#! /c/Source/iverilog-install/bin/vvp :ivl_version "12.0 (devel)" "(s20150603-1539-g2693dd32b)"; :ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL"; :vpi_time_precision + 0; :vpi_module "C:\iverilog\lib\ivl\system.vpi"; :vpi_module "C:\iverilog\lib\ivl\vhdl_sys.vpi"; :vpi_module "C:\iverilog\lib\ivl\vhdl_textio.vpi"; :vpi_module "C:\iverilog\lib\ivl\v2005_math.vpi"; :vpi_module "C:\iverilog\lib\ivl\va_math.vpi"; S_0000026063717710 .scope module, "led" "led" 2 1; .timescale 0 0; .port_info 0 /INPUT 1 "key"; .port_info 1 /OUTPUT 1 "led"; P_000002606380a730 .param/l "WIDTH" 0 2 6, +C4<00000000000000000000000000000101>; o000002606372d498 .functor BUFZ 1, C4; HiZ drive L_0000026063726ff0 .functor BUFZ 1, o000002606372d498, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; L_00000260637275a0 .functor AND 1, L_00000260637223f0, L_0000026063722210, C4<1>, C4<1>; o000002606372cf58 .functor BUFZ 5, C4; HiZ drive L_0000026063727060 .functor AND 5, o000002606372cf58, L_00000260637222b0, C4<11111>, C4<11111>; v0000026063718850_0 .net "U", 4 0, L_0000026063727060; 1 drivers v0000026063718710_0 .net "V", 4 0, L_00000260637222b0; 1 drivers v00000260637191b0_0 .net "W", 4 0, o000002606372cf58; 0 drivers L_000002606377e1c8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00110>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063719390_0 .net "Y1", 4 0, L_000002606377e1c8; 1 drivers v0000026063718ad0_0 .net "Y2", 4 0, L_0000026063723a70; 1 drivers L_000002606377e258 .functor BUFT 1, C4<01>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063718990_0 .net *"_ivl_21", 1 0, L_000002606377e258; 1 drivers L_000002606377e2a0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<01>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063718a30_0 .net *"_ivl_25", 1 0, L_000002606377e2a0; 1 drivers v0000026063718c10_0 .net *"_ivl_29", 1 0, L_0000026063723750; 1 drivers v0000026063718cb0_0 .net *"_ivl_3", 0 0, L_0000026063726ff0; 1 drivers v0000026063718df0_0 .net *"_ivl_31", 0 0, L_00000260637239d0; 1 drivers v0000026063718fd0_0 .net *"_ivl_33", 0 0, L_0000026063722df0; 1 drivers L_000002606377e2e8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<01>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063718e90_0 .net *"_ivl_39", 1 0, L_000002606377e2e8; 1 drivers L_000002606377e330 .functor BUFT 1, C4<01>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063719250_0 .net *"_ivl_43", 1 0, L_000002606377e330; 1 drivers v0000026063723430_0 .net *"_ivl_47", 1 0, L_0000026063722170; 1 drivers L_000002606377e0f0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063723c50_0 .net/2u *"_ivl_49", 2 0, L_000002606377e0f0; 1 drivers v00000260637231b0_0 .net *"_ivl_51", 0 0, L_00000260637223f0; 1 drivers L_000002606377e138 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063722710_0 .net/2u *"_ivl_53", 2 0, L_000002606377e138; 1 drivers v0000026063723890_0 .net *"_ivl_55", 0 0, L_0000026063722210; 1 drivers v0000026063723bb0_0 .net *"_ivl_60", 0 0, L_0000026063722990; 1 drivers L_000002606377e180 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063722490_0 .net *"_ivl_64", 3 0, L_000002606377e180; 1 drivers v0000026063723cf0_0 .net *"_ivl_7", 0 0, L_0000026063723610; 1 drivers v0000026063723d90_0 .net *"_ivl_71", 2 0, L_0000026063723110; 1 drivers L_000002606377e210 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063722b70_0 .net *"_ivl_73", 1 0, L_000002606377e210; 1 drivers o000002606372d348 .functor BUFZ 4, C4; HiZ drive ; Elide local net with no drivers, v0000026063722850_0 name=_ivl_79 L_000002606377e060 .functor BUFT 1, C4<1>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063722ad0_0 .net "a", 0 0, L_000002606377e060; 1 drivers L_000002606377e0a8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<1>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063723930_0 .net "b", 0 0, L_000002606377e0a8; 1 drivers L_000002606377df88 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v00000260637232f0_0 .net "c", 0 0, L_000002606377df88; 1 drivers v0000026063721f90_0 .net "d", 0 0, L_00000260637236b0; 1 drivers L_000002606377dfd0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063722c10_0 .net "f", 0 0, L_000002606377dfd0; 1 drivers L_000002606377e018 .functor BUFT 1, C4<010>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>; v0000026063722030_0 .net "g", 2 0, L_000002606377e018; 1 drivers v00000260637237f0_0 .net "key", 0 0, o000002606372d498; 0 drivers o000002606372d4c8 .functor BUFZ 3, C4; HiZ drive v0000026063723390_0 .net "l_a", 2 0, o000002606372d4c8; 0 drivers o000002606372d4f8 .functor BUFZ 3, C4; HiZ drive v00000260637220d0_0 .net "l_b", 2 0, o000002606372d4f8; 0 drivers v0000026063722530_0 .net "l_c", 0 0, L_00000260637275a0; 1 drivers v0000026063722e90_0 .var "led", 0 0; v0000026063722f30_0 .net "ret", 1 0, L_0000026063723070; 1 drivers v00000260637234d0_0 .net "s", 0 0, L_00000260637225d0; 1 drivers v0000026063723570_0 .var "v_reg", 5 0; v0000026063721ef0_0 .net "v_wire", 5 0, L_0000026063723b10; 1 drivers E_000002606380a4b0 .event anyedge, v00000260637237f0_0; L_0000026063723610 .part v0000026063723570_0, 1, 1; L_00000260637225d0 .part L_0000026063723750, 1, 1; L_00000260637236b0 .part L_0000026063723750, 0, 1; L_0000026063723750 .arith/sum 2, L_000002606377e258, L_000002606377e2a0; L_0000026063723070 .concat8 [ 1 1 0 0], L_0000026063722df0, L_00000260637239d0; L_00000260637239d0 .part L_0000026063722170, 1, 1; L_0000026063722df0 .part L_0000026063722170, 0, 1; L_0000026063722170 .arith/sum 2, L_000002606377e2e8, L_000002606377e330; L_00000260637223f0 .cmp/ne 3, o000002606372d4c8, L_000002606377e0f0; L_0000026063722210 .cmp/ne 3, o000002606372d4f8, L_000002606377e138; L_0000026063722990 .reduce/and o000002606372cf58; L_00000260637222b0 .concat [ 1 4 0 0], L_0000026063722990, L_000002606377e180; L_0000026063723110 .part L_000002606377e1c8, 0, 3; L_0000026063723a70 .concat [ 2 3 0 0], L_000002606377e210, L_0000026063723110; L_0000026063723b10 .concat [ 1 1 4 0], L_0000026063726ff0, L_0000026063723610, o000002606372d348; .scope S_0000026063717710; T_0 ; %wait E_000002606380a4b0; %load/vec4 v00000260637237f0_0; %nor/r; %store/vec4 v0000026063722e90_0, 0, 1; %load/vec4 v00000260637237f0_0; %ix/load 4, 1, 0; %flag_set/imm 4, 0; %store/vec4 v0000026063723570_0, 4, 1; %jmp T_0; .thread T_0, $push; # The file index is used to find the file name in the following table. :file_names 3; "N/A"; ""; "led_1.v";