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module mpeg2encoder #(
parameter XL = 6, // determine the max horizontal pixel count. 4->256 pixels 5->512 pixels 6->1024 pixels 7->2048 pixels .
parameter YL = 6, // determine the max vertical pixel count. 4->256 pixels 5->512 pixels 6->1024 pixels 7->2048 pixels .
parameter VECTOR_LEVEL = 3, // motion vector range level, must be 1, 2, or 3. The larger the XL, the higher compression ratio, and the more LUT resource is uses.
parameter Q_LEVEL = 2 // quantize level, must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. The larger the Q_LEVEL, the higher compression ratio and the lower quality.
) (
input wire rstn, // =0:async reset, =1:normal operation. It MUST be reset before starting to use.
input wire clk,
// Video sequence configuration interface. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
input wire [XL:0] i_xsize16, // horizontal pixel count = i_xsize16*16 . valid range: 4 ~ 2^XL
input wire [YL:0] i_ysize16, // vertical pixel count = i_ysize16*16 . valid range: 4 ~ 2^YL
input wire [ 7:0] i_pframes_count, // defines the number of P-frames between two I-frames. valid range: 0 ~ 255
// Video sequence input pixel stream interface. In each clock cycle, this interface can input 4 adjacent pixels in a row. Pixel format is YUV 4:4:4, the module will convert it to YUV 4:2:0, then compress it to MPEG2 stream.
input wire i_en, // when i_en=1, 4 adjacent pixels is being inputted,
input wire [ 7:0] i_Y0, i_Y1, i_Y2, i_Y3, // input Y (luminance)
input wire [ 7:0] i_U0, i_U1, i_U2, i_U3, // input U (Cb, chroma blue)
input wire [ 7:0] i_V0, i_V1, i_V2, i_V3, // input V (Cr, chroma red)
// Video sequence control interface. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
input wire i_sequence_stop, // use this signal to stop a inputting video sequence
output wire o_sequence_busy, // =0: the module is idle and ready to encode the next sequence. =1: the module is busy encoding the current sequence
// Video sequence output MPEG2 stream interface. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
output wire o_en, // o_en=1 indicates o_data is valid
output wire o_last, // o_en=1 & o_last=1 indicates this is the last data of a video sequence
output wire[255:0] o_data // output mpeg2 stream data, 32 bytes in BIG ENDIAN, i.e., o_data[255:248] is the 1st byte, o_data[247:0] is the 2nd byte, ... o_data[7:0] is the 32nd byte.
// Definition of nouns:
// tile : 8x8 pixels, the unit of DCT, quantize and zig-zag reorder
// block (blk) : contains 16x16 U pixels (4 tiles of Y, 1 tile of U, 1 tile of V)
// slice : a line of block (16 lines of pixels)
// Note :
// right shift: for signed number, use ">>>" rather than ">>". for unsigned number, using ">>>" and ">>" are both okay.
// local parameters : frame size
localparam XB16 = XL , YB16 = YL ;
localparam XB8 = XB16 + 1 , YB8 = YB16 + 1;
localparam XB4 = XB8 + 1 , YB4 = YB8 + 1;
localparam XB2 = XB4 + 1 , YB2 = YB4 + 1;
localparam XB = XB2 + 1 , YB = YB2 + 1;
localparam XSIZE = (1 << XB); // horizontal max pixel count
localparam YSIZE = (1 << YB); // vertical max pixel count
// local parameters : motion estimation
localparam int UR = VECTOR_LEVEL; // U/V motion vector range is in -YR~+YR pixels
localparam int YR = UR * 2; // Y motion vector range is in -YR~+YR pixels
// local parameters : DCT
localparam DCTP = 0;
localparam logic signed [7:0] DCT_MATRIX [8][8] = '{
'{ 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
'{ 89, 75, 50, 18, -18, -50, -75, -89 },
'{ 84, 35, -35, -84, -84, -35, 35, 84 },
'{ 75, -18, -89, -50, 50, 89, 18, -75 },
'{ 64, -64, -64, 64, 64, -64, -64, 64 },
'{ 50, -89, 18, 75, -75, -18, 89, -50 },
'{ 35, -84, 84, -35, -35, 84, -84, 35 },
'{ 18, -50, 75, -89, 89, -75, 50, -18 }
localparam DCTP = 2;
localparam logic signed [9:0] DCT_MATRIX [8][8] = '{
'{ 256, 256, 256, 256, 256, 256, 256, 256 },
'{ 355, 301, 201, 71, -71, -201, -301, -355 },
'{ 334, 139, -139, -334, -334, -139, 139, 334 },
'{ 301, -71, -355, -201, 201, 355, 71, -301 },
'{ 256, -256, -256, 256, 256, -256, -256, 256 },
'{ 201, -355, 71, 301, -301, -71, 355, -201 },
'{ 139, -334, 334, -139, -139, 334, -334, 139 },
'{ 71, -201, 301, -355, 355, -301, 201, -71 }
// local parameters : quantize
localparam logic [6:0] INTRA_Q [8][8] = '{
'{ 8, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34 },
'{ 16, 16, 22, 24, 27, 29, 34, 37 },
'{ 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 34, 38 },
'{ 22, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 37, 40 },
'{ 22, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48 },
'{ 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 40, 48, 58 },
'{ 26, 27, 29, 34, 38, 46, 56, 69 },
'{ 27, 29, 35, 38, 46, 56, 69, 83 }
// local parameters : zig-zag reorder
localparam logic [5:0] ZIG_ZAG_TABLE [8][8] = '{
'{ 0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28 },
'{ 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42 },
'{ 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43 },
'{ 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53 },
'{ 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54 },
'{ 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60 },
'{ 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61 },
'{ 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63 }
// local parameters : inverse DCT
localparam logic signed [16:0] W1 = 17'sd2841; // 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(1*pi/16)
localparam logic signed [16:0] W2 = 17'sd2676; // 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(2*pi/16)
localparam logic signed [16:0] W3 = 17'sd2408; // 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(3*pi/16)
localparam logic signed [16:0] W5 = 17'sd1609; // 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(5*pi/16)
localparam logic signed [16:0] W6 = 17'sd1108; // 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(6*pi/16)
localparam logic signed [16:0] W7 = 17'sd565 ; // 2048*sqrt(2)*cos(7*pi/16)
// local parameters : look-up-tables for variable length code (VLC)
localparam logic [4:0] BITS_MOTION_VECTOR [17] = '{5'h01, 5'h01, 5'h01, 5'h01, 5'h03, 5'h05, 5'h04, 5'h03, 5'h0b, 5'h0a, 5'h09, 5'h11, 5'h10, 5'h0f, 5'h0e, 5'h0d, 5'h0c};
localparam logic [3:0] LENS_MOTION_VECTOR [17] = '{4'd01, 4'd02, 4'd03, 4'd04, 4'd06, 4'd07, 4'd07, 4'd07, 4'd09, 4'd09, 4'd09, 4'd10, 4'd10, 4'd10, 4'd10, 4'd10, 4'd10};
localparam logic [4:0] BITS_NZ_FLAGS [64] = '{5'h00, 5'h0b, 5'h09, 5'h0d, 5'h0d, 5'h17, 5'h13, 5'h1f, 5'h0c, 5'h16, 5'h12, 5'h1e, 5'h13, 5'h1b, 5'h17, 5'h13, 5'h0b, 5'h15, 5'h11, 5'h1d, 5'h11, 5'h19, 5'h15, 5'h11, 5'h0f, 5'h0f, 5'h0d, 5'h03, 5'h0f, 5'h0b, 5'h07, 5'h07, 5'h0a, 5'h14, 5'h10, 5'h1c, 5'h0e, 5'h0e, 5'h0c, 5'h02, 5'h10, 5'h18, 5'h14, 5'h10, 5'h0e, 5'h0a, 5'h06, 5'h06, 5'h12, 5'h1a, 5'h16, 5'h12, 5'h0d, 5'h09, 5'h05, 5'h05, 5'h0c, 5'h08, 5'h04, 5'h04, 5'h07, 5'h0a, 5'h08, 5'h0c};
localparam logic [3:0] LENS_NZ_FLAGS [64] = '{4'd00, 4'd05, 4'd05, 4'd06, 4'd04, 4'd07, 4'd07, 4'd08, 4'd04, 4'd07, 4'd07, 4'd08, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd04, 4'd07, 4'd07, 4'd08, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd06, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd09, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd09, 4'd04, 4'd07, 4'd07, 4'd08, 4'd06, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd09, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd09, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd09, 4'd05, 4'd08, 4'd08, 4'd09, 4'd03, 4'd05, 4'd05, 4'd06};
localparam logic [8:0] BITS_DC_Y [12] = '{ 9'h004, 9'h000, 9'h001, 9'h005, 9'h006, 9'h00e, 9'h01e, 9'h03e, 9'h07e, 9'h0fe, 9'h1fe, 9'h1ff};
localparam logic [3:0] LENS_DC_Y [12] = '{ 4'd003, 4'd002, 4'd002, 4'd003, 4'd003, 4'd004, 4'd005, 4'd006, 4'd007, 4'd008, 4'd009, 4'd009};
localparam logic [9:0] BITS_DC_UV [12] = '{10'h000, 10'h001, 10'h002, 10'h006, 10'h00e, 10'h01e, 10'h03e, 10'h07e, 10'h0fe, 10'h1fe, 10'h3fe, 10'h3ff};
localparam logic [3:0] LENS_DC_UV [12] = '{ 4'd002, 4'd002, 4'd002, 4'd003, 4'd004, 4'd005, 4'd006, 4'd007, 4'd008, 4'd009, 4'd010, 4'd010};
localparam logic [5:0] BITS_AC_0_3 [4][40] = '{
'{6'h03, 6'h04, 6'h05, 6'h06, 6'h26, 6'h21, 6'h0a, 6'h1d, 6'h18, 6'h13, 6'h10, 6'h1a, 6'h19, 6'h18, 6'h17, 6'h1f, 6'h1e, 6'h1d, 6'h1c, 6'h1b, 6'h1a, 6'h19, 6'h18, 6'h17, 6'h16, 6'h15, 6'h14, 6'h13, 6'h12, 6'h11, 6'h10, 6'h18, 6'h17, 6'h16, 6'h15, 6'h14, 6'h13, 6'h12, 6'h11, 6'h10}, // runlen=0 , absvm1<40
'{6'h03, 6'h06, 6'h25, 6'h0c, 6'h1b, 6'h16, 6'h15, 6'h1f, 6'h1e, 6'h1d, 6'h1c, 6'h1b, 6'h1a, 6'h19, 6'h13, 6'h12, 6'h11, 6'h10, 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=1 , absvm1<18
'{6'h05, 6'h04, 6'h0b, 6'h14, 6'h14, 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=2 , absvm1<5
'{6'h07, 6'h24, 6'h1c, 6'h13, 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 } // runlen=3 , absvm1<4
localparam logic [4:0] LENS_AC_0_3 [4][40] = '{
'{5'd02, 5'd04, 5'd05, 5'd07, 5'd08, 5'd08, 5'd10, 5'd12, 5'd12, 5'd12, 5'd12, 5'd13, 5'd13, 5'd13, 5'd13, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd14, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15},
'{5'd03, 5'd06, 5'd08, 5'd10, 5'd12, 5'd13, 5'd13, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd15, 5'd16, 5'd16, 5'd16, 5'd16, 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd04, 5'd07, 5'd10, 5'd12, 5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd05, 5'd08, 5'd12, 5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 }
localparam logic [5:0] BITS_AC_4_31 [32][3] = '{
'{6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=0 , unused
'{6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=1 , unused
'{6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=2 , unused
'{6'h0 , 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=3 , unused
'{6'h06, 6'h0f, 6'h12}, // runlen=4 , absvm1<3
'{6'h07, 6'h09, 6'h12}, // runlen=5 , absvm1<3
'{6'h05, 6'h1e, 6'h14}, // runlen=6 , absvm1<3
'{6'h04, 6'h15, 6'h0 }, // runlen=7 , absvm1<2
'{6'h07, 6'h11, 6'h0 }, // runlen=8 , absvm1<2
'{6'h05, 6'h11, 6'h0 }, // runlen=9 , absvm1<2
'{6'h27, 6'h10, 6'h0 }, // runlen=10, absvm1<2
'{6'h23, 6'h1a, 6'h0 }, // runlen=11, absvm1<2
'{6'h22, 6'h19, 6'h0 }, // runlen=12, absvm1<2
'{6'h20, 6'h18, 6'h0 }, // runlen=13, absvm1<2
'{6'h0e, 6'h17, 6'h0 }, // runlen=14, absvm1<2
'{6'h0d, 6'h16, 6'h0 }, // runlen=15, absvm1<2
'{6'h08, 6'h15, 6'h0 }, // runlen=16, absvm1<2
'{6'h1f, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=17, absvm1<1
'{6'h1a, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=18, absvm1<1
'{6'h19, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=19, absvm1<1
'{6'h17, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=20, absvm1<1
'{6'h16, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=21, absvm1<1
'{6'h1f, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=22, absvm1<1
'{6'h1e, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=23, absvm1<1
'{6'h1d, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=24, absvm1<1
'{6'h1c, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=25, absvm1<1
'{6'h1b, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=26, absvm1<1
'{6'h1f, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=27, absvm1<1
'{6'h1e, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=28, absvm1<1
'{6'h1d, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=29, absvm1<1
'{6'h1c, 6'h0 , 6'h0 }, // runlen=30, absvm1<1
'{6'h1b, 6'h0 , 6'h0 } // runlen=31, absvm1<1
localparam logic [4:0] LENS_AC_4_31 [32][3] = '{
'{5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd0 , 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd05, 5'd10, 5'd12},
'{5'd06, 5'd10, 5'd13},
'{5'd06, 5'd12, 5'd16},
'{5'd06, 5'd12, 5'd0 },
'{5'd07, 5'd12, 5'd0 },
'{5'd07, 5'd13, 5'd0 },
'{5'd08, 5'd13, 5'd0 },
'{5'd08, 5'd16, 5'd0 },
'{5'd08, 5'd16, 5'd0 },
'{5'd08, 5'd16, 5'd0 },
'{5'd10, 5'd16, 5'd0 },
'{5'd10, 5'd16, 5'd0 },
'{5'd10, 5'd16, 5'd0 },
'{5'd12, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd12, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd12, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd12, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd12, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd13, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd16, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd16, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd16, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd16, 5'd0 , 5'd0 },
'{5'd16, 5'd0 , 5'd0 }
// functions
function automatic logic [7:0] mean2 (input logic [7:0] a, input logic [7:0] b);
return (8)'( ( 9'd1 + (9)'(a) + (9)'(b) ) >> 1 ) ;
function automatic logic [7:0] mean4 (input logic [7:0] a, input logic [7:0] b, input logic [7:0] c, input logic [7:0] d);
return (8)'( ( 10'd1 + (10)'(a) + (10)'(b) + (10)'(c) + (10)'(d) ) >> 2 ) ;
function automatic logic [7:0] func_diff (input logic [7:0] a, input logic [7:0] b);
return (a>b) ? (a-b) : (b-a);
function automatic logic signed [8:0] clip_neg255_pos255(input logic signed [27:0] x);
return (x < -28'sd255) ? -9'sd255 : (x > 28'sd255) ? 9'sd255 : (9)'(x) ;
function automatic logic [7:0] add_clip_0_255 (input logic [7:0] a, input logic signed [8:0] b);
logic [9:0] c = b;
c += $signed( (10)'(a) );
return (c > 10'sd255) ? 8'd255 : (c < 10'sd0) ? 8'd0 : (8)'( $unsigned(c) ) ;
function automatic logic [3:0] find_min_in_10_values (input logic [12:0] v0, input logic [12:0] v1, input logic [12:0] v2, input logic [12:0] v3, input logic [12:0] v4, input logic [12:0] v5, input logic [12:0] v6, input logic [12:0] v7, input logic [12:0] v8, input logic [12:0] v9 );
logic wi1, wi3, wi5, wi7, wi9;
logic [12:0] w01, w23, w45, w67, w89;
logic xi23, xi67;
logic [12:0] x0123, x4567;
wi1 = v1 < v0;
w01 = wi1 ? v1 : v0;
wi3 = v3 < v2;
w23 = wi3 ? v3 : v2;
wi5 = v5 < v4;
w45 = wi5 ? v5 : v4;
wi7 = v7 < v6;
w67 = wi7 ? v7 : v6;
wi9 = v9 < v8;
w89 = wi9 ? v9 : v8;
xi23 = w23 < w01;
x0123 = xi23 ? w23 : w01;
xi67 = w67 < w45;
x4567 = xi67 ? w67 : w45;
if( w89 <= x0123 && w89 <= x4567) begin
return {3'b100, wi9};
end else if(x0123 < x4567) begin
if( xi23 )
return {3'b001, wi3};
return {3'b000, wi1};
end else begin
if( xi67 )
return {3'b011, wi7};
return {3'b010, wi5};
// inverse two dimensional DCT (Chen-Wang algorithm) stage 1: right multiply a matrix, act on each rows
function automatic logic [32*9-1:0] invserse_dct_rows_step12 (input logic signed [12:0] a0, input logic signed [12:0] a1, input logic signed [12:0] a2, input logic signed [12:0] a3, input logic signed [12:0] a4, input logic signed [12:0] a5, input logic signed [12:0] a6, input logic signed [12:0] a7 );
logic signed [31:0] x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
x0 = a0;
x1 = a4;
x2 = a6;
x3 = a2;
x4 = a1;
x5 = a7;
x6 = a5;
x7 = a3;
x0 <<= 11;
x1 <<= 11;
x0[7] = 1'b1; // x0 += 128 , for proper rounding in the fourth stage
// step 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x8 = W7 * (x4+x5);
x4 = x8 + (W1-W7) * x4;
x5 = x8 - (W1+W7) * x5;
x8 = W3 * (x6+x7);
x6 = x8 - (W3-W5) * x6;
x7 = x8 - (W3+W5) * x7;
// step 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x8 = x0 + x1;
x0 -= x1;
x1 = W6 * (x3+x2);
x2 = x1 - (W2+W6) * x2;
x3 = x1 + (W2-W6) * x3;
x1 = x4 + x6;
x4 -= x6;
x6 = x5 + x7;
x5 -= x7;
return {x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8};
function automatic logic [18*8-1:0] invserse_dct_rows_step34 (logic [32*9-1:0] x0_to_x8);
logic signed [31:0] x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
{x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8} = x0_to_x8;
// step 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x7 = x8 + x3;
x8 -= x3;
x3 = x0 + x2;
x0 -= x2;
x2 = (32'sd181 * (x4+x5) + 32'sd128) >>> 8;
x4 = (32'sd181 * (x4-x5) + 32'sd128) >>> 8;
// step 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return { (18)'( (x7 + x1) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x3 + x2) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x0 + x4) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x8 + x6) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x8 - x6) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x0 - x4) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x3 - x2) >>> 8 ),
(18)'( (x7 - x1) >>> 8 ) };
// inverse two dimensional DCT (Chen-Wang algorithm) stage 2: left multiply a matrix, act on each columns
function automatic logic [32*9-1:0] invserse_dct_cols_step12 (input logic signed [17:0] a0, input logic signed [17:0] a1, input logic signed [17:0] a2, input logic signed [17:0] a3, input logic signed [17:0] a4, input logic signed [17:0] a5, input logic signed [17:0] a6, input logic signed [17:0] a7 );
logic signed [31:0] x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
x0 = a0;
x1 = a4;
x2 = a6;
x3 = a2;
x4 = a1;
x5 = a7;
x6 = a5;
x7 = a3;
x0 <<= 8;
x1 <<= 8;
x0 += 32'sd8192;
// step 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x8 = W7 * (x4+x5) + 32'sd4;
x4 = (x8 + (W1-W7) * x4) >>> 3;
x5 = (x8 - (W1+W7) * x5) >>> 3;
x8 = W3 * (x6+x7) + 32'sd4;
x6 = (x8 - (W3-W5) * x6) >>> 3;
x7 = (x8 - (W3+W5) * x7) >>>3;
// step 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x8 = x0 + x1;
x0 -= x1;
x1 = W6 * (x3+x2) + 32'sd4;
x2 = (x1 - (W2+W6) * x2) >>> 3;
x3 = (x1 + (W2-W6) * x3) >>> 3;
x1 = x4 + x6;
x4 -= x6;
x6 = x5 + x7;
x5 -= x7;
return {x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8};
function automatic logic [9*8-1:0] invserse_dct_cols_step34(input logic [32*9-1:0] x0_to_x8);
logic signed [31:0] x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
{x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8} = x0_to_x8;
// step 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x7 = x8 + x3;
x8 -= x3;
x3 = x0 + x2;
x0 -= x2;
x2 = (32'sd181 * (x4+x5) + 32'sd128) >>> 8;
x4 = (32'sd181 * (x4-x5) + 32'sd128) >>> 8;
// step 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return { clip_neg255_pos255( (x7+x1) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x3+x2) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x0+x4) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x8+x6) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x8-x6) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x0-x4) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x3-x2) >>> 14 ),
clip_neg255_pos255( (x7-x1) >>> 14 ) };
// stage A : overall control, horizontal U/V subsample
// overall configuration variables
reg [ 7:0] pframes_count;
wire [ XB16-1:0] i_max_x16 = ( i_xsize16 > (XL+1)'(1<<XL) ) ? (XL)'((1<<XL)-1) : // i_xsize16 larger than the upper bound
( i_xsize16 < (XL+1)'(4) ) ? (XL)'(3) : // i_xsize16 smaller than the lower bound
(XL)'( i_xsize16 - (XL+1)'(1) ) ; //
wire [ YB16-1:0] i_max_y16 = ( i_ysize16 > (YL+1)'(1<<YL) ) ? (YL)'((1<<YL)-1) : // i_ysize16 larger than the upper bound
( i_ysize16 < (YL+1)'(4) ) ? (YL)'(3) : // i_ysize16 smaller than the lower bound
(YL)'( i_ysize16 - (YL+1)'(1) ) ; //
reg [ XB16-1:0] max_x16;
reg [ YB16-1:0] max_y16;
wire [ XB8 -1:0] max_x8 = {max_x16, 1'b1};
wire [ YB8 -1:0] max_y8 = {max_y16, 1'b1};
wire [ XB4 -1:0] max_x4 = {max_x8 , 1'b1};
wire [ YB4 -1:0] max_y4 = {max_y8 , 1'b1};
wire [ XB2 -1:0] max_x2 = {max_x4 , 1'b1};
wire [ YB2 -1:0] max_y2 = {max_y4 , 1'b1};
wire [ XB -1:0] max_x = {max_x2 , 1'b1};
wire [ YB -1:0] max_y = {max_y2 , 1'b1};
wire [ 11:0] size_x = (12)'(max_x) + 12'd1;
wire [ 11:0] size_y = (12)'(max_y) + 12'd1;
reg [ 7:0] a_i_frame; // frame index in current GOP
reg [ XB4-1:0] a_x4;
reg [ YB -1:0] a_y ;
reg a_en;
reg [ 7:0] a_Y0, a_Y1, a_Y2, a_Y3;
reg [ 7:0] a_U0, a_U2, a_V0, a_V2;
reg sequence_start;
enum reg [ 1:0] {SEQ_IDLE, SEQ_DURING, SEQ_ENDING, SEQ_ENDED} sequence_state;
// overall control FSM of video sequence -------------------------------------------------------------
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
pframes_count <= '0;
max_x16 <= '0;
max_y16 <= '0;
a_i_frame <= '0;
a_x4 <= '0;
a_y <= '0;
a_en <= '0;
{a_Y0, a_Y1, a_Y2, a_Y3} <= {8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00}; // default : black pixels
{a_U0, a_U2, a_V0, a_V2} <= {8'h80, 8'h80, 8'h80, 8'h80}; // default : black pixels
sequence_start <= 1'b0;
sequence_state <= SEQ_IDLE;
end else begin //
sequence_start <= 1'b0;
a_en <= 1'b0; // default : don't transmit pixels
{a_Y0, a_Y1, a_Y2, a_Y3} <= {8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00}; // default : black pixels
{a_U0, a_U2, a_V0, a_V2} <= {8'h80, 8'h80, 8'h80, 8'h80}; // default : black pixels
if( sequence_state == SEQ_ENDED ) begin //
if (o_last)
sequence_state <= SEQ_IDLE;
end else if( sequence_state == SEQ_ENDING ) begin // user required to stop the current sequence.
if( a_x4 < max_x4 ) begin // the current frame has not ended yet.
a_x4 <= a_x4 + (XB4)'(1); //
a_en <= 1'b1; // transmit black pixels to fill the un-ended frame
end else if( a_y < max_y ) begin // the current frame has not ended yet.
a_x4 <= '0; //
a_y <= a_y + (YB)'(1); //
a_en <= 1'b1; // transmit black pixels to fill the un-ended frame
end else begin // the current frame has already ended.
sequence_state <= SEQ_ENDED; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: wait for the output stream's end, then let sequence_state<=SEQ_IDLE
end //
end else if( i_en ) begin // user input a cycle of pixels
if( sequence_state == SEQ_IDLE ) begin // if the video sequence is not yet started (i.e., this is the first cycle of a new video sequence)
sequence_state <= SEQ_DURING; // start the video sequence
sequence_start <= 1'b1;
pframes_count <= i_pframes_count; // load configuration for the new video sequence
max_x16 <= i_max_x16; // load configuration for the new video sequence
max_y16 <= i_max_y16; // load configuration for the new video sequence
a_x4 = '0; // reset index
a_y = '0; // reset index
a_i_frame <= '0; // reset index
end else begin // if the video sequence is already started
if( a_x4 < max_x4 ) begin // update index
a_x4 <= a_x4 + (XB4)'(1); //
end else begin //
a_x4 <= '0; //
if( a_y < max_y ) begin //
a_y <= a_y + (YB)'(1); //
end else begin //
a_y <= '0; //
a_i_frame <= (a_i_frame < pframes_count) ? a_i_frame + 8'd1 : 8'd0; //
end //
end //
end //
if( i_sequence_stop ) // user want to stop the current sequence
sequence_state <= SEQ_ENDING; //
a_en <= 1'b1; // transmit the user-inputted pixels
{a_Y0, a_Y1, a_Y2, a_Y3} <= {i_Y0, i_Y1, i_Y2, i_Y3}; // Y
a_U0 <= mean2(i_U0, i_U1); // U0, U1 horizontal subsample to U0
a_U2 <= mean2(i_U2, i_U3); // U2, U3 horizontal subsample to U2
a_V0 <= mean2(i_V0, i_V1); // V0, V1 horizontal subsample to V0
a_V2 <= mean2(i_V2, i_V3); // V2, V3 horizontal subsample to V2
end else if( i_sequence_stop && sequence_state == SEQ_DURING ) begin // user want to stop the current sequence
sequence_state <= SEQ_ENDING; //
end //
end //
assign o_sequence_busy = (sequence_state != SEQ_IDLE) ;
// stage B & C : Use line-buffer to vertical subsample U/V, convert to YUV 4:2:0
reg [ 2*8-1:0] mem_lbuf_U [XSIZE/4]; // U line buffer: XSIZE/4 items, each item contains 2 U pixels
reg [ 2*8-1:0] mem_lbuf_V [XSIZE/4]; // V line buffer: XSIZE/4 items, each item contains 2 V pixels
reg [ 7:0] b_i_frame;
reg [ XB4-1:0] b_x4;
reg [ YB -1:0] b_y ;
reg b_en;
reg [ 7:0] b_Y0, b_Y1, b_Y2, b_Y3;
reg [ 7:0] b_U0, b_U2, b_V0, b_V2;
reg [ 7:0] b_U0_u, b_U2_u, b_V0_u, b_V2_u; // readout U/V in upper row (previous row) from line-buffer. Not a real register
always @ (posedge clk) // write line-buffer
if( a_en ) begin
mem_lbuf_U[a_x4] <= {a_U0, a_U2};
mem_lbuf_V[a_x4] <= {a_V0, a_V2};
always @ (posedge clk) begin // read line-buffer
{b_U0_u, b_U2_u} <= mem_lbuf_U[a_x4];
{b_V0_u, b_V2_u} <= mem_lbuf_V[a_x4];
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
b_i_frame <= '0;
b_x4 <= '0;
b_y <= '0;
b_en <= '0;
end else begin
b_i_frame <= a_i_frame;
b_x4 <= a_x4;
b_y <= a_y;
b_en <= a_en;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
{b_Y0, b_Y1, b_Y2, b_Y3} <= {a_Y0, a_Y1, a_Y2, a_Y3};
{b_U0, b_U2, b_V0, b_V2} <= {a_U0, a_U2, a_V0, a_V2};
reg [ 7:0] c_i_frame;
reg [ XB4-1:0] c_x4;
reg [ YB -1:0] c_y ;
reg c_en;
reg [ 7:0] c_Y0, c_Y1, c_Y2, c_Y3;
reg [ 7:0] c_U0, c_U2, c_V0, c_V2; // Note that c_U0, c_U2, c_V0, c_V2 is only valid when c_y is odd, because of vertical subsample.
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
c_i_frame <= '0;
c_x4 <= '0;
c_y <= '0;
c_en <= '0;
end else begin
c_i_frame <= b_i_frame;
c_x4 <= b_x4;
c_y <= b_y;
c_en <= b_en;
always @ (posedge clk) begin // vertical subsample
{c_Y0, c_Y1, c_Y2, c_Y3} <= {b_Y0, b_Y1, b_Y2, b_Y3};
c_U0 <= mean2(b_U0, b_U0_u);
c_U2 <= mean2(b_U2, b_U2_u);
c_V0 <= mean2(b_V0, b_V0_u);
c_V2 <= mean2(b_V2, b_V2_u);
// stage D & E : double-buffer: buffer 2 slices
reg [ 4*8-1:0] mem_dbuf_Y [2 * 16 * (XSIZE/4)]; // Y: double-buffer memory, 16 rows, XSIZE/4 cols, each item contains 4 Y-pixels
reg [ 2*8-1:0] mem_dbuf_U [2 * 8 * (XSIZE/4)]; // U: double-buffer memory, 8 rows, XSIZE/4 cols, each item contains 2 U-pixels
reg [ 2*8-1:0] mem_dbuf_V [2 * 8 * (XSIZE/4)]; // V: double-buffer memory, 8 rows, XSIZE/4 cols, each item contains 2 V-pixels
reg c_flip; // double-buffer write control bit
reg d_flop; // double-buffer read control bit, when c_flip != d_flop, double-buffer is available to read
reg [ 7:0] d_i_frame;
reg [ XB4-1:0] d_x4 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] d_y16 ;
reg [ 3:0] d_y_16; // 0~15, to loop through all rows in the block
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
d_i_frame <= '0;
d_y16 <= '0;
c_flip <= '0;
end else begin
if( c_en && c_x4 == max_x4 && c_y[3:0] == 4'd15 ) begin // end of a inputted row of block (16 rows of Y)
d_i_frame <= c_i_frame;
d_y16 <= c_y[YB-1:4];
c_flip <= ~c_flip; // flip the double-buffer
always @ (posedge clk) // write Y double-buffer in row-first order
if( c_en )
mem_dbuf_Y[ {c_flip, c_y[3:0], c_x4} ] <= {c_Y0, c_Y1, c_Y2, c_Y3};
always @ (posedge clk) // write U/V double-buffer in row-first order
if( c_en & c_y[0] ) begin // only write when c_y is odd
mem_dbuf_U[ {c_flip, c_y[3:1], c_x4} ] <= {c_U0, c_U2};
mem_dbuf_V[ {c_flip, c_y[3:1], c_x4} ] <= {c_V0, c_V2};
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
d_y_16 <= '0;
d_x4 <= '0;
d_flop <= '0;
end else begin // update the read index to read the double-buffer in column-first order.
if( c_flip != d_flop ) begin // when c_flip != d_flop, double-buffer is available to read, the valid read data will appear at next cycle
d_y_16 <= d_y_16 + 4'd1;
if(d_y_16 == 4'd15) begin
if( d_x4 < max_x4 ) begin
d_x4 <= d_x4 + (XB4)'(1);
end else begin
d_x4 <= '0;
d_flop <= ~d_flop; // end of reading a row of block (16 rows of Y), flop the double-buffer
reg [ 7:0] e_i_frame;
reg [ XB16-1:0] e_x16;
reg [ YB16-1:0] e_y16;
reg e_start_blk;
reg e_en_blk ;
reg e_Y_en ;
reg e_UV_en ;
reg [ 4*8-1:0] e_Y_rd; // Y double-buffer output: 4 adjacent values
reg [ 2*8-1:0] e_U_rd; // U double-buffer output: 2 adjacent values
reg [ 2*8-1:0] e_V_rd; // V double-buffer output: 2 adjacent values
always @ (posedge clk) begin // read double-buffer in col-first order
e_Y_rd <= mem_dbuf_Y [ {d_flop, d_y_16 , d_x4} ];
e_U_rd <= mem_dbuf_U [ {d_flop, d_y_16[3:1], d_x4} ];
e_V_rd <= mem_dbuf_V [ {d_flop, d_y_16[3:1], d_x4} ];
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
e_i_frame <= '0;
e_x16 <= '0;
e_y16 <= '0;
e_start_blk <= '0;
e_en_blk <= '0;
e_Y_en <= '0;
e_UV_en <= '0;
end else begin
e_i_frame <= d_i_frame;
e_x16 <= (XB16)'(d_x4 >> 2);
e_y16 <= d_y16;
e_start_blk <= (c_flip != d_flop) && d_x4[1:0] == 2'd0 && d_y_16 == 4'd0; // start of a block (16x16 Y)
e_en_blk <= (c_flip != d_flop) && d_x4[1:0] == 2'd3 && d_y_16 == 4'd15; // end of a block (16x16 Y)
e_Y_en <= (c_flip != d_flop);
e_UV_en <= (c_flip != d_flop) && d_y_16[0];
// shift the double-buffer's output to get a new block
reg [ 7:0] e_Y_blk [16][16];
reg [ 7:0] e_U_blk [ 8][ 8];
reg [ 7:0] e_V_blk [ 8][ 8];
always @ (*) begin
{e_Y_blk[15][12], e_Y_blk[15][13], e_Y_blk[15][14], e_Y_blk[15][15]} = e_Y_rd;
{e_U_blk[7][6], e_U_blk[7][7]} = e_U_rd;
{e_V_blk[7][6], e_V_blk[7][7]} = e_V_rd;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if( e_Y_en ) begin // shift to save a block of Y (16x16 Y)
for (int x=0; x<16; x++)
for(int y=0; y<15; y++)
e_Y_blk[y][x] <= e_Y_blk[y+1][x];
for(int x=0; x<12; x++)
e_Y_blk[15][x] <= e_Y_blk[0][x+4];
if( e_UV_en ) begin // shift to save a block of U/V (8x8 U and 8x8 V)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
for(int y=0; y<7; y++) begin
e_U_blk[y][x] <= e_U_blk[y+1][x];
e_V_blk[y][x] <= e_V_blk[y+1][x];
for(int x=0; x<6; x++) begin
e_U_blk[7][x] <= e_U_blk[0][x+2];
e_V_blk[7][x] <= e_V_blk[0][x+2];
// stage X & Y & Z : read reference frame memory
reg [ 8*8-1:0] mem_ref_Y [ (YSIZE ) * (XSIZE/8 ) ]; // Y reference frame memory : (YSIZE ) rows, XSIZE/8 cols , each item contains 8 Y pixels
reg [ 8*8-1:0] mem_ref_UV [ (YSIZE/2) * (XSIZE/16) * 2 ]; // U/V reference frame memory : (YSIZE/2) rows, XSIZE/16 cols, 2 channels (U/V), each item contains 8 U or V pixels
reg [ 4:0] x_cnt;
reg [ XB16-1:0] x_x16;
logic [ YB16-1:0] x_y16; // temporary variable, not real register
reg x_x8_2;
reg [ YB-1:0] x_y;
reg y_Y_en;
reg y_U_en;
reg y_V_en;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] y_Y_rd;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] y_UV_rd;
reg z_Y_en;
reg z_U_en;
reg z_V_en;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] z_Y_rd;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] z_UV_rd;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
y_Y_en <= 1'b0;
y_U_en <= 1'b0;
y_V_en <= 1'b0;
x_x16 <= '0;
x_y <= '0;
x_x8_2 <= '0;
x_cnt <= '1;
end else begin // reference frame read control :
y_Y_en <= 1'b0;
y_U_en <= 1'b0;
y_V_en <= 1'b0;
if(e_start_blk) begin // when start to read a current block, start to read the reference blocks (whose position is at the right side of the current block)
if ( e_y16 == max_y16 && e_x16 == max_x16 ) begin // current block is at the bottom-right corner of the current image
x_x16 <= (XB16)'(0); // the reference block to read is at the top-left corner of reference image
x_y16 = (YB16)'(0);
end else if ( e_x16 == max_x16 ) begin // current block is the right-most block of the current image
x_x16 <= (XB16)'(0); // the reference block to read is the left-most block in the next row
x_y16 = e_y16 + (YB16)'(1);
end else begin // current block is NOT the right-most block of the current image
x_x16 <= e_x16 + (XB16)'(1); // the reference block to read is at the right side of the current block
x_y16 = e_y16;
x_y <= ((YB)'(x_y16) << 4) - (YB)'(YR);
x_x8_2 <= '0;
x_cnt <= '0;
end else if( x_cnt < (5)'(16+2*YR) ) begin // for each block, need to read YR+16+YR lines of Y
if(x_x8_2) begin
x_cnt <= x_cnt + 5'd1;
x_y <= x_y + (YB)'(1);
x_x8_2 <= ~x_x8_2;
y_Y_en <= 1'b1;
y_U_en <= ~x_y[0] & ~x_x8_2;
y_V_en <= ~x_y[0] & x_x8_2;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
z_Y_en <= '0;
z_U_en <= '0;
z_V_en <= '0;
end else begin
z_Y_en <= y_Y_en;
z_U_en <= y_U_en;
z_V_en <= y_V_en;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
y_Y_rd <= mem_ref_Y [ {x_y , x_x16, x_x8_2} ] ;
y_UV_rd <= mem_ref_UV[ {x_y[YB-1:1], x_x16, x_x8_2} ] ;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
z_Y_rd <= y_Y_rd;
z_UV_rd <= y_UV_rd;
reg [7:0] z_Y_ref [-YR:16+YR-1] [16];
reg [7:0] z_U_ref [-UR: 8+UR-1] [ 8];
reg [7:0] z_V_ref [-UR: 8+UR-1] [ 8];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(z_Y_en) begin
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
for (int y=-YR; y<16+YR; y++)
z_Y_ref[y][x] <= z_Y_ref[y][x+8];
for (int y=-YR; y<16+YR-1; y++)
z_Y_ref[y][x+8] <= z_Y_ref[y+1][x];
z_Y_ref[16+YR-1][x+8] <= z_Y_rd[x*8+:8]; // push the new data to the last item of z_Y_ref
if(z_U_en) begin
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
for (int y=-UR; y<8+UR-1; y++)
z_U_ref[y][x] <= z_U_ref[y+1][x]; // shift z_U_ref
z_U_ref[8+UR-1][x] <= z_UV_rd[x*8+:8]; // push the new data to the last item of z_U_ref
if(z_V_en) begin
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
for (int y=-UR; y<8+UR-1; y++)
z_V_ref[y][x] <= z_V_ref[y+1][x]; // shift z_V_ref
z_V_ref[8+UR-1][x] <= z_UV_rd[x*8+:8]; // push the new data to the last item of z_V_ref
// stage F : motion estimation
reg [ 7:0] f_i_frame;
reg [ XB16-1:0] f_x16 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] f_y16 ;
reg [ 15:0] f_Y_sum ;
reg [ 7:0] f_Y_mean;
reg [ 7:0] f_Y_blk [16][16]; // Y current block
reg [ 7:0] f_U_blk [ 8][ 8]; // U current block
reg [ 7:0] f_V_blk [ 8][ 8]; // V current block
reg [ 7:0] f_Y_ref [-YR:16+YR-1][-YR:16+16-1]; // Y reference
reg [ 7:0] f_U_ref [-UR: 8+UR-1][-UR:8+8-1]; // U reference
reg [ 7:0] f_V_ref [-UR: 8+UR-1][-UR:8+8-1]; // V reference
reg [ 7:0] f_Y_prd [16][16]; // Y predicted block
reg [ 7:0] f_U_prd [-UR:8+UR-1][-UR:8+UR-1]; // U predicted block
reg [ 7:0] f_V_prd [-UR:8+UR-1][-UR:8+UR-1]; // V predicted block
reg [ 7:0] f_Y_tmp [-YR:16+YR-1][-YR:16+YR-1]; // Y temporary reference map for full pixel search
reg [ 7:0] f_Y_hlf [-1:31][-1:31]; // Y temporary reference map for half pixel search
reg [ 11:0] f_diff [-YR:YR][-YR:YR]; // up: YR, middle: 1, down: YR. left: YR, middle: 1, right: YR.
reg f_over [-YR:YR][-YR:YR]; //
reg signed [ 1:0] f_mvxh , f_mvyh; // -1, 0, +1
reg signed [ 4:0] f_mvx , f_mvy; //
reg f_inter ;
reg f_en_blk ;
reg [ 3:0] f_cnt ; // 0~15
enum reg [ 3:0] {
} f_stat ;
logic [ 11:0] diff ; // temporary variable, not real register
logic tmpbit1, tmpbit2 ; // temporary variable, not real register
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
f_en_blk <= 1'b0;
f_cnt <= '0;
f_stat <= MV_IDLE;
end else begin
f_en_blk <= 1'b0;
f_cnt <= '0;
case (f_stat)
MV_IDLE : begin
f_stat <= CALC_DIFF;
CALC_DIFF : begin
if(f_cnt < 4'd15)
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= CALC_MIN;
CALC_MIN : begin
if( f_cnt < 4'd5 )
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= REF_SHIFT_Y;
REF_SHIFT_Y : begin
if(f_cnt < (4)'(YR-1) )
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= REF_SHIFT_X;
REF_SHIFT_X : begin
if(f_cnt < (4)'(YR-1) )
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= CALC_DIFF_HALF;
if(f_cnt < 4'd15)
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= CALC_MIN_HALF1;
f_stat <= CALC_MIN_HALF2;
f_stat <= REF_UV_SHIFT_Y;
REF_UV_SHIFT_Y : begin
if(f_cnt < 4'd2)
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= REF_UV_SHIFT_X;
REF_UV_SHIFT_X : begin
if(f_cnt < 4'd2)
f_cnt <= f_cnt + 4'd1;
f_stat <= PREDICT;
PREDICT : begin
f_stat <= MV_IDLE;
f_en_blk <= 1'b1;
always @ (posedge clk)
// state: start, load current block and its reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MV_IDLE : begin
if(e_en_blk) begin
f_i_frame <= e_i_frame;
f_y16 <= e_y16;
f_x16 <= e_x16;
f_Y_sum <= '0;
for (int y=0; y<16; y++)
for (int x=0; x<16; x++)
f_Y_blk[y][x] <= e_Y_blk[y][x]; // load current Y block
for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
f_U_blk[y][x] <= e_U_blk[y][x]; // load current U block
f_V_blk[y][x] <= e_V_blk[y][x]; // load current V block
if(e_en_blk) begin
for (int y=-YR; y<16+YR; y++) begin
for (int x=-YR; x<16; x++)
f_Y_ref[y][x] <= f_Y_ref[y][x+16]; // left shift old Y reference 16 steps
for (int x=0; x<16; x++)
f_Y_ref[y][x+16] <= z_Y_ref[y][x]; // load new Y reference
for (int y=-UR; y<8+UR; y++) begin
for (int x=-UR; x<8 ; x++) begin
f_U_ref[y][x] <= f_U_ref[y][x+8]; // left shift old U reference by 8 steps
f_V_ref[y][x] <= f_V_ref[y][x+8]; // left shift old V reference by 8 steps
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
f_U_ref[y][x+8] <= z_U_ref[y][x]; // load new U reference
f_V_ref[y][x+8] <= z_V_ref[y][x]; // load new V reference
// state: YR cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (int y=-YR; y<16+YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<16+YR; x++)
f_Y_tmp[y][x] <= f_Y_ref[y][x]; // load f_Y_tmp from f_Y_ref : prepare for REF_SHIFT_Y
for (int y=-YR; y<=YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++) begin
f_diff[y][x] <= '0; // clear diff map
f_over[y][x] <=( (f_x16 == '0 && x<0 ) || // for left-most block, disable the motion-vector that mvx<0,
(f_x16 == max_x16 && x>0 ) || // for right-most block, disable the motion-vector that mvx>0,
(f_y16 == '0 && y<0 ) || // for top-most block, disable the motion-vector that mvy<0,
(f_y16 == max_y16 && y>0 ) ); // for bottom-most block, disable the motion-vector that mvy>0.
// state: 16 cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALC_DIFF : begin
for (int y=0; y<16; y++)
for (int x=0; x<16; x++)
f_Y_blk[y][x] <= f_Y_blk[y][(x+1)%16]; // cyclic left shift f_Y_blk by 1 step
for (int y=-YR; y<16+YR ; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<16+YR-1; x++)
f_Y_tmp[y][x] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x+1]; // left shift f_Y_tmp by 1 step
diff = '0;
for(int y=0; y<16; y++)
diff += (12)'( f_Y_blk[y][0] );
f_Y_sum <= f_Y_sum + (16)'(diff); // calculate sum of f_Y_blk
for (int y=-YR; y<=YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++) begin
diff = '0;
for (int yt=0; yt<16; yt++)
diff += (12)'( func_diff( f_Y_blk[yt][0] , f_Y_tmp[yt+y][x] ) );
if( ~f_over[y][x] )
{f_over[y][x], f_diff[y][x]} <= (13)'(f_diff[y][x]) + (13)'(diff) ;
// state: 6 cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALC_MIN : begin
tmpbit1 = 1'b1;
for (int y=-YR; y<=YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++)
tmpbit1 &= f_over[y][x] | f_diff[y][x][11] ;
tmpbit2 = 1'b1;
for (int y=-YR; y<=YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++)
tmpbit2 &= f_over[y][x] | (f_diff[y][x][11] & ~tmpbit1) | f_diff[y][x][10] ;
for (int y=-YR; y<=YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++) begin
f_over[y][x] <= f_over[y][x] | (f_diff[y][x][11] & ~tmpbit1) | (f_diff[y][x][10] & ~tmpbit2);
f_diff[y][x] <= f_diff[y][x] << 2 ;
// state: 1 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_mvy <= '0;
for (int y=-YR; y<=YR; y++) begin
tmpbit1 = 1'b1;
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++)
tmpbit1 &= f_over[y][x] ;
if( ~tmpbit1 )
f_mvy <= (5)'(y); // use f_over to get the y of motion vector's x
// state: 1 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_mvx <= '0;
for (int x=-YR; x<=YR; x++)
if( ~f_over[f_mvy][x] )
f_mvx <= (5)'(x); // use f_over to get the x of motion vector's x
for (int y=-YR; y<16+YR; y++)
for (int x=-YR; x<16+YR; x++)
f_Y_tmp[y][x] <= f_Y_ref[y][x]; // load f_Y_tmp from f_Y_ref : prepare for REF_SHIFT_Y
// state: YR cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REF_SHIFT_Y : begin
if ( f_mvy > 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned( f_mvy) ) // up shift Y
for (int y=0 ; y<16+YR; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y<-1, since they are discarded
for (int x=-YR; x<16+YR; x++)
f_Y_tmp[y-1][x] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x] ;
else if ( f_mvy < 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned(-f_mvy) ) // down shift Y
for (int y=-YR; y<16 ; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y>16, since they are discarded
for (int x=-YR; x<16+YR; x++)
f_Y_tmp[y+1][x] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x] ;
// state: YR cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REF_SHIFT_X : begin
if ( f_mvx > 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned( f_mvx) ) // left shift Y
for (int y=-1; y<=16 ; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y<-1 and y>16, since they are discarded
for (int x=0 ; x<16+YR; x++) // needn't to shift the pixels of x<-1, since they are discarded
f_Y_tmp[y][x-1] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x] ;
else if ( f_mvx < 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned(-f_mvx) ) // right shift Y
for (int y=-1; y<=16; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y<-1 and y>16, since they are discarded
for (int x=-YR; x<16; x++) // needn't to shift the pixels of x>16, since they are discarded
f_Y_tmp[y][x+1] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x] ;
// state: 1 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_Y_mean <= f_Y_sum[15:8];
for (int y=-1; y<16; y++)
for(int x=-1; x<16; x++) begin
if(-2<y*2 && -2<x*2 ) f_Y_hlf[y*2 ][x*2 ] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x];
if(-2<y*2 && -2<x*2+1) f_Y_hlf[y*2 ][x*2+1] <= mean2( f_Y_tmp[y][x], f_Y_tmp[y][x+1] );
if(-2<y*2+1 && -2<x*2 ) f_Y_hlf[y*2+1][x*2 ] <= mean2( f_Y_tmp[y][x], f_Y_tmp[y+1][x] );
if(-2<y*2+1 && -2<x*2+1) f_Y_hlf[y*2+1][x*2+1] <= mean4( f_Y_tmp[y][x], f_Y_tmp[y][x+1], f_Y_tmp[y+1][x], f_Y_tmp[y+1][x+1] );
for (int y=-1; y<=1; y++)
for (int x=-1; x<=1; x++) begin
f_diff[y][x] <= '0;
f_over[y][x] <=( ( (f_x16 == '0 || f_mvx == (5)'(-YR) ) && x<0 ) ||
( (f_x16 == max_x16 || f_mvx == (5)'( YR) ) && x>0 ) ||
( (f_y16 == '0 || f_mvy == (5)'(-YR) ) && y<0 ) ||
( (f_y16 == max_y16 || f_mvy == (5)'( YR) ) && y>0 ) );
// state: 16 cycles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (int y=0; y<16; y++)
for(int x=0; x<16; x++)
f_Y_blk[y][x] <= f_Y_blk[y][(x+1)%16]; // cyclic left shift f_Y_blk by 1 step
for (int y=-1; y<32; y++)
for(int x=-1; x<30; x++)
f_Y_hlf[y][x] <= f_Y_hlf[y][x+2]; // left shift f_Y_hlf by 2 steps
diff = '0;
for(int y=0; y<16; y++)
diff += (12)'( func_diff( f_Y_blk[y][0] , f_Y_mean ) );
f_Y_sum <= f_Y_sum + (16)'(diff); // calculate diff of f_Y_blk and f_Y_mean
for (int y=-1; y<=1; y++)
for (int x=-1; x<=1; x++) begin
diff = '0;
for (int yt=0; yt<16; yt++)
diff += (12)'( func_diff( f_Y_blk[yt][0] , f_Y_hlf[y+2*yt][x] ) );
if( ~f_over[y][x] )
{f_over[y][x], f_diff[y][x]} <= (13)'(f_diff[y][x]) + (13)'(diff) ;
// state: 1 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALC_MIN_HALF1 : begin
diff = (f_Y_sum[15:12] == '0) ? f_Y_sum[11:0] : 12'hfff;
// find min value in f_diff (a faster way)
case( find_min_in_10_values(
{ f_over[-1][-1], f_diff[-1][-1] },
{ f_over[-1][ 0], f_diff[-1][ 0] },
{ f_over[-1][ 1], f_diff[-1][ 1] },
{ f_over[ 0][-1], f_diff[ 0][-1] },
{ f_over[ 0][ 0], f_diff[ 0][ 0] },
{ f_over[ 0][ 1], f_diff[ 0][ 1] },
{ f_over[ 1][-1], f_diff[ 1][-1] },
{ f_over[ 1][ 0], f_diff[ 1][ 0] },
{ f_over[ 1][ 1], f_diff[ 1][ 1] },
{ 1'b0, diff } ) )
4'd0 : begin f_mvyh <= -2'sd1; f_mvxh <= -2'sd1; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd1 : begin f_mvyh <= -2'sd1; f_mvxh <= 2'sd0; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd2 : begin f_mvyh <= -2'sd1; f_mvxh <= 2'sd1; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd3 : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd0; f_mvxh <= -2'sd1; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd4 : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd0; f_mvxh <= 2'sd0; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd5 : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd0; f_mvxh <= 2'sd1; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd6 : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd1; f_mvxh <= -2'sd1; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd7 : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd1; f_mvxh <= 2'sd0; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
4'd8 : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd1; f_mvxh <= 2'sd1; f_inter <= 1'b1; end
default : begin f_mvyh <= 2'sd0; f_mvxh <= 2'sd0; f_inter <= 1'b0; end
// state: 1 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALC_MIN_HALF2 : begin
if( f_i_frame == '0 ) begin // I-frame
f_inter <= 1'b0;
f_mvyh <= '0;
f_mvxh <= '0;
f_mvy <= '0;
f_mvx <= '0;
end else begin // P-frame
f_mvy <= (f_mvy << 1) + f_mvyh;
f_mvx <= (f_mvx << 1) + f_mvxh;
for (int y=-1; y<16; y++)
for(int x=-1; x<16; x++) begin
if(-2<y*2 && -2<x*2 ) f_Y_hlf[y*2 ][x*2 ] <= f_Y_tmp[y][x];
if(-2<y*2 && -2<x*2+1) f_Y_hlf[y*2 ][x*2+1] <= mean2( f_Y_tmp[y][x], f_Y_tmp[y][x+1] );
if(-2<y*2+1 && -2<x*2 ) f_Y_hlf[y*2+1][x*2 ] <= mean2( f_Y_tmp[y][x], f_Y_tmp[y+1][x] );
if(-2<y*2+1 && -2<x*2+1) f_Y_hlf[y*2+1][x*2+1] <= mean4( f_Y_tmp[y][x], f_Y_tmp[y][x+1], f_Y_tmp[y+1][x], f_Y_tmp[y+1][x+1] );
for (int y=-UR; y<8+UR; y++)
for (int x=-UR; x<8+UR; x++) begin
f_U_prd[y][x] <= f_U_ref[y][x] ;
f_V_prd[y][x] <= f_V_ref[y][x] ;
// state: 3 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REF_UV_SHIFT_Y : begin
if( f_cnt == 4'd0 && f_mvyh >= 2'sd0 || f_cnt == 4'd1 && f_mvyh >= 2'sd1 ) begin // up shift Y-half (f_Y_hlf)
for (int y=-1; y<31; y++)
for(int x=-1; x<32; x++)
f_Y_hlf[y][x] <= f_Y_hlf[y+1][x];
if ( f_mvy > 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned( f_mvy>>>2 ) ) // up shift U/V
for (int y=1 ; y<8+UR; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y<0, since they are discarded
for (int x=-UR; x<8+UR; x++) begin
f_U_prd[y-1][x] <= f_U_prd[y][x] ;
f_V_prd[y-1][x] <= f_V_prd[y][x] ;
else if ( f_mvy < 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned(-(f_mvy>>>2)) ) // down shift V/V
for (int y=-UR; y<8 ; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y>8 , since they are discarded
for (int x=-UR; x<8+UR; x++) begin
f_U_prd[y+1][x] <= f_U_prd[y][x] ;
f_V_prd[y+1][x] <= f_V_prd[y][x] ;
// state: 3 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REF_UV_SHIFT_X : begin
if( f_cnt == 4'd0 && f_mvxh >= 2'sd0 || f_cnt == 4'd1 && f_mvxh >= 2'sd1 ) begin // left shift Y-half (f_Y_hlf)
for (int y=-1; y<30; y++) // needn't to shift y>=30, since they are discarded
for(int x=-1; x<31; x++)
f_Y_hlf[y][x] <= f_Y_hlf[y][x+1];
if ( f_mvx > 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned( f_mvx>>>2 ) ) // left shift U/V
for (int y=0; y<=8 ; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y<0 and y>8, since they are discarded
for (int x=1; x<8+UR; x++) begin // needn't to shift the pixels of x<0, since they are discarded
f_U_prd[y][x-1] <= f_U_prd[y][x] ;
f_V_prd[y][x-1] <= f_V_prd[y][x] ;
else if ( f_mvx < 5'sd0 && (5)'(f_cnt) < $unsigned(-(f_mvx>>>2)) ) // right shift U/V
for (int y=0; y<=8 ; y++) // needn't to shift the pixels of y<0 and y>8, since they are discarded
for (int x=-UR; x<8; x++) begin // needn't to shift the pixels of x>8, since they are discarded
f_U_prd[y][x+1] <= f_U_prd[y][x] ;
f_V_prd[y][x+1] <= f_V_prd[y][x] ;
// state: 1 cycle --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PREDICT : begin
for (int y=0; y<16; y++)
for (int x=0; x<16; x++)
if ( ~f_inter )
f_Y_prd[y][x] <= 8'h80;
f_Y_prd[y][x] <= f_Y_hlf[2*y-1][2*x-1];
for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
if( ~f_inter ) begin
f_U_prd[y][x] <= 8'h80;
f_V_prd[y][x] <= 8'h80;
end else if ( ((f_mvy>>>1) & 1) & ((f_mvx>>>1) & 1) ) begin
f_U_prd[y][x] <= mean4( f_U_prd[y][x], f_U_prd[y][x+1], f_U_prd[y+1][x], f_U_prd[y+1][x+1] ) ;
f_V_prd[y][x] <= mean4( f_V_prd[y][x], f_V_prd[y][x+1], f_V_prd[y+1][x], f_V_prd[y+1][x+1] ) ;
end else if ( (f_mvx>>>1) & 1 ) begin
f_U_prd[y][x] <= mean2( f_U_prd[y][x], f_U_prd[y][x+1] ) ;
f_V_prd[y][x] <= mean2( f_V_prd[y][x], f_V_prd[y][x+1] ) ;
end else if ( (f_mvy>>>1) & 1 ) begin
f_U_prd[y][x] <= mean2( f_U_prd[y][x], f_U_prd[y+1][x] ) ;
f_V_prd[y][x] <= mean2( f_V_prd[y][x], f_V_prd[y+1][x] ) ;
end else begin
f_U_prd[y][x] <= f_U_prd[y][x];
f_V_prd[y][x] <= f_V_prd[y][x];
// stage G : DCT, including phase 1 (right multiply DCT_MATRIX_transposed) and phase 2 (left multiply DCT_MATRIX), then quantize.
reg [ 5:0] g_cnt;
reg [ 7:0] g_i_frame;
reg [ XB16-1:0] g_x16;
reg [ YB16-1:0] g_y16;
reg g_inter;
reg signed [ 4:0] g_mvx , g_mvy ;
reg [ 7:0] g_tiles_prd [48][8]; // predicted tiles of current block : Y00, Y01, Y10, Y11, U, V
reg signed [ 8:0] g_tiles [48][8]; // residual tiles of current block : Y00, Y01, Y10, Y11, U, V
reg signed [ 18+DCTP:0] g_dct_res1 [8][8]; // 21 bits = 9+10+3-1
reg signed [ 18+DCTP:0] g_dct_res2 [8][8]; // 21 bits
reg signed [ 16:0] g_dct_res3 [8][8]; // 17 bits = 21+10+3-1-16
reg signed [ 11:0] g_quant [8][8]; // 12 bits
reg g_en_tile ;
reg [ 2:0] g_num_tile ;
logic signed [ 18+DCTP:0] g_t1; // temporary variable not real register
logic signed [28+2*DCTP:0] g_t2; // temporary variable not real register
logic [ 15:0] g_t3; // temporary variable not real register
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
g_cnt <= '0;
g_en_tile <= 1'b0;
g_num_tile <= '0;
end else begin
if( f_en_blk )
g_cnt <= 6'd1;
else if (g_cnt != '0)
g_cnt <= g_cnt + 6'd1;
g_en_tile <= 1'b0;
if( g_cnt == 6'd18 || g_cnt == 6'd26 || g_cnt == 6'd34 || g_cnt == 6'd42 || g_cnt == 6'd50 || g_cnt == 6'd58 ) begin
g_en_tile <= 1'b1;
g_num_tile <= g_cnt[5:3] - 3'd2; // 0->Y00 1->Y01 2->Y10 3->Y11 4->U 5->V
always @ (posedge clk)
if( f_en_blk ) begin
g_i_frame <= f_i_frame;
g_y16 <= f_y16;
g_x16 <= f_x16;
g_inter <= f_inter;
g_mvx <= f_mvx;
g_mvy <= f_mvy;
for (int y=0; y<8 ; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8 ; x++) begin
g_tiles_prd[y ][x ] <= f_Y_prd[y][x];
g_tiles [y ][x ] <= $signed( (9)'(f_Y_blk[y][x]) ) - $signed( (9)'(f_Y_prd[y][x]) );
for (int y=0; y<8 ; y++)
for (int x=8; x<16; x++) begin
g_tiles_prd[y+8 ][x-8] <= f_Y_prd[y][x];
g_tiles [y+8 ][x-8] <= $signed( (9)'(f_Y_blk[y][x]) ) - $signed( (9)'(f_Y_prd[y][x]) );
for (int y=8; y<16; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8 ; x++) begin
g_tiles_prd[y+8 ][x ] <= f_Y_prd[y][x];
g_tiles [y+8 ][x ] <= $signed( (9)'(f_Y_blk[y][x]) ) - $signed( (9)'(f_Y_prd[y][x]) );
for (int y=8; y<16; y++)
for (int x=8; x<16; x++) begin
g_tiles_prd[y+16][x-8] <= f_Y_prd[y][x];
g_tiles [y+16][x-8] <= $signed( (9)'(f_Y_blk[y][x]) ) - $signed( (9)'(f_Y_prd[y][x]) );
for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
g_tiles_prd[y+32][x ] <= f_U_prd[y][x];
g_tiles [y+32][x ] <= $signed( (9)'(f_U_blk[y][x]) ) - $signed( (9)'(f_U_prd[y][x]) );
for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
g_tiles_prd[y+40][x ] <= f_V_prd[y][x];
g_tiles [y+40][x ] <= $signed( (9)'(f_V_blk[y][x]) ) - $signed( (9)'(f_V_prd[y][x]) );
end else begin
for (int x=0; x<8 ; x++) begin
for (int y=0; y<47; y++)
g_tiles[y][x] <= g_tiles[y+1][x]; // up shift g_tiles
g_tiles[47][x] <= '0;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
// DCT phase 1 : right multiply DCT_MATRIX_transposed
// calculate when g_cnt = 1~8, 9~16, 17~24, 25~32, 33~40, 41~48
// produce result when g_cnt = 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) begin
g_t1 = '0;
for (int k=0; k<8; k++)
g_t1 += g_tiles[0][k] * DCT_MATRIX[j][k]; // Note that DCT_MATRIX [j][k] == DCT_MATRIX_transposed [k][j]
g_dct_res1[7][j] <= g_t1; // push the DCT phase 1 result to the last row of g_dct_res1
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
g_dct_res1[i][j] <= g_dct_res1[i+1][j]; // up shift g_dct_res1
// save the 8x8 result of DCT phase 1
if( g_cnt == 6'd9 || g_cnt == 6'd17 || g_cnt == 6'd25 || g_cnt == 6'd33 || g_cnt == 6'd41 || g_cnt == 6'd49 ) begin
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
g_dct_res2[i][j] <= g_dct_res1[i][j] ; // save the 8x8 result of DCT phase 1 to g_dct_res2
end else begin
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) begin
for (int j=0; j<7; j++)
g_dct_res2[i][j] <= g_dct_res2[i][j+1]; // left shift g_dct_res2
g_dct_res2[i][7] <= '0;
// DCT phase 2 : left multiply DCT_MATRIX
// calculate when g_cnt = 10~17, 18~25, 26~33, 34~41, 42~49, 50~57
// produce result when g_cnt = 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) begin
g_t2 = '0;
for(int k=0; k<8; k++)
g_t2 += DCT_MATRIX[i][k] * g_dct_res2[k][0];
g_t2 = (g_t2>>>(12+2*DCTP)) + g_t2[11+2*DCTP]; //
g_dct_res3[i][7] <= $signed((17)'(g_t2)); // push the DCT phase 2 result to the last column of g_dct_res3. = (g_t2 + 32768) / 65536
for(int j=0; j<7; j++)
g_dct_res3[i][j] <= g_dct_res3[i][j+1]; // left shift g_dct_res3
// save the 8x8 result of DCT phase 2, and do quantize by-the-way
if( g_cnt == 6'd18 || g_cnt == 6'd26 || g_cnt == 6'd34 || g_cnt == 6'd42 || g_cnt == 6'd50 || g_cnt == 6'd58 )
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) begin
g_t3 = (16)'( (g_dct_res3[i][j] < 0) ? -g_dct_res3[i][j] : g_dct_res3[i][j] ); // y = abs(x)
if( g_inter ) // inter block
g_t3 = (g_t3 + 16'd2) >> (4 + Q_LEVEL); // y = (y+2) / 16 / (1<<Q_LEVEL)
else if( i!=0 || j!=0 ) // intra block, AC value
g_t3 = ( (g_t3 + ((INTRA_Q[i][j]*((3<<Q_LEVEL)+2))>>3) ) >> Q_LEVEL ) / INTRA_Q[i][j]; // y = ( y + (INTRA_Q*((3<<Q_LEVEL)+2)>>3) ) / (1<<Q_LEVEL) / INTRA_Q
else // intra block, DC value
g_t3 = (g_t3>>4) + (16)'( g_t3[3] ) ; // y = (y/8 + 1) / 2
if( g_t3 > 16'd2047 ) g_t3 = 16'd2047; // clip(y, 0, 2047)
g_quant[i][j] <= (g_dct_res3[i][j] < 0) ? -$signed((12)'(g_t3)) : $signed((12)'(g_t3)); // x = (y<0) ? -x : x;
// stage H & J : inverse quantize, inverse DCT phase 1
reg [ 2:0] h_num_tile;
reg h_en ;
reg [ 2:0] h_cnt ;
reg signed [ 12:0] h_iquant [8][8]; // 13 bit
logic signed [ 16:0] h_t1; // not real register
reg j1_en ;
reg [ 2:0] j1_num_tile ;
reg j1_en_tile ;
reg [ 32*9-1:0] j1_idct_x0_to_x8;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
h_en <= 1'b0;
h_cnt <= '0;
h_num_tile <= '0;
j1_en <= '0;
j1_num_tile <= '0;
j1_en_tile <= 1'b0;
end else begin
j1_en_tile <= 1'b0;
if (g_en_tile) begin
h_en <= 1'b1;
h_cnt <= '0;
h_num_tile <= g_num_tile;
end else begin
h_cnt <= h_cnt + 3'd1;
if(h_cnt == '1)
h_en <= 1'b0;
j1_en <= h_en;
if(h_en) begin
if(h_cnt == '1) begin
j1_en_tile <= 1'b1;
j1_num_tile <= h_num_tile;
always @ (posedge clk)
if(g_en_tile) begin
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) begin
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) begin
h_t1 = g_quant[i][j]; // inverse quantize
if( g_inter ) begin // inter block
h_t1 <<= 1; // x *= 2
h_t1 += (h_t1<0) ? -17'sd1 : (h_t1>0) ? 17'sd1 : 17'sd0 ; // x += sign(x)
h_t1 <<= (17)'(Q_LEVEL); // x *= (1<<Q_LEVEL)
h_t1 = (h_t1 < -17'sd2047) ? -17'sd2047 : (h_t1 > 17'sd2047) ? 17'sd2047 : h_t1; // clip(x, -2047, 2047)
end else if( i!=0 || j!=0 ) begin // intra block, AC value
h_t1 *= INTRA_Q[i][j]; // x *= INTRA_Q
if( Q_LEVEL >= 3 ) // x = x * (1<<Q_LEVEL) / 8
h_t1 <<= (17)'(Q_LEVEL - 3); //
else //
h_t1 >>>= (17)'(3 - Q_LEVEL); //
h_t1 = (h_t1 < -17'sd2047) ? -17'sd2047 : (h_t1 > 17'sd2047) ? 17'sd2047 : h_t1; // clip(x, -2047, 2047)
end else begin // intra block, DC value
h_t1 <<= 1; // x *= 2
h_iquant[i][j] <= (13)'(h_t1);
end else begin
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) begin
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
h_iquant[i][j] <= h_iquant[i+1][j]; // up shift h_iquant by 1 step
h_iquant[7][j] <= '0;
always @ (posedge clk)
if(h_en) // inverse DCT
j1_idct_x0_to_x8 <= invserse_dct_rows_step12(h_iquant[0][0], h_iquant[0][1], h_iquant[0][2], h_iquant[0][3], h_iquant[0][4], h_iquant[0][5], h_iquant[0][6], h_iquant[0][7]);
// divide invserse_dct_rows to 2 pipeline stages : for better timing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
reg [ 2:0] j_num_tile;
reg j_en_tile ;
reg signed [ 17:0] j_idct_res1 [8][8];
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
j_num_tile <= '0;
j_en_tile <= '0;
end else begin
if (j1_en) begin
j_num_tile <= j1_num_tile;
j_en_tile <= j1_en_tile;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (j1_en) begin
{j_idct_res1[7][0], j_idct_res1[7][1], j_idct_res1[7][2], j_idct_res1[7][3], j_idct_res1[7][4], j_idct_res1[7][5], j_idct_res1[7][6], j_idct_res1[7][7]} <= invserse_dct_rows_step34(j1_idct_x0_to_x8);
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
j_idct_res1[i][j] <= j_idct_res1[i+1][j]; // up shift j_idct_res1 by 1 step
// stage K & M : inverse DCT phase 2
reg [ 2:0] k_num_tile;
reg k_en ;
reg [ 2:0] k_cnt;
reg signed [ 17:0] k_idct_res2 [8][8];
reg m1_en;
reg m1_idct_en3;
reg [ 2:0] m1_num_tile;
reg [ 32*9-1:0] m1_idct_x0_to_x8;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
k_num_tile <= '0;
k_en <= '0;
k_cnt <= '0;
m1_en <= '0;
m1_idct_en3 <= '0;
m1_num_tile <= '0;
end else begin
m1_idct_en3 <= '0;
if( j_en_tile ) begin
k_num_tile <= j_num_tile;
k_en <= 1'b1;
k_cnt <= '0;
end else begin
k_cnt <= k_cnt + 3'd1;
if(k_cnt == '1)
k_en <= 1'b0;
m1_en <= k_en;
if(k_en) begin
if(k_cnt == '1) begin
m1_idct_en3 <= 1'b1;
m1_num_tile <= k_num_tile;
always @ (posedge clk) begin // for inverse DCT stage 2
if( j_en_tile ) begin
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
k_idct_res2[i][j] <= j_idct_res1[i][j];
end else begin
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) begin
for (int j=0; j<7; j++)
k_idct_res2[i][j] <= k_idct_res2[i][j+1]; // left shift k_idct_res2 for 2 steps
k_idct_res2[i][7] <= '0;
m1_idct_x0_to_x8 <= invserse_dct_cols_step12(k_idct_res2[0][0], k_idct_res2[1][0], k_idct_res2[2][0], k_idct_res2[3][0], k_idct_res2[4][0], k_idct_res2[5][0], k_idct_res2[6][0], k_idct_res2[7][0]);
// divide invserse_dct_cols to 2 pipeline stages : for better timing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
reg signed [ 8:0] m_idct_res3 [8][8];
reg m_idct_en3;
reg [ 2:0] m_num_tile;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
m_idct_en3 <= '0;
m_num_tile <= '0;
end else begin
if (m1_en) begin
m_idct_en3 <= m1_idct_en3;
m_num_tile <= m1_num_tile;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (m1_en) begin
{m_idct_res3[0][7], m_idct_res3[1][7], m_idct_res3[2][7], m_idct_res3[3][7], m_idct_res3[4][7], m_idct_res3[5][7], m_idct_res3[6][7], m_idct_res3[7][7]} <= invserse_dct_cols_step34(m1_idct_x0_to_x8);
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
for (int j=0; j<7; j++)
m_idct_res3[i][j] <= m_idct_res3[i][j+1]; // left shift m_idct_res3 by 1 step
// stage N & P :
reg [ XB16-1:0] n_x16 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] n_y16 ;
reg [ 5:0] n_num_tiles_line ;
reg [ 7:0] n_tiles_prd [48][8]; // predicted block : Y/U/V tiles
reg signed [ 8:0] n_idct_res4 [8][8];
reg n_en ;
reg [ 2:0] n_cnt ;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] p_delay_mem_wdata;
reg p_en ;
reg [ XB16-1:0] p_x16 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] p_y16 ;
reg [ 5:0] p_num_tiles_line ; // 0~47
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
n_en <= '0;
n_cnt <= '0;
p_en <= '0;
end else begin
if(m_idct_en3) begin
n_en <= 1'b1;
n_cnt <= '0;
end else begin
n_cnt <= n_cnt + 3'd1;
if(n_cnt == '1)
n_en <= 1'b0;
p_en <= n_en;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if(m_idct_en3) begin
for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
n_idct_res4[y][x] <= m_idct_res3[y][x];
end else begin
for (int x=0; x<8; x++) begin
for (int y=0; y<7; y++)
n_idct_res4[y][x] <= n_idct_res4[y+1][x]; // up shift n_idct_res4
n_idct_res4[7][x] <= '0;
if(m_idct_en3 && m_num_tile == '0) begin // for the first tile in a block, save the predicted block
for (int y=0; y<48; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
n_tiles_prd[y][x] <= g_tiles_prd[y][x]; // save the predicted block
n_x16 <= g_x16;
n_y16 <= g_y16;
n_num_tiles_line <= '0;
end else if(n_en) begin
for (int y=0; y<47; y++)
for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
n_tiles_prd[y][x] <= n_tiles_prd[y+1][x]; // up shift n_tiles_prd
n_num_tiles_line <= n_num_tiles_line + 6'd1;
if(n_en) begin
for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
p_delay_mem_wdata[8*x+:8] <= add_clip_0_255( n_tiles_prd[0][x] , n_idct_res4[0][x] ) ;
p_x16 <= n_x16;
p_y16 <= n_y16;
p_num_tiles_line <= n_num_tiles_line;
// stage Q & R : use memory (mem_delay) to delay for a slice, and then write back to reference memory
reg [ 8*8-1:0] mem_delay [ 48 * (XSIZE/16) ]; // a memory to save a slice, to delay the write of mem_ref_Y & mem_ref_UV for a slice
always @ (posedge clk)
if (p_en)
mem_delay[{p_num_tiles_line, p_x16}] <= p_delay_mem_wdata;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] q_rd;
reg q_en ;
reg [ XB16-1:0] q_x16 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] q_y16 ;
reg [ 5:0] q_num_tiles_line ;
reg [ 8*8-1:0] r_rd;
reg r_en ;
reg [ XB16-1:0] r_x16 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] r_y16 ;
reg [ 5:0] r_num_tiles_line ;
always @ (posedge clk)
q_rd <= mem_delay[{p_num_tiles_line, p_x16}];
always @ (posedge clk)
r_rd <= q_rd;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
q_en <= '0;
q_x16 <= '0;
q_y16 <= '0;
q_num_tiles_line <= '0;
end else begin
q_en <= p_en;
q_x16 <= p_x16;
q_y16 <= p_y16;
q_num_tiles_line <= p_num_tiles_line;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
r_en <= '0;
r_x16 <= '0;
r_y16 <= '0;
r_num_tiles_line <= '0;
end else begin
r_en <= q_en;
r_x16 <= q_x16;
r_y16 <= (q_y16 == '0) ? max_y16 : q_y16 - (YB16)'(1) ; // set the write block to the upper slice
r_num_tiles_line <= q_num_tiles_line;
always @ (posedge clk)
if( r_en && ~r_num_tiles_line[5] )
mem_ref_Y [ {r_y16, r_num_tiles_line[4], r_num_tiles_line[2:0], r_x16, r_num_tiles_line[3]} ] <= r_rd; // write to Y reference frame memory
always @ (posedge clk)
if( r_en && r_num_tiles_line[5] )
mem_ref_UV[ {r_y16 , r_num_tiles_line[2:0], r_x16, r_num_tiles_line[3]} ] <= r_rd; // write to U/V reference frame memory
//reg [8*8-1:0] mem_ref_Y [ (YSIZE ) * (XSIZE/8 ) ]; // Y reference frame memory : (YSIZE ) rows, XSIZE/8 cols , each item contains 8 Y pixels
//reg [8*8-1:0] mem_ref_UV [ (YSIZE/2) * (XSIZE/16) * 2 ]; // U/V reference frame memory : (YSIZE/2) rows, XSIZE/16 cols, 2 channels (U/V), each item contains 8 U or V pixels
// stage S : zig-zag reorder, generate nzflags
logic s_nzflag ; // temporary variable
reg [ 5:0] s_nzflags ;
reg signed [ 11:0] s_zig_blk [6] [64]; // 12 bit
reg s_en_blk ;
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
s_en_blk <= 1'b0;
end else begin
s_en_blk <= 1'b0;
s_en_blk <= ( g_num_tile == 3'd5 ); // is the last tile in a block ?
always @ (posedge clk)
if(g_en_tile) begin
for (int i=0; i<64; i++) begin
s_zig_blk[0][i] <= s_zig_blk[1][i];
s_zig_blk[1][i] <= s_zig_blk[2][i];
s_zig_blk[2][i] <= s_zig_blk[3][i];
s_zig_blk[3][i] <= s_zig_blk[4][i];
s_zig_blk[4][i] <= s_zig_blk[5][i];
s_nzflag = ~g_inter;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) begin
s_zig_blk[5][ZIG_ZAG_TABLE[i][j]] <= g_quant[i][j]; // zig-zag reorder
s_nzflag |= (g_quant[i][j] != '0); // check if g_quant are all zero
s_nzflags <= (s_nzflags<<1) | (6)'(s_nzflag);
// stage T : MPEG2 stream generation
reg [ 5:0] t_frame_hour, t_frame_minute, t_frame_second, t_frame_insec; // (hour,minute,second,insec) = (0~63,0~59,0~59,0~23)
reg [ 7:0] t_i_frame ;
reg [ XB16-1:0] t_x16 ;
reg [ YB16-1:0] t_y16 ;
reg t_inter ;
reg [ 5:0] t_nzflags ;
reg signed [ 4:0] t_mvx, t_mvy;
reg signed [ 4:0] t_prev_mvx, t_prev_mvy;
reg signed [ 11:0] t_zig_blk [6] [64];
reg signed [ 11:0] t_prev_Y_dc, t_prev_U_dc, t_prev_V_dc;
reg [ 5:0] t_runlen ;
reg [ 2:0] t_num_tile ;
reg [ 3:0] t_cnt ;
reg t_end_seq ;
reg t_align ;
reg [ 23:0] t_bits [7];
reg [ 4:0] t_lens [7];
reg t_append_b10 ;
logic signed [ 6:0] dmv; // temporary variable, not real register
logic [ 4:0] dmvabs; // temporary variable, not real register
logic nzflag; // temporary variable, not real register
logic signed [ 11:0] val; // temporary variable, not real register
logic signed [ 12:0] diff_dc; // temporary variable, not real register
logic [ 11:0] tmp_val; // temporary variable, not real register
logic [ 3:0] vallen; // temporary variable, not real register
logic [ 5:0] runlen; // temporary variable, not real register
function automatic logic [24+5-1:0] put_AC (input logic signed [11:0] v, input logic [5:0] rl); // because of run-length encoding, v cannot be zero
logic [23:0] bits;
logic [ 4:0] lens;
logic [10:0] absv;
absv = (v < 12'sd0) ? (11)'($unsigned(-v)) : (11)'($unsigned(v));
absv --;
if ( rl == 0 && absv < 40 || rl == 1 && absv < 18 || rl == 2 && absv < 5 || rl == 3 && absv < 4 ) begin
bits = { BITS_AC_0_3[rl][absv], (1)'(v<12'sd0)};
lens = LENS_AC_0_3[rl][absv] + 5'd1;
end else if( rl <= 6 && absv < 3 || rl <= 16 && absv < 2 || rl <= 31 && absv < 1 ) begin
bits = {BITS_AC_4_31[rl][absv], (1)'(v<12'sd0)};
lens = LENS_AC_4_31[rl][absv] + 5'd1;
end else begin
bits = { 6'h1, rl, (12)'($unsigned(v)) };
lens = 5'd24;
return {bits, lens};
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn) begin
{t_frame_hour, t_frame_minute, t_frame_second, t_frame_insec} <= '0;
t_i_frame <= '0;
t_x16 <= '0;
t_y16 <= '0;
t_inter <= '0;
t_nzflags <= '0;
t_mvx <= '0;
t_mvy <= '0;
t_prev_mvx <= '0;
t_prev_mvy <= '0;
{t_prev_Y_dc, t_prev_U_dc, t_prev_V_dc} <= '0;
t_runlen <= '0;
t_num_tile <= '0;
t_cnt <= '0;
t_stat <= PUT_ENDED;
t_end_seq <= '0;
t_align <= '0;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) begin
t_bits[i] <= '0;
t_lens[i] <= '0;
t_append_b10 <= '0;
end else begin
t_runlen <= '0;
t_num_tile <= '0;
t_cnt <= '0;
t_end_seq <= '0;
t_align <= '0;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) begin
t_bits[i] <= '0;
t_lens[i] <= '0;
t_append_b10 <= '0;
PUT_ENDED : begin
if(sequence_start) begin
t_stat <= PUT_SEQ_HEADER2;
{t_frame_hour, t_frame_minute, t_frame_second, t_frame_insec} <= '0; // clear time code
t_align <= 1'b1;
t_bits <= '{ 'h000001, 'hB3, {size_x, size_y}, 'h1209c4, 'h200000, 'h0001B5, 'h144200 }; // sequence header : part 1 (152 bits)
t_lens <= '{ 24, 8, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24 };
t_stat <= PUT_IDLE;
t_bits <= '{ 'h010000, 'h000001, 'hB52305, 'h0505, size_x, 1'b1, size_y }; // sequence header : part 2 (117 bits)
t_lens <= '{ 24, 24, 24, 16, 14, 1, 14 };
PUT_IDLE : begin
if( t_y16 == max_y16 && t_x16 == max_x16 && sequence_state == SEQ_ENDED) begin
t_stat <= PUT_ENDED;
t_end_seq <= 1'b1;
t_align <= 1'b1;
t_bits[0] <= 'h000001;
t_lens[0] <= 24;
t_bits[1] <= 'hB7; // sequence end
t_lens[1] <= 8;
end else if( s_en_blk ) begin
t_i_frame <= g_i_frame;
t_y16 <= g_y16;
t_x16 <= g_x16;
t_inter <= g_inter;
t_mvx <= g_mvx;
t_mvy <= g_mvy;
t_nzflags <= s_nzflags;
t_stat <= PUT_BLOCK_INFO;
if( g_x16 == '0 ) begin // start of slice
if( g_y16 == '0 ) begin // start of frame
if( g_i_frame == '0 ) begin // start of GOP
t_align <= 1'b1;
t_bits <= '{ 'h000001, 'hB8, t_frame_hour, t_frame_minute, {1'b1, t_frame_second}, t_frame_insec, 'h2 }; // GOP header (59 bits)
t_lens <= '{ 24, 8, 6, 6, 7, 6, 2 };
t_align <= 1'b1;
t_bits <= '{ 'h000001, t_i_frame, 'h10000, 'h0, 'h000001, 'hB58111, 'h1BC000 }; // frame header (136 bits for I-frame, 144 bits for P-frame)
t_lens <= '{ 24, 18, 19, 3, 24, 24, 24 };
if ( t_i_frame != '0 ) begin // for P-frame
t_bits[2] <= 'h20000;
t_bits[3] <= 'h380;
t_lens[3] <= 11;
// for new frame, update time code ---------------------------
t_frame_insec <= t_frame_insec + 6'd1;
if( t_frame_insec == 6'd23 ) begin
t_frame_insec <= '0;
t_frame_second <= t_frame_second + 6'd1;
if( t_frame_second == 6'd59 ) begin
t_frame_second <= '0;
t_frame_minute <= t_frame_minute + 6'd1;
if( t_frame_minute == 6'd59 ) begin
t_frame_minute <= '0;
if( t_frame_hour < 6'd63 )
t_frame_hour <= t_frame_hour + 6'd1;
t_stat <= PUT_BLOCK_INFO;
t_align <= 1'b1;
t_bits <= '{ 'h000001, 1+t_y16, (2<<Q_LEVEL), 'h0, 'h0, 'h0, 'h0 }; // slice header : 38 bits
t_lens <= '{ 24, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// for new slice, clear the previous DC value and the previous motion vector ---------------------------
{t_prev_Y_dc, t_prev_U_dc, t_prev_V_dc} <= '0;
t_prev_mvx <= '0;
t_prev_mvy <= '0;
t_stat <= PUT_TILE;
// put block type -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ~t_inter && t_i_frame != '0 ) begin // intra block in a P-frame
t_bits[0] <= 'h23;
t_lens[0] <= 6;
end else if ( t_inter && t_nzflags == '0 ) begin // inter block with all zeros
t_bits[0] <= 'h09;
t_lens[0] <= 4;
end else begin // otherwise (the most case)
t_bits[0] <= 'h03;
t_lens[0] <= 2;
// for inter block, put motion vector and nzflags ------------------------------------------------------------------
if( t_inter ) begin
// put motion vector x ------------------------------------------------------------------
dmv = t_mvx;
dmv -= t_prev_mvx;
if (dmv > 7'sd15)
dmv -= 7'sd32;
else if (dmv < -7'sd16)
dmv += 7'sd32;
dmvabs = (dmv < 7'sd0) ? (5)'($unsigned(-dmv)) : (5)'($unsigned(dmv)) ;
t_bits[1] <= BITS_MOTION_VECTOR[dmvabs];
t_lens[1] <= LENS_MOTION_VECTOR[dmvabs];
if (dmv != 7'sd0) begin
t_bits[2] <= (1)'(dmv < 7'sd0);
t_lens[2] <= 1;
// put motion vector y ------------------------------------------------------------------
dmv = t_mvy;
dmv -= t_prev_mvy;
if (dmv > 7'sd15)
dmv -= 7'sd32;
else if (dmv < -7'sd16)
dmv += 7'sd32;
dmvabs = (dmv < 7'sd0) ? (5)'($unsigned(-dmv)) : (5)'($unsigned(dmv)) ;
t_bits[3] <= BITS_MOTION_VECTOR[dmvabs];
t_lens[3] <= LENS_MOTION_VECTOR[dmvabs];
if (dmv != 7'sd0) begin
t_bits[4] <= (1)'(dmv < 7'sd0);
t_lens[4] <= 1;
// put nzflags ------------------------------------------------------------------
t_bits[5] <= BITS_NZ_FLAGS[t_nzflags];
t_lens[5] <= LENS_NZ_FLAGS[t_nzflags];
t_prev_mvx <= t_mvx;
t_prev_mvy <= t_mvy;
end else begin // for intra block, clear the previous motion vector
t_prev_mvx <= '0;
t_prev_mvy <= '0;
PUT_TILE : begin
nzflag = t_nzflags[5];
if (t_cnt == 4'd0) begin // DC value
val = t_zig_blk[0][0]; // val <- DC value
diff_dc = val;
if (t_num_tile < 3'd4) begin
diff_dc -= t_prev_Y_dc;
t_prev_Y_dc <= t_inter ? '0 : val; // save the DC value as the previous Y DC value for next tile
end else if (t_num_tile == 3'd4) begin
diff_dc -= t_prev_U_dc;
t_prev_U_dc <= t_inter ? '0 : val; // save the DC value as the previous U DC value for next tile
end else begin
diff_dc -= t_prev_V_dc;
t_prev_V_dc <= t_inter ? '0 : val; // save the DC value as the previous V DC value for next tile
if (t_inter) begin // put DC value (INTER)
if (val == '0) begin
t_runlen <= 6'd1;
end else if( val == 12'sd1 || val == -12'sd1 ) begin
if (nzflag) begin
t_bits[0] <= { 1'b1, (1)'(val<12'sd0) };
t_lens[0] <= 2;
end else begin
if (nzflag)
{t_bits[0], t_lens[0]} <= put_AC(val, 6'd0);
end else begin // put DC value (INTRA)
tmp_val = (12)'($unsigned( (diff_dc < 13'sd0) ? -diff_dc : diff_dc ));
vallen = '0;
for (int i=0; i<12; i++)
if (tmp_val[i])
vallen = (4)'(i+1);
tmp_val = (12)'($unsigned(diff_dc));
if (diff_dc < 13'sd0)
tmp_val += ((12'd1 << vallen) - 12'd1);
if (nzflag) begin
t_bits[0] <= (t_num_tile < 3'd4) ? BITS_DC_Y[vallen] : BITS_DC_UV[vallen];
t_lens[0] <= (t_num_tile < 3'd4) ? LENS_DC_Y[vallen] : LENS_DC_UV[vallen];
t_bits[1] <= tmp_val;
t_lens[1] <= vallen;
end else begin // AC value
runlen = t_runlen;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) begin
val = t_zig_blk[0][i+1];
if (val != 12'sd0) begin
if (nzflag)
{t_bits[i], t_lens[i]} <= put_AC(val, runlen);
runlen = 6'd0;
end else
runlen ++;
t_runlen <= runlen;
t_append_b10 <= nzflag && (t_cnt == 4'd9); // for the last cycle of a tile, append 2'b10 to the MPEG2 stream
if (t_cnt < 4'd9) begin // NOT the last cycle of a tile
t_cnt <= t_cnt + 4'd1;
t_num_tile <= t_num_tile;
end else begin // the last cycle of a tile
t_num_tile <= t_num_tile + 3'd1;
if (t_num_tile == 3'd5) // the last tile
t_stat <= PUT_IDLE; // end of this block, return to IDLE
t_nzflags <= (t_nzflags << 1);
always @ (posedge clk)
PUT_IDLE : begin
if( s_en_blk ) begin
for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
for(int j=0; j<64; j++)
t_zig_blk[i][j] <= s_zig_blk[i][j];
PUT_TILE : begin
if (t_cnt == 4'd0) begin // DC value
end else if (t_cnt < 4'd9) begin // NOT the last cycle of a tile
for (int i=1; i<=56; i++)
t_zig_blk[0][i] <= t_zig_blk[0][i+7]; // shift AC values for 7 steps
end else begin // the last cycle of a tile
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) // switch the tiles
for(int j=0; j<64; j++)
t_zig_blk[i][j] <= t_zig_blk[i+1][j];
reg [ 169:0] u_bits ; // max 170 bits
reg [ 7:0] u_lens ; // 0~170
reg u_align ;
reg u_end_seq1 ;
reg u_end_seq2 ;
logic [ 169:0] ut_bits; // temporary variable, not real register
logic [ 7:0] ut_lens; // temporary variable, not real register
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
u_bits <= '0;
u_lens <= '0;
u_align <= '0;
{u_end_seq2, u_end_seq1} <= '0;
end else begin
ut_bits = '0;
ut_lens = '0;
if (t_append_b10) begin
ut_bits = 170'b10;
ut_lens += 8'd2;
for (int i=6; i>=0; i--) begin
ut_bits |= ( (170)'(t_bits[i]) << ut_lens );
ut_lens += t_lens[i];
u_bits <= ut_bits;
u_lens <= ut_lens;
u_align <= t_align;
{u_end_seq2, u_end_seq1} <= {u_end_seq1, t_end_seq};
reg [ 254:0] v_bits ; // max 255 bits
reg [ 7:0] v_lens ; // 0~255
reg [ 255:0] v_data ;
reg v_en ;
reg v_last ;
logic [ 431:0] vt_bits; // 432 bits, temporary variable, not real register
logic [ 8:0] vt_lens; // temporary variable, not real register
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if(~rstn) begin
v_bits <= '0;
v_lens <= '0;
v_data <= '0;
v_en <= '0;
v_last <= '0;
end else begin
if (u_end_seq2) begin // a special case: end of sequence
v_bits <= '0;
v_lens <= '0;
v_data <= {v_bits, 1'b0};
v_en <= 1'b1;
v_last <= 1'b1;
end else begin
vt_lens = (9)'(v_lens);
if (u_align && vt_lens[2:0] != 3'h0) begin
vt_lens[2:0] = '0;
vt_lens[8:3] ++; // align lens to a multiple of 8 bits (1 byte)
vt_lens += (9)'(u_lens);
vt_bits = {v_bits, 177'h0} | ( (432)'(u_bits) << (9'd432-vt_lens) );
v_lens <= vt_lens[7:0];
if (vt_lens[8]) begin
{v_data, v_bits} <= {vt_bits, 79'h0};
v_en <= 1'b1;
end else begin
v_bits <= vt_bits[431:177];
v_en <= 1'b0;
v_last <= 1'b0;
assign o_en = v_en;
assign o_last = v_last;
assign o_data = v_data;