@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
use std ::{ os ::unix ::process ::CommandExt , process ::Command } ;
use anyhow ::Context as _ ;
use structopt::StructOpt ;
use clap::Parser ;
use crate ::build_ebpf ::{ build_ebpf , Architecture , Options as BuildOptions } ;
#[ derive( StructOpt )]
#[ derive( Debug, Parser )]
pub struct Options {
/// Set the endianness of the BPF target
#[ structopt (default_value = " bpfel-unknown-none " , long) ]
#[ clap (default_value = " bpfel-unknown-none " , long) ]
pub bpf_target : Architecture ,
/// Build and run the release target
#[ structopt (long)]
#[ clap (long)]
pub release : bool ,
/// The command used to wrap your application
#[ structopt (short, long, default_value = " sudo -E " ) ]
#[ clap (short, long, default_value = " sudo -E " ) ]
pub runner : String ,
/// Arguments to pass to your application
#[ structopt (name = " args " , last = true) ]
#[ clap (name = " args " , last = true) ]
pub run_args : Vec < String > ,