@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
//! User space probes.
use std::{
ffi::{CStr, OsStr, OsString, c_char},
io::{self, BufRead, Cursor, Read},
io::{self, BufRead as _, Cursor, Read as _},
os::{fd::AsFd as _, unix::ffi::OsStrExt},
os::{fd::AsFd as _, unix::ffi::OsStrExt as _},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
@ -108,7 +107,8 @@ impl UProbe {
pid: Option<pid_t>,
cookie: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<UProbeLinkId, ProgramError> {
let path = resolve_attach_path(target.as_ref(), pid)?;
let proc_map = pid.map(ProcMap::new).transpose()?;
let path = resolve_attach_path(target.as_ref(), proc_map.as_ref())?;
let (symbol, offset) = match location.into() {
UProbeAttachLocation::Symbol(s) => (Some(s), 0),
UProbeAttachLocation::SymbolOffset(s, offset) => (Some(s), offset),
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ impl UProbe {
let offset = if let Some(symbol) = symbol {
let symbol_offset =
resolve_symbol(&path, symbol).map_err(|error| UProbeError::SymbolError {
resolve_symbol(path, symbol).map_err(|error| UProbeError::SymbolError {
symbol: symbol.to_string(),
error: Box::new(error),
@ -141,24 +141,23 @@ impl UProbe {
fn resolve_attach_path(target: &Path, pid: Option<pid_t>) -> Result<Cow<'_, Path>, UProbeError> {
// Look up the path for the target. If it there is a pid, and the target is a library name
// that is in the process's memory map, use the path of that library. Otherwise, use the target as-is.
pid.and_then(|pid| {
find_lib_in_proc_maps(pid, target)
.map_err(|io_error| UProbeError::FileError {
filename: Path::new("/proc").join(pid.to_string()).join("maps"),
.map(|v| v.map(Cow::Owned))
.or_else(|| target.is_absolute().then(|| Ok(Cow::Borrowed(target))))
fn resolve_attach_path<'a, 'b, 'c>(
target: &'a Path,
proc_map: Option<&'b ProcMap>,
) -> Result<&'c Path, UProbeError>
'a: 'c,
'b: 'c,
.and_then(|proc_map| proc_map.find_lib(target))
.or_else(|| target.is_absolute().then(|| Ok(target)))
.or_else(|| {
.map_err(|io_error| UProbeError::InvalidLdSoCache { io_error })
.map(|cache| cache.resolve(target).map(Cow::Borrowed))
.map(|cache| cache.resolve(target))
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
@ -179,10 +178,11 @@ fn resolve_attach_path(target: &Path, pid: Option<pid_t>) -> Result<Cow<'_, Path
fn test_resolve_attach_path() {
// Look up the current process's pid.
let pid = std::process::id().try_into().unwrap();
let proc_map = ProcMap::new(pid).unwrap();
// Now let's resolve the path to libc. It should exist in the current process's memory map and
// then in the ld.so.cache.
let libc_path = resolve_attach_path("libc".as_ref(), Some(pid)).unwrap();
let libc_path = resolve_attach_path("libc".as_ref(), Some(&proc_map)).unwrap();
let libc_path = libc_path.to_str().unwrap();
// Make sure we got a path that contains libc.
@ -262,47 +262,46 @@ pub enum UProbeError {
fn proc_maps_libs(pid: pid_t) -> Result<Vec<(OsString, PathBuf)>, io::Error> {
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt as _;
let maps_file = format!("/proc/{pid}/maps");
let data = fs::read(maps_file)?;
struct ProcMap {
data: Vec<u8>,
let libs = data
.split(|b| b == &b'\n')
.filter_map(|mut line| {
while let [stripped @ .., c] = line {
if c.is_ascii_whitespace() {
line = stripped;
impl ProcMap {
fn new(pid: pid_t) -> Result<Self, UProbeError> {
let filename = PathBuf::from(format!("/proc/{pid}/maps"));
let data = fs::read(&filename)
.map_err(|io_error| UProbeError::FileError { filename, io_error })?;
Ok(Self { data })
let path = line.split(|b| b.is_ascii_whitespace()).next_back()?;
fn libs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&OsStr, &Path)> {
let Self { data } = self;
data.split(|&b| b == b'\n').filter_map(|line| {
line.split(|b| b.is_ascii_whitespace())
.filter(|p| !p.is_empty())
.and_then(|path| {
let path = Path::new(OsStr::from_bytes(path));
.then(|| {
.map(|file_name| (file_name.to_owned(), path.to_owned()))
.and_then(|()| path.file_name())
.map(|file_name| (file_name, path))
fn find_lib_in_proc_maps(pid: pid_t, lib: &Path) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, io::Error> {
let libs = proc_maps_libs(pid)?;
fn find_lib(&self, lib: &Path) -> Option<&Path> {
let lib = lib.as_os_str();
let lib = lib.strip_suffix(OsStr::new(".so")).unwrap_or(lib);
Ok(libs.into_iter().find_map(|(file_name, path)| {
self.libs().find_map(|(file_name, path)| {
file_name.strip_prefix(lib).and_then(|suffix| {
(suffix.starts_with(OsStr::new(".so")) || suffix.starts_with(OsStr::new("-")))