
阳光少年 9 months ago
parent 842c312f02
commit f5429a3e14

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// verilog使 / , , ,
module div(
(*mark_debug="true"*)input wire sys_clk, // U18
(*mark_debug="true"*)input wire sys_rst //J15
parameter t_1 = 8;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_1-1:0] a_8 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_1-1:0] b_8 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*) wire o_8 = a_8 / b_8;
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst) begin
if (!sys_rst) begin
a_8 <= 'b1;
b_8 <= 'b1;
else begin
a_8 <= a_8 + 'b1;
b_8 <= b_8 + 'b1;
parameter t_2 = 16;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_2-1:0] a_16 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_2-1:0] b_16 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*) wire o_18 = a_16 / b_16;
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst) begin
if (!sys_rst) begin
a_16 <= 'b1;
b_16 <= 'b1;
else begin
a_16 <= a_16 + 'b1;
b_16 <= b_16 + 'b1;
parameter t_3 = 28;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_3-1:0] a_28 = 'b1_1000;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_3-1:0] b_28 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*) wire o_28 = a_28 / b_28;
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst) begin
if (!sys_rst) begin
a_28 <= 'b1;
b_28 <= 'b1;
else begin
a_28 <= a_28 + 'b1;
b_28 <= b_28 + 'b1;

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#! /usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/bin/vvp
:ivl_version "12.0 (stable)";
:ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL";
:vpi_time_precision + 0;
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/system.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/vhdl_sys.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/vhdl_textio.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/v2005_math.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/va_math.vpi";
S_0x7fa89ad06690 .scope module, "div" "div" 2 1;
.timescale 0 0;
.port_info 0 /INPUT 1 "sys_clk";
.port_info 1 /INPUT 1 "sys_rst";
P_0x7fa89ad057c0 .param/l "t_1" 0 2 7, +C4<00000000000000000000000000001000>;
P_0x7fa89ad05800 .param/l "t_2" 0 2 24, +C4<00000000000000000000000000010000>;
v0x7fa89ad06880_0 .net *"_ivl_0", 7 0, L_0x7fa89ad17050; 1 drivers
v0x7fa89ad168e0_0 .net *"_ivl_4", 15 0, L_0x7fa89ad17210; 1 drivers
v0x7fa89ad16980_0 .var "a_16", 15 0;
v0x7fa89ad16ad0_0 .var "a_8", 7 0;
v0x7fa89ad16ba0_0 .var "b_16", 15 0;
v0x7fa89ad16cf0_0 .var "b_8", 7 0;
v0x7fa89ad16d80_0 .net "o_18", 0 0, L_0x7fa89ad172f0; 1 drivers
v0x7fa89ad16e20_0 .net "o_8", 0 0, L_0x7fa89ad17110; 1 drivers
o0x7fa89aa32188 .functor BUFZ 1, C4<z>; HiZ drive
v0x7fa89ad16ee0_0 .net "sys_clk", 0 0, o0x7fa89aa32188; 0 drivers
o0x7fa89aa321b8 .functor BUFZ 1, C4<z>; HiZ drive
v0x7fa89ad16f80_0 .net "sys_rst", 0 0, o0x7fa89aa321b8; 0 drivers
E_0x7fa89ad056c0/0 .event negedge, v0x7fa89ad16f80_0;
E_0x7fa89ad056c0/1 .event posedge, v0x7fa89ad16ee0_0;
E_0x7fa89ad056c0 .event/or E_0x7fa89ad056c0/0, E_0x7fa89ad056c0/1;
L_0x7fa89ad17050 .arith/div 8, v0x7fa89ad16ad0_0, v0x7fa89ad16cf0_0;
L_0x7fa89ad17110 .part L_0x7fa89ad17050, 0, 1;
L_0x7fa89ad17210 .arith/div 16, v0x7fa89ad16980_0, v0x7fa89ad16ba0_0;
L_0x7fa89ad172f0 .part L_0x7fa89ad17210, 0, 1;
.scope S_0x7fa89ad06690;
T_0 ;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%store/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ad0_0, 0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%store/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16cf0_0, 0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%store/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16980_0, 0, 16;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%store/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ba0_0, 0, 16;
.thread T_0;
.scope S_0x7fa89ad06690;
T_1 ;
%wait E_0x7fa89ad056c0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16f80_0;
%flag_set/vec4 8;
%jmp/0xz T_1.0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ad0_0, 0;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16cf0_0, 0;
%jmp T_1.1;
T_1.0 ;
%load/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ad0_0;
%addi 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ad0_0, 0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16cf0_0;
%addi 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16cf0_0, 0;
T_1.1 ;
%jmp T_1;
.thread T_1;
.scope S_0x7fa89ad06690;
T_2 ;
%wait E_0x7fa89ad056c0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16f80_0;
%flag_set/vec4 8;
%jmp/0xz T_2.0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16980_0, 0;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ba0_0, 0;
%jmp T_2.1;
T_2.0 ;
%load/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16980_0;
%addi 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16980_0, 0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ba0_0;
%addi 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fa89ad16ba0_0, 0;
T_2.1 ;
%jmp T_2;
.thread T_2;
# The file index is used to find the file name in the following table.
:file_names 3;

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
module mul(
(*mark_debug="true"*)input wire sys_clk, // U18
(*mark_debug="true"*)input wire sys_rst //J15
parameter t_1 = 8;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_1-1:0] a_8 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_1-1:0] b_8 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*) wire o_8 = a_8 * b_8;
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst) begin
if (!sys_rst) begin
a_8 <= 'b1;
b_8 <= 'b1;
else begin
a_8 <= a_8 + 'b1;
b_8 <= b_8 + 'b1;
parameter t_2 = 16;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_2-1:0] a_16 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_2-1:0] b_16 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*) wire o_18 = a_16 * b_16;
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst) begin
if (!sys_rst) begin
a_16 <= 'b1;
b_16 <= 'b1;
else begin
a_16 <= a_16 + 'b1;
b_16 <= b_16 + 'b1;
parameter t_3 = 28;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_3-1:0] a_28 = 'b1_1000;
(*mark_debug="true"*)reg [t_3-1:0] b_28 = 'b1;
(*mark_debug="true"*) wire o_28 = a_28 * b_28;
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst) begin
if (!sys_rst) begin
a_28 <= 'b1;
b_28 <= 'b1;
else begin
a_28 <= a_28 + 'b1;
b_28 <= b_28 + 'b1;

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#! /usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/bin/vvp
:ivl_version "12.0 (stable)";
:ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL";
:vpi_time_precision + 0;
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/system.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/vhdl_sys.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/vhdl_textio.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/v2005_math.vpi";
:vpi_module "/usr/local/Cellar/icarus-verilog/12.0/lib/ivl/va_math.vpi";
S_0x7fc906406830 .scope module, "mul" "mul" 2 1;
.timescale 0 0;
.port_info 0 /INPUT 1 "sys_clk";
.port_info 1 /INPUT 1 "sys_rst";
P_0x7fc906406fb0 .param/l "t_1" 0 2 7, +C4<00000000000000000000000000001000>;
P_0x7fc906406ff0 .param/l "t_2" 0 2 24, +C4<00000000000000000000000000010000>;
P_0x7fc906407030 .param/l "t_3" 0 2 42, +C4<00000000000000000000000000011100>;
v0x7fc906407770_0 .net *"_ivl_1", 7 0, L_0x7fc906418af0; 1 drivers
v0x7fc906418030_0 .net *"_ivl_5", 15 0, L_0x7fc906418c70; 1 drivers
v0x7fc9064180d0_0 .net *"_ivl_9", 27 0, L_0x7fc906418e50; 1 drivers
v0x7fc906418180_0 .var "a_16", 15 0;
v0x7fc9064182d0_0 .var "a_28", 27 0;
v0x7fc906418420_0 .var "a_8", 7 0;
v0x7fc9064184b0_0 .var "b_16", 15 0;
v0x7fc906418560_0 .var "b_28", 27 0;
v0x7fc906418630_0 .var "b_8", 7 0;
v0x7fc906418770_0 .net "o_18", 0 0, L_0x7fc906418d70; 1 drivers
v0x7fc906418800_0 .net "o_28", 0 0, L_0x7fc906418f40; 1 drivers
v0x7fc9064188c0_0 .net "o_8", 0 0, L_0x7fc906418b90; 1 drivers
o0x7fc906532248 .functor BUFZ 1, C4<z>; HiZ drive
v0x7fc906418980_0 .net "sys_clk", 0 0, o0x7fc906532248; 0 drivers
o0x7fc906532278 .functor BUFZ 1, C4<z>; HiZ drive
v0x7fc906418a20_0 .net "sys_rst", 0 0, o0x7fc906532278; 0 drivers
E_0x7fc906407670/0 .event negedge, v0x7fc906418a20_0;
E_0x7fc906407670/1 .event posedge, v0x7fc906418980_0;
E_0x7fc906407670 .event/or E_0x7fc906407670/0, E_0x7fc906407670/1;
L_0x7fc906418af0 .arith/mult 8, v0x7fc906418420_0, v0x7fc906418630_0;
L_0x7fc906418b90 .part L_0x7fc906418af0, 0, 1;
L_0x7fc906418c70 .arith/mult 16, v0x7fc906418180_0, v0x7fc9064184b0_0;
L_0x7fc906418d70 .part L_0x7fc906418c70, 0, 1;
L_0x7fc906418e50 .arith/mult 28, v0x7fc9064182d0_0, v0x7fc906418560_0;
L_0x7fc906418f40 .part L_0x7fc906418e50, 0, 1;
.scope S_0x7fc906406830;
T_0 ;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%store/vec4 v0x7fc906418420_0, 0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%store/vec4 v0x7fc906418630_0, 0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%store/vec4 v0x7fc906418180_0, 0, 16;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%store/vec4 v0x7fc9064184b0_0, 0, 16;
%pushi/vec4 24, 0, 28;
%store/vec4 v0x7fc9064182d0_0, 0, 28;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 28;
%store/vec4 v0x7fc906418560_0, 0, 28;
.thread T_0;
.scope S_0x7fc906406830;
T_1 ;
%wait E_0x7fc906407670;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418a20_0;
%flag_set/vec4 8;
%jmp/0xz T_1.0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418420_0, 0;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418630_0, 0;
%jmp T_1.1;
T_1.0 ;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418420_0;
%addi 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418420_0, 0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418630_0;
%addi 1, 0, 8;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418630_0, 0;
T_1.1 ;
%jmp T_1;
.thread T_1;
.scope S_0x7fc906406830;
T_2 ;
%wait E_0x7fc906407670;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418a20_0;
%flag_set/vec4 8;
%jmp/0xz T_2.0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418180_0, 0;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc9064184b0_0, 0;
%jmp T_2.1;
T_2.0 ;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418180_0;
%addi 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418180_0, 0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc9064184b0_0;
%addi 1, 0, 16;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc9064184b0_0, 0;
T_2.1 ;
%jmp T_2;
.thread T_2;
.scope S_0x7fc906406830;
T_3 ;
%wait E_0x7fc906407670;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418a20_0;
%flag_set/vec4 8;
%jmp/0xz T_3.0, 8;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 28;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc9064182d0_0, 0;
%pushi/vec4 1, 0, 28;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418560_0, 0;
%jmp T_3.1;
T_3.0 ;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc9064182d0_0;
%addi 1, 0, 28;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc9064182d0_0, 0;
%load/vec4 v0x7fc906418560_0;
%addi 1, 0, 28;
%assign/vec4 v0x7fc906418560_0, 0;
T_3.1 ;
%jmp T_3;
.thread T_3;
# The file index is used to find the file name in the following table.
:file_names 3;