
Welcome to Building eBPF Programs with Aya: An introductory book about using the Rust Programming Language and Aya library to build extended Berkley Packet Filter (eBPF) programs.

Who Aya Is For

Rust is proving to be a popular systems programming language because of its safety features and excellent C interoperability. The safety features are less important in the context of eBPF as programs often need to read kernel memory, which is considered unsafe. However, what Rust combined with Aya does offer is a fast and efficient development experience:

  • Cargo for project scaffolding, build, test and debugging
  • Generation of Rust bindings to Kernel Headers with Compile-Once, Run-Everywhere (CO-RE) support
  • Easy code sharing between user-space and eBPF programs
  • Fast compile times
  • No runtime dependency on LLVM or BCC


The goals of this book are:

  • Get developers up to speed with eBPF Rust development. i.e. How to set up a development environment.

  • Share current best practices about using Rust for eBPF

Who This Book is For

This book caters towards people with either some eBPF or some Rust background. For those without any prior knowledge we suggest you read the "Assumptions and Prerequisites" section first. You can check out the "Other Resources" section to find resources on topics you might want to read up on.

Assumptions and Prerequisites

  • You are comfortable using the Rust Programming Language, and have written, run, and debugged Rust applications on a desktop environment. You should also be familiar with the idioms of the 2018 edition as this book targets Rust 2018.
  • You are familiar with the core concepts of eBPF

Other Resources

If you are unfamiliar with anything mentioned above or if you want more information about a specific topic mentioned in this book you might find some of these resources helpful.

RustRust BookIf you are not yet comfortable with Rust, we highly suggest reading this book.
eBPFCilium BPF and XDP Reference GuideIf you are not yet comfortable with eBPF, this guide is excellent.

How to Use This Book

This book generally assumes that you’re reading it front-to-back. Later chapters build on concepts in earlier chapters, and earlier chapters may not dig into details on a topic, revisiting the topic in a later chapter.

Source Code

The source files from which this book is generated can be found on GitHub.

eBPF Program Constraints

The eBPF Virtual Machine, where our eBPF programs will be run, is a constrained runtime environment:

  • There is only 512 bytes of stack (or 256 bytes if we are using tail calls).
  • There is no access to heap space and data must instead be written to maps.

Even applications written in C are restricted to a subset of language features:

  • no loops
  • no global variables
  • no variadic functions
  • no floating-point numbers
  • no passing structures as function arguments

While these limitations do not map 1:1 with Rust, we are still constrained:

  • We may not use the standard library. We use core instead.
  • core::fmt may not be used and neither can traits that rely on it, for example Display and Debug
  • As there is no heap, we cannot use alloc or collections.
  • We must not panic as the eBPF VM does not support stack unwinding, or the abort instruction.
  • There is no main function

Alongside this, a lot of the code that we write is unsafe, as we are reading directly from kernel memory.

Getting Started

In this section we'll walk you through the process of writing, building and running a simple eBPF program and userspace application.

Development Environment


Before getting started you will need the Rust stable and nightly tool-chains installed on your system. This is easily achieved with [rustup]:

rustup install stable
rustup install nightly --component rust-src

Once you have the Rust tool-chains installed, you must also install the bpf-linker - for linking our eBPF program - and cargo-generate - for generating the project skeleton.

cargo +nightly install bpf-linker
cargo install cargo-generate

Starting A New Project

To start a new project, you can use cargo-generate:

cargo generate

This will prompt you for a project name. We'll be using myapp in this example

Hello XDP!

Example Project

While there are myriad trace points to attach to and program types to write we should start somewhere simple.

XDP (eXpress Data Path) programs permit our eBPF program to make decisions about packets that have been received on the interface to which our program is attached. To keep things simple, we'll build a very simplistic firewall to permit or deny traffic.

eBPF Component

Permit All

We must first write the eBPF component of our program. The logic for this program is located in myapp-ebpf/src/ and currently looks like this:


fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
  • #![no_std] is required since we cannot use the standard library.
  • #![no_main] is required as we have no main function.
  • The #[panic_handler] is required to keep the compiler happy, although it is never used since we cannot panic.

Let's expand this by adding an XDP program that permits all traffic.

First we'll add some imports:

use aya_bpf::bindings::xdp_action;
use aya_bpf::cty::c_long;
use aya_bpf::macros::xdp;
use aya_bpf::programs::XdpContext;

Then our application logic:

pub fn xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
    match unsafe { try_xdp_firewall(ctx) } {
        Ok(ret) => ret,
        Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,

unsafe fn try_xdp_firewall(_ctx: XdpContext) -> Result<u32, c_long> {
  • #[xdp] indicates that this function is an XDP program
  • The try_xdp_firewall function returns a Result that permits all traffic
  • The xdp_firewall program calls try_xdp_firewall and handles any errors by returning XDP_ABORTED, which will drop the packet and raise a tracepoint exception.

Now we can compile this using cargo xtask build-ebpf

Verifying The Program

Let's take a look at the compiled eBPF program:

$ llvm-objdump -S target/bpfel-unknown-none/debug/myapp

target/bpfel-unknown-none/debug/myapp:  file format elf64-bpf

Disassembly of section xdp:

0000000000000000 <xdp_firewall>:
       0:       b7 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 r0 = 2
       1:       95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 exit

We can see an xdp_firewall section here. r0 = 2 sets register 0 to 2, which is the value of the XDP_PASS action. exit ends the program.


Completed Program


use aya_bpf::bindings::xdp_action;
use aya_bpf::cty::c_long;
use aya_bpf::macros::xdp;
use aya_bpf::programs::XdpContext;

fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {

pub fn xdp_firewall(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
    match unsafe { try_xdp_firewall(ctx) } {
        Ok(ret) => ret,
        Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,

unsafe fn try_xdp_firewall(_ctx: XdpContext) -> Result<u32, c_long> {

User-space Component

Now our eBPF program is complete and compiled, we need a user-space program to load it and attach it to a trace point. Fortunately, we have a program ready in myapp/src/ which is going to do that for us.

Starting Out

The generated application has the following content:

fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = try_main() {
        eprintln!("error: {:#}", e);

fn try_main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {

Let's adapt it to load our program.

We'll need the following imports at the top of the file:

use aya::Bpf;
use aya::programs::{Xdp, XdpFlags};
use std::{

Then we'll adapt the try_main function to load our program:

fn try_main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let path = match env::args().nth(1) {
        Some(iface) => iface,
        None => panic!("not path provided"),
    let iface = match env::args().nth(2) {
        Some(iface) => iface,
        None => "eth0".to_string(),
    let mut bpf = Bpf::load_file(&path)?;
    let probe: &mut Xdp = bpf.program_mut("xdp")?.try_into()?;
    probe.attach(&iface, XdpFlags::default())?;
    for _i in 1..10 {

The program takes two positional arguments

  • The path to our eBPF application
  • The interface we wish to attach it to (defaults to eth0)

The line let mut bpf = Bpf::load_file(&path)?;:

  • Opens the file
  • Reads the ELF contents
  • Creates any maps
  • If your system supports BPF Type Format (BTF), it will read the current BTF description and performs any necessary relocations

Once our file is loaded, we can extract the XDP probe with let probe: &mut Xdp = bpf.program_mut("xdp")?.try_into()?; and then load it in to the kernel with probe.load().

Finally, we can attach it to an interface with probe.attach(&iface, XdpFlags::default())?;

Let's try it out!

cargo build
sudo ./target/debug/myapp ./target/bpfel-unknown-none/debug/myapp wlp2s0

That was uneventful. Did it work?

The Lifecycle of an eBPF Program

You'll notice that our program ends by sleeping for 10 seconds and you may even have wondered what this is for...

When you load an eBPF program or map in to the kernel, the kernel maintains a reference count. So, when our eBPF application is loaded, the kernel returns a file descriptor and the reference count is incremented. When our program terminates, the file descriptor is closed, the reference count is decremented and the memory (eventually) freed.

You can see this when by issuing the sudo bpftool prog list command when myapp is running:

84: xdp  tag 3b185187f1855c4c  gpl
        loaded_at 2021-08-05T13:35:06+0100  uid 0
        xlated 16B  jited 18B  memlock 4096B
        pids myapp(69184)

For our firewall to work once the user-space program has exited, we'll need to pin it to the BPF FS.