_mut()); let collection = client.get_collection("rust_test", "items"); assert_eq!("items", collection.get_name().to_mut()); } #[test] fn test_new_pool_and_pop_client_in_threads() { let uri = Uri::new("mongodb://localhost:27017/"); let pool = ClientPool::new(uri, None); let pool1 = pool.clone(); let guard1 = thread::spawn(move || { let client = pool1.pop(); client.get_collection("test", "items"); }); let pool2 = pool.clone(); let guard2 = thread::spawn(move || { let client = pool2.pop(); client.get_collection("test", "items"); }); guard1.join().unwrap(); guard2.join().unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_get_server_status() { let uri = Uri::new("mongodb://localhost:27017/"); let pool = ClientPool::new(uri, None); let client = pool.pop(); let status = client.get_server_status(None).unwrap(); assert!(status.contains_key("host")); assert!(status.contains_key("version")); } #[test] fn test_new_pool_with_ssl_options() { // We currently have no way to test full operations let uri = Uri::new("mongodb://localhost:27017/"); let ssl_options = SslOptions::new( Some(PathBuf::from("/tmp/pem_file")), Some("password".to_string()), Some(PathBuf::from("/tmp/ca_file")), Some(PathBuf::from("/tmp/ca_dir")), Some(PathBuf::from("/tmp/crl_file")), false ); ClientPool::new(uri, Some(ssl_options)); } }