You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

13803 lines
604 KiB

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This file is intended to be loaded by Logisim-evolution v3.8.0(
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1 2 3 4 5 0 0 ff
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<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="size" val="30"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="size" val="30"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="text" val="0x2 biaoshi jishu oushu"/>
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<a name="text" val="0x0 biao biao shi yichu "/>
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<a name="text" val="0x1 ruguo quan wei 1 biaoshi quan shi 0"/>
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<a name="text" val="ruguo jian fa yichu, jiu shuo ming b bi a da shi wu xiao de , jian fa xiao jianqu da jiu hui yi chu danshi co shi 0, suoyi qufan"/>
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<a name="text" val="这俩是连接到寄存器的虽然是8位和DC SC一样"/>
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<a name="contents">addr/data: 16 32
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8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47
2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
47 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
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8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47
2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
47 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
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8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440
2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
440 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
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8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2004
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440
2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
440 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 440 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 440 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2004 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2004 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2004 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46
87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46
87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 87 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46
480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46
480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 46 480 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4
46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47
2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4
46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47
2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 46 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4
46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440
2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4
46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440
2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 46 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040
87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040
87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 87 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040
480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480
8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040
480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 1040 480 8*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4
1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47
2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4
1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47
2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 47 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4
1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440
2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4
1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95
6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440
2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040
95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 440 2a4 1040 95 6*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4
10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040
1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4
8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040
1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4
8040 1c0e4 10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040
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10*40000000 8040 1c0a4 8040 1c0c4 8040 1c0e4 10*40000000
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<a name="contents">addr/data: 3 2
0 1 1 2 1 2 2 3
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<wire from="(720,910)" to="(730,910)"/>
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<wire from="(770,520)" to="(890,520)"/>
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<wire from="(830,980)" to="(1370,980)"/>
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<wire from="(840,910)" to="(850,910)"/>
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<wire from="(850,910)" to="(860,910)"/>
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<wire from="(890,520)" to="(890,890)"/>
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<wire from="(970,890)" to="(980,890)"/>
<wire from="(970,910)" to="(980,910)"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="FlipFlop_R_S"/>
<a name="circuitnamedboxfixedsize" val="true"/>
<a name="simulationFrequency" val="1.0"/>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="67" y="115">S</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="98" y="113">P</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="133" y="75">Q</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#ffffff" font-family="Dialog" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="107" y="146">RS触发器</text>
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<circ-port dir="in" pin="320,360" x="50" y="110"/>
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<circ-port dir="in" pin="340,430" x="100" y="120"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="R"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(320,360)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="S"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(340,140)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="label" val="C"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(340,430)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="north"/>
<a name="label" val="P"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(510,240)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="Q"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(510,340)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="Q1"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(440,240)" name="NOR Gate">
<a name="inputs" val="3"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(440,340)" name="NOR Gate">
<a name="inputs" val="3"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(370,120)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="清零"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(380,465)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="设置为1"/>
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<wire from="(340,240)" to="(380,240)"/>
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<wire from="(460,240)" to="(510,240)"/>
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<wire from="(460,340)" to="(510,340)"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="FlipFlop_D"/>
<a name="circuitnamedboxfixedsize" val="true"/>
<a name="simulationFrequency" val="1.0"/>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="85" y="77">C</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="65" y="84">D</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="115" y="75">Q</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="116" y="102">Q1</text>
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<circ-port dir="in" pin="260,460" x="50" y="100"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="D"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="en"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(510,590)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="P"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(520,340)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="C"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="Q"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="Q1"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
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<comp lib="1" loc="(420,440)" name="AND Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(420,490)" name="AND Gate"/>
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<wire from="(300,420)" to="(330,420)"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="FlipFlopEdge_D"/>
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<a name="simulationFrequency" val="1.0"/>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="83" y="75">C</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="65" y="84">D</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="105" y="75">Q</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="105" y="102">Q1</text>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="D"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="cp"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="C"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="P"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="Q"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="Q1"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
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<a name="text" val="清零"/>
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<comp loc="(720,420)" name="FlipFlop_D"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="105" y="74">Q</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="111" y="96">Q1</text>
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<a name="label" val="C"/>
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<a name="text" val="手动发送一次脉冲"/>
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<a name="text" val="最高位控制想要读写哪一个存储器"/>
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<a name="text" val="当然也可以使用最低位 性能可以更好"/>
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<a name="text" val="如果RW为0, 那么i无论是什么值, o输出也是0"/>
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<a name="text" val="o接着8x1存储器也就不工作"/>
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<a name="contents">addr/data: 3 8
1 2 3 4 5 0 0 ff
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<a name="facing" val="west"/>
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<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(400,250)" name="NOT Gate">
<a name="facing" val="north"/>
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<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(430,290)" name="Controlled Buffer">
<a name="control" val="left"/>
<a name="facing" val="north"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="text" val="we"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(145,295)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="cs"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(150,315)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="en"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(240,580)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="we为0的时候则进行输出"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(280,495)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="en有效位有效的时候 就关闭外部修改 只能内部修改"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(355,535)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="en有效位失效也就是计数器不在工作的时候才能从外部修改寄存器中的值"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(420,565)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="WE是整体控制是否可以修改计数器 无论是内部还是外部"/>
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<comp loc="(660,310)" name="Adder_8"/>
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<wire from="(290,290)" to="(310,290)"/>
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<wire from="(400,300)" to="(420,300)"/>
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<wire from="(430,170)" to="(430,290)"/>
<wire from="(430,170)" to="(450,170)"/>
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<wire from="(430,370)" to="(430,420)"/>
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<wire from="(590,210)" to="(700,210)"/>
<wire from="(590,350)" to="(620,350)"/>
<wire from="(690,340)" to="(740,340)"/>
<wire from="(740,340)" to="(740,420)"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="Delay"/>
<a name="circuitnamedboxfixedsize" val="true"/>
<a name="simulationFrequency" val="8.0"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<comp lib="0" loc="(830,160)" name="Pin">
<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(210,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(250,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(290,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(330,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(370,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(410,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(450,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(490,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(530,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(570,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(610,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(650,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(690,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(730,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(770,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(810,200)" name="NOT Gate"/>
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<wire from="(170,170)" to="(170,200)"/>
<wire from="(170,200)" to="(180,200)"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="ALU_psw"/>
<a name="circuitnamedboxfixedsize" val="true"/>
<a name="simulationFrequency" val="1.0"/>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="64" y="104">cp</text>
<rect height="3" stroke="none" width="10" x="50" y="79"/>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="63" y="64">OP</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="86" y="74">a</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="105" y="74">b</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="140" y="103">s</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="144" y="83">PSW</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#ffffff" font-family="Dialog" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" x="110" y="129">带状态字ALU</text>
<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="142" y="64">o</text>
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<a name="facing" val="west"/>
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<a name="incoming" val="4"/>
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<a name="appear" val="center"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="fanout" val="4"/>
<a name="incoming" val="4"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="cp"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="en"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="OP"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="a"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="b"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="appear" val="center"/>
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<a name="bit2" val="0"/>
<a name="bit3" val="0"/>
<a name="bit4" val="1"/>
<a name="bit5" val="1"/>
<a name="bit6" val="1"/>
<a name="bit7" val="1"/>
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<a name="incoming" val="8"/>
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<a name="incoming" val="4"/>
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<a name="bit3" val="0"/>
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<a name="bit7" val="1"/>
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<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="o"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="label" val="PSW"/>
<a name="output" val="true"/>
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<a name="control" val="left"/>
<a name="facing" val="north"/>
<a name="width" val="4"/>
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<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="inputs" val="4"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(330,720)" name="OR Gate">
<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="inputs" val="4"/>
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<a name="control" val="left"/>
<a name="facing" val="north"/>
<a name="width" val="4"/>
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<a name="facing" val="west"/>
<a name="inputs" val="4"/>
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<a name="control" val="left"/>
<a name="facing" val="north"/>
<a name="width" val="4"/>
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<a name="size" val="30"/>
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<a name="control" val="left"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<comp lib="5" loc="(340,500)" name="Hex Digit Display"/>
<comp lib="5" loc="(380,500)" name="Hex Digit Display"/>
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<comp lib="5" loc="(730,510)" name="Hex Digit Display"/>
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<a name="text" val="en kong zhi o de shu chu"/>
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<a name="text" val="op为0做假发加法,1做减"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="AluFull"/>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="121" y="113">s</text>
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<a name="facing" val="west"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
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<a name="size" val="30"/>
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<a name="inputs" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="size" val="30"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="inputs" val="3"/>
<a name="size" val="30"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(640,250)" name="AND Gate">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="size" val="30"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
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<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="size" val="30"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(720,360)" name="Controlled Buffer">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(800,250)" name="XOR Gate">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="size" val="30"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(800,360)" name="Controlled Buffer">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(920,360)" name="Controlled Buffer">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(920,590)" name="Controlled Buffer">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
<a name="width" val="8"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(155,985)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="0x2 biaoshi jishu oushu"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(160,640)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="en第一位控制alu输出"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(160,935)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="0x0 biao biao shi yichu "/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(165,1035)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="0x2 表示奇数 还是偶数"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(265,890)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="0x0表示是否加法溢出 或者减法小的减大的溢出"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(270,975)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="0x1 ruguo quan wei 1 biaoshi quan shi 0"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(575,1005)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="0x1 表示 如果8位的结果都是0 那么这里就是1"/>
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<a name="text" val="C清除状态字"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(780,940)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="ruguo jian fa yichu, jiu shuo ming b bi a da shi wu xiao de , jian fa xiao jianqu da jiu hui yi chu danshi co shi 0, suoyi qufan"/>
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<comp loc="(510,100)" name="Invert"/>
<comp loc="(510,190)" name="Adder_8"/>
<comp loc="(830,720)" name="MemoryRegister"/>
<comp loc="(940,220)" name="Invert">
<a name="facing" val="south"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="custom"/>
<a name="circuit" val="RegisterController"/>
<a name="circuitnamedboxfixedsize" val="true"/>
<a name="simulationFrequency" val="1.0"/>
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<a name="text" val="这个直接连到DST寄存器"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(820,305)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="等于把寄存器中的值传出去"/>
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<a name="text" val="这个连到SRC寄存器"/>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="64" y="83">dd</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="290" y="166">Clr</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="start" x="62" y="183">dst_2</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="153" y="63">MSR</text>
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<text dominant-baseline="alphabetic" fill="#404040" font-family="Dialog" font-size="12" text-anchor="end" x="301" y="144">D</text>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="SRC"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="BP"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
<a name="label" val="SP"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="appearance" val="NewPins"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="width" val="2"/>
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<a name="facing" val="north"/>
<comp lib="1" loc="(240,140)" name="NOT Gate"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(1035,175)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="这俩是连接到寄存器的虽然是8位和DC SC一样"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(135,480)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="16位输出"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(210,295)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="控制如果30位 是1 就清空pc"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(320,635)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="16位输出"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(345,105)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="记录微指令周期, 执行到具体哪一步了"/>
<comp lib="8" loc="(535,50)" name="Text">
<a name="text" val="32位输入"/>
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